Free: Womens Self Defense Seminar

Considering our "risky" line of work...
i thought id share that there will be a
"Free Womens Self Defense Seminar"
this thursday (10.23) @8pm.

Itll be held at 6111 Tezəl Rd.
Ladies, 12+ are encouraged to attend.
Wear comfy work out attire.
The seminar is held monthly, by a tae kwon do organization.

Stay safe!!
Miss envy's Avatar
Thanks for the info hun, that is a great idea!!
Chincho's Avatar
Could come in handy if trolls attack you!
Could cum in handy just for the fun of it.
mayorcastro's Avatar
I think it would be easier to buy a gun and LEARN how to use it properly. Unfortunatly there are many gun owners out there that would shoot their dick off (or vagina?) if they had to use their gun in an emergency.
Bear mace.
Bear mace. Originally Posted by CamilleFox69
Well, I know who to NOT fuck with... lol!
Samcro84's Avatar
Oh I took karate many years ago and has helped me out in a couple of situations.

The self defense classes can help you keep your mind straight when you are in a bad situation. Also know where, how hard and how many times you should hit, kick, bite or other defensive moves.
My thoughts exactly, samcro.
The basic knowledge is good to have, period.
if any ladies would like to go together, lmk.
Ill find out about the next one n share the details

mr. are correct sir. Being a gun owner, isnt good enough. I used to fear having my own gun used against me. Now, im over that fear. (Not saying i do or do not own a gun, just saying its a fear i "had")
NavyManSA2004's Avatar
My thoughts exactly, samcro.
The basic knowledge is good to have, period.
if any ladies would like to go together, lmk.
Ill find out about the next one n share the details

mr. are correct sir. Being a gun owner, isnt good enough. I used to fear having my own gun used against me. Now, im over that fear. (Not saying i do or do not own a gun, just saying its a fear i "had") Originally Posted by MsPrittiKitti
MPK, great thread/info to share - doesn't surprise me it coming from someone as smart as you. Take care/be safe.