Baton Rouge, LA: 3 police shot dead, more wounded. 1 suspect dead, two on loose.

KlassyKelliAnn's Avatar
gimme_that's Avatar
Damn . . . . . im just waiting until the results of the court case. Should be around the time trump gets elected. WW3............
myren1900's Avatar
Crazy people and guns is NOT a good combination

skirtchaser79411's Avatar
Do they want a fing war well lets give them one ALL LIVES MATTER black,blue,red,green I have had a fuc@@@@@@@@@ng nuff
Super Head 713's Avatar
Martial law?
All the problems are coming from out of town, even what looks like is the shooter. Few locals have been involved in all the nonsense the last few weeks.

Interesting that 40% of those arrested over the last 10 days have been white females age 20-33, most of those from New Orleans but transplants from the Northeast, primarily Boston.
skirtchaser79411's Avatar
Fuck i dont care where they come from, we had 5 cops shot here in dallas trying to make sure the march was peacefull. fuck if they want war lets give them a fucking war, i have handguns and a sniper rifle and shotgun lets thin the heard a little and maybe they will get it
DallasRain's Avatar
Originally Posted by DallasRain
No race wars people. I hate this has happened. I am saddened ....very hurt.
I am sorry for the officers families, I am sorry it had to come to this...
Super Head 713's Avatar
Fuck i dont care where they come from, we had 5 cops shot here in dallas trying to make sure the march was peacefull. fuck if they want war lets give them a fucking war, i have handguns and a sniper rifle and shotgun lets thin the heard a little and maybe they will get it Originally Posted by skirtchaser79411
Lol do you think that you are safe ? The military is equipped for situations such as this, and also have things that will make yours look like toys....
albundy's Avatar
Fuck i dont care where they come from, we had 5 cops shot here in dallas trying to make sure the march was peacefull. fuck if they want war lets give them a fucking war, i have handguns and a sniper rifle and shotgun lets thin the heard a little and maybe they will get it Originally Posted by skirtchaser79411
Somehow I don't think that "Thinning the herd" is the answer. You pull that shit and the only thing you will "get" is dead or in jail. And killing more people just escalates into more killing. It doesn't make anyone "get it". That should be obvious to ANYONE after seeing the mess we're currently in.

That "one size fits all" mentality is the reason all of these shootings happen. "All" blacks do this or "All" whites do that and "All" cops are responsible for that and blah, blah, blah.

I'm not a holding hands, singing Kumbaya, peace and love Liberal type by any stretch. But this "race war" bullshit has to be reigned in. It's insanity.

But Herr President's America sure seems a HELL of a lot more fractured down race lines than before he took office. Not that it was perfect before, but it's gotten MUCH worse obviously. So much for him bringing people together. Quite the opposite happened actually.
skirtchaser79411's Avatar
I never said anything about race you guys did but i did not, shooting cops is not the cure, thinning the heard of assholes is what i want, as far as guns go my rifle is what the us maries call a m24 but theres is toned down a little
DallasRain's Avatar
It is just sad that we as a country are spiraling outta control!
skirtchaser79411's Avatar
it is not black white or any color but i will fire on any danger to my life or anyone
Wiley64's Avatar
Somehow I don't think that "Thinning the herd" is the answer. You pull that shit and the only thing you will "get" is dead or in jail. And killing more people just escalates into more killing. It doesn't make anyone "get it". That should be obvious to ANYONE after seeing the mess we're currently in.

That "one size fits all" mentality is the reason all of these shootings happen. "All" blacks do this or "All" whites do that and "All" cops are responsible for that and blah, blah, blah.

I'm not a holding hands, singing Kumbaya, peace and love Liberal type by any stretch. But this "race war" bullshit has to be reigned in. It's insanity.

But Herr President's America sure seems a HELL of a lot more fractured down race lines than before he took office. Not that it was perfect before, but it's gotten MUCH worse obviously. So much for him bringing people together. Quite the opposite happened actually. Originally Posted by albundy
What this state and nation needs now is common sense, civility, and open dialogue. The political correctness has shut down a persons willingness to discuss matters. We should be able to discuss issues openly while being respectful to others. In the recent shooting at the BR convenience store. I don't understand why there is so much hostility prior to the investigation being completed by the Feds. I do feel that all life is precious. Blue, black, brown, white, etc.