Review:CG4U Redux Grade A++ For Style....LOL

collegegirlforyou's Avatar
Sorry didn't want to post on Periwinkles review/non review seeing how it lacked style and charm so this is the Redux Edition... but for all those wondering as to what this lengthy little essay refers to you can find it here:

Oh wow…I’m flattered that I got a whole thread dedicated to little ole’ me It’s amazing how so much can be said on me missing an appointment, and before I write another word let me say Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!!! to all those who said such nice things about me. It was nice to smile so many times on such an otherwise damning thread, it made my day!, and I really truly appreciate yall!
Now to those who wrote some not so nice things…well I’ll get to each of those in a bit.
I don’t want any of the guys who said nice things on my behalf to worry about writing another word. There’s no point to defend me to my critics for they all have their reasons, (some valid, some invalid, and some thinly veiled in years of psychological defects) and due to their own visceral condemnation issues, will never miss a chance to put a guy down for committing the ultimate sin, in the “brotherhood of bros before hoes”, sticking up for a girl even if the guy and girl are FRIENDS. Yes it may come off as a condescending point but one that should be made.
A “White Knight” could be a friend to the sinister young lady in question, and I for one stick up for my friends and it’s always nice to know that I have friends who stick up for me. THAT’S NOT A NEGATIVE THING! Oh and for the standard comeback that goes a little like this... “Oh they are not real friends they are only kissing ass to get something out of it…” Let me explain something real quick. Most relationships are of a symbiotic nature meaning both organisms benefit from the partnership. A challenging concept, I know, but mainly for the individuals out there with more of the parasitic characteristics and qualities. Honestly if no white knight existed then eventually every single girl in the biz would become jaded and then, you gents out there in hobbyland would be left with a bunch of soul-less and callus street walkers, (Yes, I know. To some that wouldn't be much of an issue, but for the fans of TRUE GFE it would be a damn shame) so instead of condemning the guys who say nice things about a girl THEY like, you guys you should either shrug it off if you don’t agree or listen to their message because more often than not they know the culprit better than you do. Now as for the ones who already sees all providers as soul less money sucking vampires who must have malicious greed inspired intentions in all of their actions all I can do is say…

Piss off! and leave my friends alone for sticking up for me.

As Dada Vaswani said “Only a fortunate few seek the Beloved. Only a blessed few seek to enter the shrine of the heart”
(a little sentimental i know but keep in mind I am a GFEstyle provider so most of my thoughts are on the softer side of things and if you don't like it then stick with the sentiment I offered in the line before the quote )

Now without further ado I will attempt to stick up for myself and address all complaints and comments in an orderly manner. Excuse my brief vulgarity but keeping with the tone of this thread …

Let’s get this shit started…

I’m very sorry for not seeing Mr. Periwinkle. I did have some unfortunate “real world” obstacles that caused not just one but several delays on my end, and looking back on the day as a whole I was pretty all over the place and although I tried to communicate all things in a timely manner I probably should’ve scrubbed the apt as a whole but I kept thinking it was doable and I was trying my best to make it happen. Now as for what my delays were or what the entirety of the communication consisted of between the two of us, well that’s a private matter. But for the public statements I’ll try my best to address them…

posted by Asian Nuts:
There is no excuse for not calling if you can't make it just say so. I pm CG4U 3 time but she never response back, so I stop pm her . she don't want my money trust me other girl will . no girl is worth the trouble because you are paying for the service. Thanks for the heads up with her kinda glad I didn't meet up with her because I don't have time to wast. They change you there time but if its your time that they wast its OK. If we let them keep on doing it its always going to happen a lot of girls here like Alpfa always on time and very fun to be with that's just one example. I don't do a lot of review but I been playing a lot

I am a low volume provider and that’s due to a lot of strains on my time…I’m a single mother of a special needs child, a college student, a provider…etc. etc. Now I got behind at the last part of last year and the first part of this year due to my son’s hospitalizations and other such things. ( do not expect many more details then that about my real world existence and do not pretend to know a damn thing about me or my motives if you plan on simply talking out of your ass ) I have tried hard to get caught up on getting back to everyone who has wanted to see me and I really appreciate the level of patience and understanding that I have received from the community as a whole. It always makes me feel great and appreciative to see a guy who has been wanting/waiting to see me for a while but our schedules never lined up. (My youthful exuberance and willingness to please, somehow always extends to the gentleman’s the ability to forget the journey and enjoy the destination) I hope to be completely caught up soon, but for anyone reading this feel free to send me a message anytime even if you have before and didn’t hear back because I don’t ignore very many people intentionally. I want to see gents with class and any nice guy is always welcomed in my company.

Now as for you Asian Nuts…I don’t believe I ever did anything to you other then not get back to you and unfortunately you are one of like twelve people I Ignored on purpose. When I read your very brief initial message I then allotted the benefit of the doubt and looked at all of your posts to get a feel for you and honestly…I felt like your online presence painted you like a trashy douche, but that’s OK, because there is plenty of other girls willing to take your money so... why waste so much of the “time you don’t have to waste” whining about my lack of response? I typically don’t see moco trolls because if you troll on moco then that means you can actually understand that short hand ebonic slang that not even this young girl comprehends, and that means you’re not my kinda of guy…Sorry. BTW it’s a contradiction to say you don’t have “time to waste” and then have so many posts about what you found and didn't find on mocospace, It’s a chat room for teens who by nature do nothing but WASTE TIME…and people with the cognitive equivalence of teens…bragging about getting anal for 60 dollars isn’t called cool it’s called AIDS…

Posted by periwinkle:
She never canceled, just left me hanging there waiting. I've not heard back from her, explaining the situation. Another client just pm-ed me and said he had a 4 pm scheduled with her on the SAME DAY. Meanwhile I am waiting for an hour for a no-show, then a long drive back. It's just bad form and there is no excuse for it. I can't invest another 5 hours when I can't be sure if the appointment will take place. If she wants to come to my place, then I would be happy to give her a second chance, but my trust level for CG4U is zero, and we've never met. Not a good first impression and you know what they say about first impressions...

You’re right and after your text message at 3:05 saying you’re going to head back home I assumed that meant you were heading back home. I’m sorry. All in all I must thank my guardian angels because at first I was so frustrated with how the day was going and I sincerely felt bad…but now after reading all of this (and not to mention for a few other private reasons) I’m glad I never got to experience your company. I was honestly going to get back to you when I regained the ability to text and offer a makeup session at a discounted price (as I have done in the past when RW things caused a nc/ns or last min. canceled appt. to a few clients that later became regulars) but you posted this riveting review at 10 pm the same night and when I was able to text the next day I really wasn't feeling too good about you as a whole. I do not want to come to your place and your trust in me is a non-factor as my interaction with you will be limited to this one single post on this thread. Save that second chance for someone who still sees you as a decent male

Posted by Asian Nuts:
I notice that in real life and on this board guys love to kiss girls ass. Make sure that you wash your mouth before you eat orbit will taste like shit

For a guy who trolls moco for 60 dollar anal and 20 dollar bj saying that guys need to wash their mouth out is…well...Ironic but at least I now know why you do so well there. With grammar like that it must be frustrating to talk to grown ups.

Posted by toadvine:
She's had great reviews and no history of issues although I've never seen her. However, our time is equally valuable, some of us more valuable than the 250/hr appointment. There's no reason a girl can't just text and say " it ain't gonna happen today". That's just good business and this is a business

Yup, yup yup, I agree some guys times are more valuable than mine and with respect some aren’t…perspective and circumstance goes a long way. And I’ve been in the “business” for 4 years and like you point out not much a history of negative remarks but heck even Amazon gets a bad review for customer service once in a while. Maybe the guy got a little creepy and the girl had some stuff to take care of. Maybe there was a whole range of particulars that caused the infraction, but I'm not going to try to achieve absolution on an online forum, I’m just saying you could go with 4 years of no drama, no bs, no issues, and a whole bunch of positive reviews or the WORD of a gent who honestly thought that there must be a vast moderator/white knight conspiracy at work when the moderator moved this thread to it’s proper place. Yeah I saw Von once and even though it was a looong time ago we made a super secret bff pact that he would protect me at all cost no matter the pain it caused the masses. I think that's how it went down...It's hard to remember with all the shady dealings I am involved with at every one of my slumber parties. LOL. Pointing out the obvious crazy is only necessary to reinforce my point.

Posted by mayorcastro:
I've never seen her BCD but I believe that's the first negative thing I've ever read about her on here.

I know, right? It’s almost like I wasn’t rock solid perfect one day and without knowing a single FACT other then what the conspiracy spouting baby whines about…a whole lot of guys jump in and state the obvious. Yes, I know NC/NS is bad. Canceling last min. is bad. Being a creepy tool is bad. All of those Facts are a given. Obviously they are not my norm, and if you ask people who actually see me they will tell you that despite my tendency to engage in acts of corruption and make deals with people in a Godfather-like manner, all in all, I’m a pretty sweet well adjusted hottie who loves what she does, and loves meeting and making new friends. By the way, for the pathetic trolls out there, does mayorcastro count as a white knight for saying something nice even if we haven’t met? I’m just wondering…btw thank you

Posted by periwinkle:
It is very interesting that "Von Spieler" who has had a session with CG4U and is conveniently a "moderator" has decided to move this review to the co-ed discussion? I personally don't care where it is moved. I just want any clients who have never seen CG4U what they might expect. If you have a conflict of interest, better to bow out.

{please try to imagine me saying this part in an old timey Victorian dialect}
Conspiracy!!!! Conspiracy!!!! Good lord alert the masses. Circle the wagons! Tell the village and the church elders that CG4U is awful just awful. For the love of god, man!! I do what I do, not in my name, but for the benefits of all my countryman, nay, my brotheren. Not because I’m bitter and maybe a little off…she shall not…No! Must no be allowed to hurt another as she has hurt me.
I also hear she hates puppies and facebook!!!

{thats enough of my victorian alter ago back to the real CG4U...}

99.9% of the time if you are a nice normal guy with good refs and non creepy texts you really don’t have to worry. I’m sincerely sweet and I’ve been told by…everyone…that I’m a just a peach to be around, but by all means if you are wary of my treachous ways, heed his warning before it’s too late….muahahahaha

Posted by lasvegas:
periwinkle... thanks for the information... no worries , this isnt a contest , this is what HAPPEN TO YOU! glad you stepped up to the plate .... most will avoid wk's and NOT put up a no show... kudos to you! i am sure this wasnt the first and wont be the last...

Nope, it wasn’t my first and as much as I would like to envision myself as perfection incarnate it won’t be my last…but I’ll always do my best to make amends…(if you are not a creepy whinny little bit*h about it) And really? You of all people should know that there are two sides to every story…just imagine if all us providers believed everything we hear or read by jaded or upset providers in the powder room or in alerts.

Again by las vegas:
periwinkle as mentioned this is WHAT HAPPEN TO YOU! i guess now its NOT unblemished... real world does happen but 2 minutes to pm ; text ; smoke signal ; whatever...only takes 2 mins... and most def after the fact still no word??? its just pussy.. the cure of cancer is not inside hers... again THIS IS WHAT HAPPEN TO YOU! wont be the last..

YES YES YES it probably won’t be the last….we get it. No need for the ominous warning at the end of both threads…and again 2 sides to the story. You really don’t know anything about the circumstances but felt the need to post the same thing twice? Jaded much? Perhaps a provider did you wrong? And maybe, just maybe, after dealing with whatever I had to deal with I didn’t exactly have the mindset to talk to mr. bitter creepy pants (yes its a pet name but it's fitting in regard to the handle, periwinkle)and he posted this thread the same day so by the time I was able to go back into "Hobby world" mindset, this was already posted and do you really think I felt like apologizing to the cry baby at that point? I'm a provider i'm not a freaking saint..I wasted allegedly wasted his time i didn't slaughter a litter of his kittens

Posted by Asian Nuts:
My god I see more pussy on here then on the street . keep your balls with you . if she didn't call or text back there is no excuse and give her another chance to do the same .. I don't think so and tco11 your lost and my gain, dude there are other girls out there that provided better service quit kissing ass

OK further examples of why I never saw your immature childish ass. I’m pretty sure if I had to be within 15 ft of you a little bit of my soul would die (or brain cells at the very least) and how could you possibly know about the service I provide? Last I checked you couldn’t even get a response from me…so maybe instead of trashing white knights to mask your insecurities and {clears throat} shortcomings, you should drop the façade and start the path to recovery. It’s a long road but one day with some guidance and a strong mind you can complete the transformation from used douche to a man. I believe in you!!!

Posted by Asian nuts:

If something happen then why didn't she pm him back the next day or explain herself she already set appointment with other guys. If she didn't fell comfortable with periwinkle then tell him don't make him waste his time let use know no big deal there are other providers 250 hr come on I don't even make that much and hr . yes we should show woman respect but give us some respect to . it's just common courtesy that's all. When we don't make it we call you let you know. How would they like it if we could do a no show no call I don't think they like it very much does everything is an appointment set

How the hell do you have the gift of being psychic and all-knowing? and still have to tap dirty hood for 20 dollars? I mean yeah you’re right why didn’t I PM him or Text him or yeah something like that…I’m sorry douche, Did I stand you up? Oh no, I just ignored you as you YOU pointed out in your first reply on this thread…I mean I appreciate you not being bitter about it or anything, but hell if I knew I had that kind of effect on you I would’ve replied with a quick message saying…sorry you’re trashy, disrespectful, and you come off as something between what you would find in a public bathroom and what you have to wipe off your shoes after stepping in dog poo. But I didn’t want to ruin your self esteem less you become a more intolerable tool.
But special emphaisis on this part…
How would they like it if we could do a no show no call I don't think they like it very much does everything is an appointment set
As grammatically (not to mention stylishly) painful as this is to read it’s good to know your’re all powerful psychic powers are at it again. Yes you’re right we providers NEVER get stood up, nc/ns canceled on and oh hell let me tell you about how many GROWN MEN I have to remind that bareback is NOT on the menu. Yes you guys take so much abuse from us evil gals and all you give is perfectly timed and apprioately mannered affection.

Posted by VonErich:

How long before she posts an alert so she doesn't look like a flake

I don’t know…how long? check it there? Check again, it's ok, I'll wait

[COLOR="Mag[B][SIZE="3"]Posted by Asian nuts:
SofaKingFun your telling me none of her white knights guys didn't call or text her about this . if so that's why she hasn't been on line. The reason he post it so we will know . hoes before Bros

If there is anything my FRIENDS or as your tool ass calls them “white knights” know it is that I have a zero tolerance policy on drama even when it's drama concerning me. Honestly…I wasn’t even going to write on this thread cause I hate pointing out the blatantly obvious to the blatantly biased, but eh, I mainly wanted to know how many times I could come up with the proper synonymous for bitter douche tool. Asian Nuts and Periprincess helped me out greatly on that regard. I did like your creative turnaround of the cliché “bros before hoes”…totally cool dude…it’s like you took something and turned it around to make a point about these damn white knights. Hoes before Bros…Lol... I get it....I get it. Sophomoric, but effective. I applaud you good sir, and look forward to many more pearls of absolute wisdom and Shakespeare himself would be proud.

Posted by Chinco:

Is it still if I never did it? I’m confused what was the funny part. Is it irony? Oh I see, its funny cause I post SOOO many alerts to cover my own shortcomings…RIGHT...Nonethele ss here's your positive reinforcement...Bravo, bravo indeed. Now that I understand it, it is quite the chucklefest
(hoping my tone of sarcasm is coming across…it’s always so hard to strike the perfect balance)

Ok I think that’s it so…In summation lets cover the basics
1) NC/NS are bad. Shameful is a little bit of a stretch, but hey it’s all schematics. I mean I would categorize an adult man, who tries to bareback over and over again, and after attempting to sneak it in fails resorts to guilt and manipulation in hopes to be the “EXCEPTION” to the providers steadfast rule, as shameful. Sadly enough some weeks it could almost be referred to as the NORM…and yes that list of offenders is a looonnngg one. (not that I mean that providers have to put up with a whole bunch of crap from men who know better on a day to day basis…I mean we all know all BROs are saints and all Providers are insidious manipulators who go crying to their white knights asking for money via text with one hand while posting false alerts with the other)

2) Two sides to every story. Many gents on this thread and other threads have been on the wrong side of a hissy fit at one time or another…Did the accuser always tell ALL of the FACTS?

3) Periwinkle sounds cuter when referred to as Periprincess

4) Asian Nuts either slept through most of highschool English class or Mocospace really does kill brain cells…and honestly I only poked fun at him so much because he asserted himself so much into a situation that had no regard to him. I mean after what he said in his first reply about “time wasting” and “glad I never wasted any time on her” you would think he wouldn’t WASTE so much time keeping up the negative dialogue. It’s almost as if he is…BITTER.

5) I don’t normally waste anyone’s time as I know what it’s like and if you’re a nice classy guy with good refs and you don’t have an online presence that screams TROLL, then you and I would probably get along just fine. I urge you to make up your own mind about me. I’m not for everyone and I’m sure there’s plenty of people who would find my particular brand of humor devastating to their self-worth but if you like what you see from the ole’ showcase and in my ramblings then take the plunge.

I am the Collegegirlforyou

And either…

I am a sick and twisted sex robot with no consideration for someone’s time, who has protected her, otherwise flawless reputation, by devising a web of conspiracies involving super secret bestie pacts with the moderator and the foresight to place enough hobbysists under my wicked spell for just such an occasion so that they may come to my aid. Damn those damn white knights how dare they say that this is uncharacteristic of her and she was probably having a rough day. An affront to one of us is an affront to all of us and we must take a stand or else before we know it we will have more providers ignoring mocoheads and having real world issues that conflict with the needs of a whiny creepy dude who did everything right!!!!


I am a pretty cool girl to know, who also had a bad day. To those who don’t know to what level of communication or what was said: You probably should just hush up because if you don’t know the WHOLE story then guess what? You are mainly talking out of your ass. I will continue to provide high class GFE style sessions with gentleman who dare take the plunge and risk being that .1% in my 99.9% positive track record. I mean I would think my track record of not getting involved or starting drama on the board would grant me some leeway on a bad day, but yeah I know it’s not me that all of self proclaimed Bro-defenders or “Brofenders” (I’m coining that one to serve as the antonym of “white knight”) have a problem with…They probably have a whole lot of animosity towards a lot of different things and talking big on a forum makes them feel…well, big. More power to them. We all need our own form of mother-like comfort, and for some, that level of nurturing reinforcement is best found in the bosom of their best guy pal. Bro Power!!!

Contact me if you wanna see why I have the reputation that I have had enjoyed for almost 4 years... or don’t. It’s up to you and I wouldn’t want you to waste a single minute on me if you feel like this .1% is the norm with me. I have a lot on my plate every single day, week, and month but eh, who doesn’t? I’m not going to go into too many details about my real world personal life and circumstances in order to defend my actions and offenses to some twerp. (I love that word, It reminds me of my grandpapa. LOL). I am low volume provider and some of you appreciate that quality, others wish I operated more like a vending machine, but in order to maintain my sanity I would only like one or two appts. a day with nice, sweet gentleman who can see past my wicked nature. Last week I saw four new clients and I believe all of them enjoyed their time with me, and after I get done with lunch with my son I’ll get back to responding to messages and hopefully I can entrance a few more fantastic gentleman to further hurt the ranks of those who taking the noble stand for truth, justice, AND less we forget bros before hoes. LOL

To periwinkle,
I am sorry…Very sorry to have wasted your time that day, but look on the bright side of things, I don’t think we would have been much good together anyway as I only have room for one cry baby in my life and that spot is taken by a pretty handsome lil 5 yr old. Plus you saved yourself some moo-lah...thats always nice, right?

To all others,
I am sorry for anything I may have done, or in some cases don’t done to you. Bashing guys whose only crime was sticking up for me by saying that this one days events were uncharacteristic of me is silly because all they did was state the obvious, as many of them pointed out, you don’t typically hear much negative about me. I’m not a drama whore and when was my last alert on a client? I handle myself in a discrete, classy manner and I handle most issues I have with clients myself and I try to give the benefit of the doubt as often as common sense allows. I do not need virtual pats on my back or emoticon high fives to validate my importance. I love what I do and I love many of the providers and hobbyists here in the fantasy realm. I am blessed to have had so many friends (providers and hobbyists) that were willing to provide kind words or support to me on the not so good days or else I probably would have bowed out like 20 douche bags ago. (YES CONTRARY TO BRO BELIEF, NOT ALL CLIENTS ARE PLEASANT AND WE TOO PUT UP WITH A LOT OF SHAMEFUL BS) Fortunately the good outweigh the bad and I’m just going to get back to doing what I do and it’s up to any of the gents if they still want to see me after my blasphemous actions. I had a lot of fun writing this and if I said something negative towards one of your comments don’t take it personally I just figured I was allowed to weigh in on those who were weighing in on me and a situation they knew little to no first hand facts about.

To Asian Nuts,
It’s clear that with the evolution of animosity in your replies to this thread that I have committed the greatest affront to you and for that I am sorry. You started off by commenting on the amt. of pms you sent without getting a reply and then chimed in every chance you got. I am sorry I should have told you that I don’t see trashy or immature guys but with respect I do have a certain disclaimer at the bottom of each of my ads that you CHOSE (thus wasting more of your precious time) to ignore as it pertains directly to you
No Newbies, No Drama, No Gossip, No Creepy Douche Bag Types….or Hagglersires; moreover, it helps provide a smooth screening process. Thank you in advance!!
Well that’s about it…I know some will be butt hurt but honestly don’t expect much more time then what I already put into this on further back and forth condemning or defending the actions of me towards ONE individual. I’m pretty sure the hobbyists on this board who are not hell bent on protecting the brotherhood would rather me spend my limited online presence responding to their messages rather than engaging in back and forth with trolls who will never be satisfied with anything that a 250 dollar an hour provider says. (I never understand what my rate has to do with anything but it still got brought up, twice. Is it bitterness or some kind of weird penis envy? )
At least I don’t have to worry about a makeup session at a discounted rate or whatever to make amends, he vented about my treatment of his time and now all can stop hypothesizing about what I’m going to do about it. No alert will be posted. I am not a flake. This is not the norm. My choices and circumstances are not up for debate as no one here knows about any private communication or anything that may have transpired. Discreteness and privacy is the corner stone of my 99.9% positive reputation and part of the reason why I have enjoyed a relatively drama free existence.

Happy Hump Day and God Bless!

P.S. This kitten has claws but they don’t come out often. I’m very sorry if I came off too mean but Peripimple expressed via PM that he was posting this so no guy would ever want to see me again. To me that’s the definition of a spoiled lil bit*h. I mess up one time and he wants to hurt my primary source of income that I use to support my child with? Is his time really worth that much? Were his feelings hurt that bad? Fuck, grow up if you wanna post this to blow off steam or tell the world how much I hurt you fine, but to actually launch “Kill CG4U’s business” campaign…that’s just a wee bit intense! (I knew you were coming off a bit off) I mean I know we didn’t have the best “first impression” but really six hours after he gets “stood up” after saying “I’m heading home” he posts this hoping to destroy all sources of income for me and my kiddo. To that I say …Periprincess I’m so glad fate kept us apart that day because I am a sexy lil college cutie and I only fuck MEN…not dainty little pocketposies or whatever your handle is…

Word of the day:
Brofender: (noun) a. A man who talks out of his ass in order to gain favor and social acceptance with those of the same gender
b. An overly boastful male whose shameless displays of virtual peacocking is often just a cry for attention or approval
c. A man who has inherit animosity towards females and displays an unhealthy affinity for emoticons, platitudes and tired clichés (i.e. Bros before hoes)
d. A man who finds sticking up for females annoying and gay, but sticking up for men they haven’t met in person is… well gay but they haven’t caught on yet.
Antonyms: White Knight, Gentleman
Synonyms: Bosom Buddy,

Quote of the day:
“When I’m good, I’m very good, but when I’m bad, I’m better”
----Mae West
Real world stuff happens, CG4U has always returned texts and has had no NSNC issues that I know of. Looks like you missed out dude, but I know it can be frustrating when you are left hanging. Always have a plan B.
SASpurfan's Avatar
I vote for "pretty cool girl to know"!
Dorian Gray's Avatar

Can I get the Cliff Notes, Abridge OP thread for Dummies version?

Though I did learn a new word today.... brofender
toutiorix's Avatar
I saw her once a year or so ago. Great time. I don't think one negative review will have any impact on her.
Dick Fitzenwell's Avatar
When does the movie come out?
Samcro84's Avatar

She is awesome, one of the finest.
Precious_b's Avatar
Dare I tempt the wrath of the Brofender by saying: I love you CG4U

I don't know if it is an unwritten rule on the site, but usually a 24 hour waiting period is a good amount of time to wait before thinking of posting. The other party should have the benefit and time to communicate.
Very interesting read and a nice reminder that life does happen... it's better to keep a cool head and wait to react to something sometimes.

CG4U - I think you are gorgeous and your wit and intellect on the board is awesome. If I was a man, I'd come see you. If anything, to hear that Victorian accent
Damn Asian nuts she told you
Maryland's Avatar
Note to self - Do not piss off Miss College Girl! Fortunate for me, that hot little kitten has only purred in my company and kept those claws retracted! She is a first class GFE.

Call me a White Knight if you must...I wear it proudly when it comes to CG4U!
Way to go, CG4U! I love how you can be a class act while ripping a new asshole... Must be one of the reasons you're one of my favs.
Add CG4U to my must see list. And my must not piss off list
Yes, very well said CG4U.
We must meet again!!!!!
mayorcastro's Avatar
Your font color killed my eyes