Falling in Love?

So I had a visit with a really cute provider in her early 20's about a month ago. She's literally the girl next door, young, pretty, and without an ounce of fat on her. She would be the type of girl in school that I would've had a crush on. I'm now in my early 30's, still fit and good looking. The session was fun, the kitty was tight, and she was very nice. What gave a lasting impression, though, was something that might've happened accidentally. Before the visit, I asked for verification with pics. She sent me her instagram handle, but it was probably her normal insta account because it had her real name on it. Of course, I couldn't help but look at her other social profiles with her real name. I did advise her to not do that in the future because not everyone will be nice. Upon my snooping, it seems like she's just a regular girl that does this part time job on the side. Seems to have had relationship and family issues in the past but currently still has a supportive group of people in her life. As like many people in their 20's, still looking for purpose and probably a little misguided. The title is a bit misleading because I'm not naive enough to fall in love over something so silly, but the white knight/altruist in me can't help but feel the desire to help in some way. She used to post regularly but I haven't seen her post any ads for a long time, so she might've moved on with her life, traveled out of Iowa, or who knows what. If I do get the chance to visit with her again, I legitimately just want to get to know each other, have dinner, maybe get some drinks, or do something else fun and just skip the session altogether. I just hope she's doing well. Is this normal? Anyone else have similar experiences or want to chime in?
omg_lol's Avatar
Who is she? You can send a PM if you aren’t comfortable sharing on here.
omg_lol's Avatar
Not to double post but I went through a similar thing with a provider. We had even talked about dating outside of the hobby but I didn’t pursue it because we were just different people and knew it would never work out. We remain good friends to this day.

I think it’s harmless escapism as long as it doesn’t turn to anything harmful like stalking. We’re all people and we all have our stories, our experiences, etc. I think being grounded in reality is key because you could either do something harmful or leave yourself open to being taken advantage of. Nothing wrong with indulging yourself in a little fantasy like this.
les123's Avatar
Yes and NO! I’m in a similar situation right at the moment. She is in her 20s, slim and fit. Works three jobs, comes from a decent family and the sex is mind blowing. I love it when she texts and we get together but I know it won’t last. We have generational differences and I could never limit myself to one pussy. This one is a real head scratcher for me. I’m sure she can use the money but really doesn’t need it. I just appreciate her ambition, hard to find in a young person these days.