Messaging Skillls for Gents ???

I dont know what that acronyms mean but I know it means my phone skills are good or bad.

But fellas
Why is it that you guys do not follow your own advise? You want a fast response and appt to be on time. What if i don't reply my room number fast that would suck just waiting and checking your phone right??

Its like well I reply promptly to inbox message mainly because I don't want to share telephone number. But then the messages go COLD after I give rates or area I'm in.(a few Times I see guy has plenty of reviews so I give cross streets if they say they are in a rush. . Just so you know about what area I'm in)

But I can't stand it If I given you information about my location or rates (because somehow you missed it in my post all over eccie) abd you don't respond.
please respond back telling me you are no longer interested. . Or have no time. Or simply say no thanks.
If we already talked about rates and location then you stop replying that's messed up. I'm half way scared your going to be cruising my area looking for me or something. Id just like a reply back declining the offer you messaged me for.
Does this happen to any other ladies who use inbox as main communication?

I have a number iill give it out as long as he doesn't post
that for all to see. I use my personal phone and Id like it to stay private.
RandB fan's Avatar
I dont know what that acronyms mean but I know it means my phone skills are good or bad.

But fellas
Why is it that you guys do not follow your own advise? You want a fast response and appt to be on time. What if i don't reply my room number fast that would suck just waiting and checking your phone right??

Its like well I reply promptly to inbox message mainly because I don't want to share telephone number. But then the messages go COLD after I give rates or area I'm in.(a few Times I see guy has plenty of reviews so I give cross streets if they say they are in a rush. . Just so you know about what area I'm in)

But I can't stand it If I given you information about my location or rates (because somehow you missed it in my post all over eccie) abd you don't respond.
please respond back telling me you are no longer interested. . Or have no time. Or simply say no thanks.
If we already talked about rates and location then you stop replying that's messed up. I'm half way scared your going to be cruising my area looking for me or something. Id just like a reply back declining the offer you messaged me for.
Does this happen to any other ladies who use inbox as main communication?

I have a number iill give it out as long as he doesn't post
that for all to see. I use my personal phone and Id like it to stay private. Originally Posted by Tiny girl

Get a Google number ASAP
Yup get a Google number FORSURE.
But I doooo understand. And sometimes they continue to "browse" I guess and I've had them reply hours later wanting an appointment which is then super short notice. I'm realizing if its not confirmed then its probably not happening. Most mornings I'd be up and I'd be just waiting all day. But as of soon that's not gonna work. Their tcb skills are gonna need improvement or its not gonna end up working. When somethings prebooked its golden. I can even take a "I definitely wanna see u it'll just be in this time frame on this day" because I'm low volume most weeks....
For providers with an active rw life (which I didn't used to have) its probably a big issue like it's gonna be for me now. But seeing the pattern I'm just assuming hobbying is gonna end for me when my schedule picks up next week. But like u said if they were how they'd want us to be it would work out. I just don't see it.
Ya. Just never ever post ur rw number in snatch or anywhere on here cause if its typed in to Google eccie comes up first.
Still Looking's Avatar
Walmart! Hobby Phone!
The problem I've experienced with Google Voice is with some phones there is a lag time when messages are sent. There have been times when I have sent a message to a Provider or she has sent to me and 10-30 minutes have passed before either phone receives the texts. One day I sent a text to a Provider who had these issues while in the same room. The text arrived 15 minutes later.

A Go Phone, Trac Phone, Throw away phone that I reload each month has worked best for me.

Plus, you can't send pics on google voice. Very frustrating when I wanna see a pic of the Austin/SA TS crowd such as TSSL, TSWhispers, TSWakeup, TSDrDew, TSBonn11, etc... like this one.

Definately try google voice. Theres no cost associated with it.
Unfortunately, you can have your info posted all over the place...and they will still ask.

Be leery of posting your number publicly (definately dont publicly post your real number)

....if you think hearing crickets is annoying, after youve exchanged a pm or two, imagine how annoying/frustrating it may be when your phones blowing up w calls/texts asking your location/rates. At least via pm, you "kinda" know who they are...

(Theres good n bad w everything )

If you have any questions, need me!
I'm good using the pm system
But are the guys ok with that?
I would just like a reply back in a timely manner
Dick Fitzenwell's Avatar
I'm good using the pm system
But are the guys ok with that?
I would just like a reply back in a timely manner Originally Posted by Tiny girl

I don't make arrangements through pm or email.
Precious_b's Avatar
there is another girl on this site whose primary communication was PM.
Said she didn't have a phone (which I personally don't buy knowing even though i've never met her.)
The guys thought/said she was "managed."

For alot of guys, they like to hear a voice.
But i'd only do the voice bit when a final rendez-vous is set.
Yes she got your messages
NavyManSA2004's Avatar
Not a problem for me, Tiny Girl - as you'll find out soon....

What in the world?

Come on man!
Well I've given the Number out to a few guys but I only ask that they don't all call or text randomly. I prefer email and pm.
Like now I'm getting a text from guy I must've saw last week or something but i don't even know theyre tag name from here