I did it with an attorney. It turned out really bad. It was a visitation issue with my children. I kept my end if the bargain but when it was his turn he filed the court papers and stated I was "pro se" which means I was representing myself,!!!!! Well needless to say went by his office and found it empty and no notice on the door. That's been 3 years and I still haven't found him. I would consider trading again but probably with someone who has good references in that area.
Originally Posted by Sweet Casey
There's more to this situation than meets the eye casually glancing over the discussion... It's not that easy to just close up a functioning law practice and disappear like that, which means that he was probably planning (possibly well before you "kept [your] end") to decamp for other reasons--it doesn't seem to me that he blew out of dodge solely to cheat you out of some free pussy.
That said, I'd strongly advise you never to barter your services as a provider with a lawyer in return for his services (or hers, if you swing that way; there's certainly Nothing Wrong With That), especially when you're retaining him for something that will potentially require actual courtroom work. An attorney fucking his client is grounds for professional discipline in just about every state I'm familiar with, so that his willingness to let you wield that potential ground for blackmail over him proves a tendency to think with the wrong head. You want a lawyer who thinks with the right head, because too fucking much can go wrong in even the simplest contested proceeding, and if the shit hit the fan you don't want your lawyer thinking so much about tapping your ass that he's overlooking ways to nail your opponent's.