Movies guaranteed to make you cry

Any suggestions for movies guaranteed to make you cry? Lol
Preferably on Netflix or Hulu. Watched Seven Pounds last night. Cried a little bit and thought I’d ask for suggestions. Thanks
tpepsi's Avatar
Bambi. Gets me every time.
DallasRain's Avatar
The Notebook
Flowers in the Attic
Precious_b's Avatar
Wonder if Old Yeller going to say Old Yellow
Precious_b's Avatar
The Notebook
Flowers in the Attic Originally Posted by DallasRain
Always been a James Garner fan.
He has been able to pull off the romantic/rom-com pretty deftly.
Hatchi. If you are a dog person, it will get you crying. About a dog whose master dies and the dog keeps waiting for him to come home. Based on a true story
DallasRain's Avatar
A dogs life

artjazzandsoul's Avatar
Don't know if it's on Netflix or Hulu, but The Champ with Jon Voight and Ricky Schroeder is a guaranteed tear-jerker.
bigrich75's Avatar
the mr rogers documentary...
just childhood memories got me teary eyed
guy fawkes's Avatar
Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter...and Spring

The Pursuit of Happyness

Brokeback Mountain

Million Dollar Baby

Immortal Beloved
Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter...and Spring

The Pursuit of Happyness

Brokeback Mountain

Million Dollar Baby

Immortal Beloved Originally Posted by guy fawkes

Second that on Pursuit of Happiness and Million dollar Baby
swwaustin's Avatar
That Carl & Ellie scene in UP is sad AF. Freakin cartoon gets me choked up.
SimpsonGuy's Avatar
I dont cry on movies because im a macho latino with a hairy chest and viking beard... BUT!
“A perfect world” kinda broke my voice

Second on “pursuit of happiness” and “hatchi”
robexar's Avatar
The very end of "Saving Private Ryan"
"tell me I have been a good man"
Blackhawk Down.

Know 2 of the CAG operators that were there.

Know Michael Durant, the 160th SOAR pilot that was left behind and brutally tortured by the Somalis then used as a hostage.

It hurts even more when I think about how those brave operators describe what happened.

Fuck Les Aspin (SecDef at the time). And fuck Bill Clinton - too busy banging interns and caring about his polls to give the op the necessary air cover and armor.