I wave the NCNS white flag...

This needs to be said...

Too much unnecessary drama has been going around this board because, in my opinion, people are losing focus of the big picture of some major principles.


• They happen. Providers NCNS, hobbyists NCNS. There is no EXCUSE for them but it's just reality. They not only happen in our world, but in all sectors of the service industry. What pisses people off are two things: A repeat offender and someone who cannot take responsibility for their actions.

Providers: unfortunately, stuff happens and it doesn't even have to be that serious. And it happens to all of us. I've overslept, I've had a miscommunication problem here and there... it happens. What do I do? I apologize and try to make it right. The guy got REALLY upset and posted a NCNS thread about you? Yes, it can happen. It is their right. We publicly apologize, don't make excuses, and move on. It is not personal because HE DOESN'T even know US. You don't have to see him if things went south, but you can apologize. A well crafted, succinct, non poisonous, honest reply can actually boost your business! You may just have your best week yet! On another note, I've seen some seriously positive reviews come out of make-up sessions!!

Remember, if nothing else, it's better to let it go all together than to post something that will just bring negative attention to yourself. Threads die. Also, WKs, please, DO NOT bump a nasty thread about us so you may add something trivial to the conversation... We really just want that nastiness to go away... Girls, sitting on our hands, sometimes, can be the most powerful thing one can do. It displays an amazing level of self-control that many lack.

Hobbyists: Please, do realize that you post NCNS to ESTABLISH TRENDS. There is no need to be vindictive, cruel, crude, etc. Facts speak for themselves. Anyone smarter than the average bear will see right through agendas.

I know it's infuriating. I've had clients that have booked 6 am appts and completely forgot about it, leaving me sitting at my incall after having waking up at 4 am. Not fun. But, just like we post on Infoshare about some of the things that are really out of line, it should be done so by hobbyists. If it becomes a pattern of behavior, it is documented. I always find it puzzling that, when something does happen, ppl come out of the woodwork with comments such "I've always knew he/she was a (insert prerogative noun)..." Really? Thanks to YOU and your inability to speak up, someone else got screwed in a bad way.

White Knights: Providers, don't embarrass our WK. God knows they put up with enough when they stick their necks out for us. By having diarrhea of the mouth you make them look foolish. Sometimes, the testimony of a wk combined with your purest silence, followed by positive reviews, is the SHMB Holy Trinity.

Black Knights: Providers, we are CREATING these BK! Here in San Antonio we are blessed with a fairly benign board. The worst Black Knights I've seen recently around these boards are hookers with male handles and an agenda. I may be naive, but "if" our providers have male handles, they are not trying to destroy us by starting poisonous threads or making nefarious comments on our reviews. MOST of our Black Knights are gents who may not agree with something we've done and are really just asking for us to do it right. The more we take it to the board, attack them, etc, the more we make our WK look foolish. Look at the above paragraph.

In closing: We are all human. We all f*ck up. Yes, it is disgusting when someone wastes your time. Yes, it is hateful to hear someone trying to destroy something you've worked so hard to build. No, we don't need to lose our souls trying to "win" this one, we just need to communicate like adults.



mayorcastro's Avatar
If there is a hooker with a male handle that kisses your ass, can we call it a Brown Knight??
If there is a hooker with a male handle that kisses your ass, can we call it a Brown Knight?? Originally Posted by mayorcastro
No, that's called a "guideline violation" and it earns you a ban-cation.

NavyManSA2004's Avatar
Haven't had a NCNS - yet. Have had horrible directions, delayed sessions (6 hrs plus), and various other "communication issues". All-in-all, I ALWAYS thank the ladies for their time, and letting me spend some of my time with them.
BD1969's Avatar
Thoughtful, informative, honest, and positive. Thank you..
Chincho's Avatar
Most people don't have the willingness to break bad habits. They have a lot of excuses and they talk like they are victims

Carlos Santana
manuatu's Avatar
It has happened, ok, and I just move on..no biggie..just let me know...really simple..