Yo MODS!!!!!!!!!! A question please? (Yo Mokoa... you been served!)

Whispers's Avatar
There is a discussion in Austin regarding Short Term Availability Threads and another MOD weighed in on the "misconception" that the San Antonio one works.....

I am set up with 40 posts on a page. I went to the San Antonio thread.So, right now, there were 35 posts on my last page.

I saw posts that were not 12 hours apart. I saw posts with titles. I saw posts that were straight ads with no time. Most ads said now until 9 or 11 PM. I say it is not working in San Antonio.

So, as I said, if the mods do this, they are giving the providers a daily ad along with the authorized ads. And setting themselves up for a pain in the ass trying to keep it going within the rules. Originally Posted by Pistolero

What's up guys? Is the only way this works here because you are too "busy" to enforce the rules you came up with?

There is a discussion in Austin regarding Short Term Availability Threads and another MOD weighed in on the "misconception" that the San Antonio one works.....

What's up guys? Is the only way this works here because you are too "busy" to enforce the rules you came up with?

Originally Posted by Whispers
My first thought would be why do you care? You don't hobby in San Antonio much less use the short notice availability thread. Me personally I don't even really look at the short notice thread myself since I like to plan out my hobbying in advance. But I like the fact that it is available if for some reason I did want to take advantage of it. I mean what exactly does it hurt other than some stupid advertising rule. I mean does it really make a difference if a lady wants to say hey I am available. Isn't that what the hobby is about guys being able to find girls they can fuck and ladies being able to let guys know on how they can get fucked. Or are you just bored and trolling again since you have nothing else better to do than to bore the San Antonio Co-ed with your opinions that no one here really cares about.

savak's Avatar
  • savak
  • 10-05-2014, 08:13 PM
whats the point of having rules then if they wont be enforced?

whats the point of having rules then if they wont be enforced?

Originally Posted by savak


Those rules are there to level out the playing field, not to hurt anyone.

RTM it....

That thread is one of the dumbest thing that has come out of San Antonio. Hooktards don't obey rules... Last time I checked prostitution was illegal... They don't seem to follow that law either.

Follow the freebies and you'll find the biggest offenders.
savak's Avatar
  • savak
  • 10-05-2014, 08:43 PM
And to quote a former mod:

Ladies and gents. Due to the constant skirting of the rules in the San Antonio All Day / All Night Super Availability Super Thread, the other thread has been closed. I ask you to please follow the rules of this new thread. Please RTM any violations. Advertising (of any kind) will not be tolerated.


and it looks like it was a battle he struggled with it as well...


as they say....old habits do die hard

looks like whimmers is onto something

Those rules are there to level out the playing field, not to hurt anyone.

RTM it....

Camille Originally Posted by CamilleFox69
I have read and understand the rules but what do you mean by leveling the playing field I mean should Coca Cola have been allowed to use Brittney Spears while she was advertising for Pepsi or Tiger Woods for Reebok while he is ad advertising for Nike so that way the playing field would be "level".

I mean all the girls have access to a computer and the same resources as the other girls so if a lady wants to use her imagination and come out with a more elaborate AD with pictures that SHE wants to put out there to entice guys to see her then is that what advertising is all about and kind of the whole point of this site to begin with. So where exactly is the playing field not level

just my .02
I think that Big-Titties McFox was referring to was that hooktards break the rules, and no one keeps them in check. By the time a modtard gets to it, a lot of fucktards have already seen the ad.
savak's Avatar
  • savak
  • 10-05-2014, 08:59 PM

the playing field isn't level when the site owners clearly designed this forum to have only two ads per week where providers can post pictures, prices, time availability

but instead providers are using the short notice availability thread to do a daily ad that sometimes do violate that very rule.

And on top of that as pistolero pointed out, some of the posts aren't even really daily ads when the provider posts more than once within 12 hours (last I heard a day lasts 24 hours).
I think that Big-Titties McFox was referring to was that hooktards break the rules, and no one keeps them in check. By the time a modtard gets to it, a lot of fucktards have already seen the ad. Originally Posted by Simon Riley

Thank you.
initial d's Avatar
It's closed.....
Snatch or no snatch. I'm gonna eat some pie.
I have read and understand the rules but what do you mean by leveling the playing field I mean should Coca Cola have been allowed to use Brittney Spears while she was advertising for Pepsi or Tiger Woods for Reebok while he is ad advertising for Nike so that way the playing field would be "level".

I mean all the girls have access to a computer and the same resources as the other girls so if a lady wants to use her imagination and come out with a more elaborate AD with pictures that SHE wants to put out there to entice guys to see her then is that what advertising is all about and kind of the whole point of this site to begin with. So where exactly is the playing field not level

just my .02 Originally Posted by a10bomb

Those rules are there to level out the playing field, not to hurt anyone.

RTM it....

Camille Originally Posted by CamilleFox69
I didn't even know there was a short notice thread. And I hardly ever get on the boards, or even comment on anything. But, my opinion is why does it matter if a provider posts an ad everyday? I see no harm in it. And I cannot understand for the life of me how posting 2 ads per week "LEVELS THE PLAYING FIELD". Now, posting one every 2 minutes is just ridiculous. But, why would 1 a day hurt? Maybe someone could explain to me exactly HOW this rule "levels the playing field".
Also, rules CAN BE changed. We change laws in the real world by going to our state representative and presenting your opinions and getting enough people to agree with changing this said law. I do understand enforcing rules because they are there for a reason. But THIS rule is just DUMB. And I personally think it should be changed. As I said, 1 ad a day shouldn't hurt. Hell, P411 allows you to post ads once a day. EVEN PAY to put your ad at the top EVERYDAY. And it works for them. And the "playing field" there is not "UNLEVEL". Girls post threADS in coed all the time anyway. So, what's the difference? Really, there are some guys that get on here and need something quick and they have to go through all the ads searching for someone and then they may message like 10 girls before they find one that's available on short notice. So, what's the harm in letting a hobbyist know you're available on short notice? If you don't need a hookah right away THEN DON'T GO INTO THAT THREAD!!!

In the words of A10Bomb... Just my .02
I didn't even know there was a short notice thread. And I hardly ever get on the boards, or even comment on anything. But, my opinion is why does it matter if a provider posts an ad everyday? I see no harm in it. And I cannot understand for the life of me how posting 2 ads per week "LEVELS THE PLAYING FIELD". Now, posting one every 2 minutes is just ridiculous. But, why would 1 a day hurt? Maybe someone could explain to me exactly HOW this rule "levels the playing field".
Also, rules CAN BE changed. We change laws in the real world by going to our state representative and presenting your opinions and getting enough people to agree with changing this said law. I do understand enforcing rules because they are there for a reason. But THIS rule is just DUMB. And I personally think it should be changed. As I said, 1 ad a day shouldn't hurt. Hell, P411 allows you to post ads once a day. EVEN PAY to put your ad at the top EVERYDAY. And it works for them. And the "playing field" there is not "UNLEVEL". Girls post threADS in coed all the time anyway. So, what's the difference? Really, there are some guys that get on here and need something quick and they have to go through all the ads searching for someone and then they may message like 10 girls before they find one that's available on short notice. So, what's the harm in letting a hobbyist know you're available on short notice? If you don't need a hookah right away THEN DON'T GO INTO THAT THREAD!!!

In the words of A10Bomb... Just my .02 Originally Posted by SweetCara

Dear Cara,

Maybe you are not aware of the rules of the SNATCH thread and of what was going on there...

Providers were allowed to not only post ONE post a day as you had asked for above, but actually ONE POST EVERY 12 HOURS, making it 2 POSTS PER DAY... Without having to pay anything for it...

Those rules are in place to "level the playing field" for the following reason:

1. I can post my availability and so can everyone else. I CANNOT utilize my pictures there, or videos, or happy faces, or bold and screaming fonts to call attention to myself. MY ability to put an ad together could not interfere with anyone on that thread.

2. If I post more than one post every 12 hours and you actually follow the rules, I am inundating the thread with MY availability, while you, following the rules, end up eating dust, just because I am not respectful of rules. If I, and everyone else, follow the rules, we all have one shot at visibility EVERY TWELVE HOURS, using the SAME FONTS, NO PICTURES, etc...

THAT is leveling the playing field. Now... We all have the opportunity to post ads twice a weeks. What and how you decide to do it, it's completely up to you. I know how I do it.

As for "changing the rules", yes, we can try to change rules/laws etc... But you don't do it by breaking them and stepping on other people's rights. All providers HAD the RIGHT to post EVERY 12 HOURS. I CANNOT try to change this rule by simply stepping on other ladies' rights by breaking the rules and just doing whatever the hell I want to.

It's a real shame that, because of people not following the rules, we are losing another form of marketing and communication with our clients. How's that for changing the rules?

Just my 0.02...

Whispers's Avatar
I didn't even know there was a short notice thread. And I hardly ever get on the boards, or even comment on anything. But, my opinion is why does it matter if a provider posts an ad everyday? I see no harm in it.

But the board belongs to the Owners and they decided what they wanted to allow.

And I cannot understand for the life of me how posting 2 ads per week "LEVELS THE PLAYING FIELD".

2 ads... 10 ads... So long as the rules apply to everyone equally and they are enforced equally it should be fair...

Now, posting one every 2 minutes is just ridiculous. But, why would 1 a day hurt?

Ask the owners......

Maybe someone could explain to me exactly HOW this rule "levels the playing field".

Also, rules CAN BE changed. We change laws in the real world by going to our state representative and presenting your opinions and getting enough people to agree with changing this said law.

That does not work in an environment such as this. At the top we do not have elected people wanting to keep our votes... This is a privately owned website and the owner decided what he/she wants.

I do understand enforcing rules because they are there for a reason. But THIS rule is just DUMB. And I personally think it should be changed. As I said, 1 ad a day shouldn't hurt. Hell, P411 allows you to post ads once a day. EVEN PAY to put your ad at the top EVERYDAY. And it works for them.

So... advertise there.....

And the "playing field" there is not "UNLEVEL". Girls post threADS in coed all the time anyway. So, what's the difference?

threADS can be shut down pretty effectively by other members in CoEd.... Members are not allowed to post to Ads..... there IS a difference....

Really, there are some guys that get on here and need something quick and they have to go through all the ads searching for someone and then they may message like 10 girls before they find one that's available on short notice. So, what's the harm in letting a hobbyist know you're available on short notice? If you don't need a hookah right away THEN DON'T GO INTO THAT THREAD!!!

In the words of A10Bomb... Just my .02 Originally Posted by SweetCara
It was worth exactly what his was.... 2 cents....