Provider Question: Playlists and Music

HDGristle's Avatar
When trying to set an ambiance for your appointments, what types of playists and music do you gravitate to? Why?

Do you avoid certain genres or artists? Are there certain songs you find work for you and your clients more often than not?

For the guys... are there providers who have exceptional playlists or music playing during an appointment? Do you prefer no music at all?
Tangential to the comment - there was a massage+ provider that used to use some sort of streaming service of soothing spa type ambient music, and every 15 minutes or so it would interrupt the music with an advertisement for her to upgrade to premium. Nothing like having your relaxed sexy time take that pivot.
JaydenJynx's Avatar
I play a lot of indie rock and slower pop music. Lana Del Rey is my favorite artist of all time and her music is perfect for sessions so I play a ton of her songs.

The genre I would never play is rap music. I feel like it would just ruin the mood and it's just off putting for a lot of gentlemen.

If someone has a music request or requests no music at all that's perfectly fine with me. I'm good with whatever makes them most comfortable.
HDGristle's Avatar
Thanks Jayden