
Sarah Renee's Avatar
With all the new rules, and being tired from packing. It's hard to be too creative. I don't foresee me getting too creative for at least another week.

I am excited to be going shopping tomorrow in Wichita to get new sheets, towels, and rugs. That's only after the furniture is delivered though.

I hope everyone has a great week. I know it's going to be a great one in my corner of the world.


Sarah Renee
Bed, bath and .... beyond
Sarah Renee's Avatar
Bed, bath and .... beyond Originally Posted by arealcooltime
My favorite store for all things that promote relaxation! I will be grabbing new bedding and big fluff towel sets. Nothing better than crawling into fresh sheets after a long warm shower.
Best of luck! Moving always sucks!!!
HoustonRiley's Avatar
Welcome to Wichita. Ill be intown fornthe first time ever the 25th. How are you liking it so far
Sarah Renee's Avatar
I have lived here before. It was amazing the first time, but it feels like things may have dried up. Time will tell.