A Solemn Reminder....11 years later

chipsandsalsa's Avatar
11 years.....and I think each of us can still remember where we were that day...

The same as a generation before us; everyone remembering where they were on December 7th, the day Pearl Harbor was attacked...

Has the memory faded; or is it still very much in the front of our minds?

Do you feel safer today than you did a year ago? Two years ago?

If you would, please pause, and remember all of those lives lost that day; I lost four personal friends that day in the Towers, I will always hold vigil for their lives and loved ones...

If you do have the chance, visit the memorial, I personally found it very haunting, and I searched out the names of my friends on the retaining walls, holding my hand of each name for a moment...

11 years later....just a solemn reminder...
Roothead's Avatar
I lost 2 colleagues and a very good friend from graduate school (NYU Stern school of business)....my NYC office (I was in NJ that day) was located on Pine, off of Maiden Lane, which is just a few streets over from the WTC site.....
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I went to the flight 93 memorial a week or so ago.
I was humbled.
Same as where you were when Kennedy was shot,it is something that sticks with you.
chipsandsalsa's Avatar
I was speaking to some high school students recently, and made the comment that in their years to come, they too would mark tragic events in our history as did my generation; the Kennedy assassination for one example.

Many of them would say that they too remembered exactly where they were that day in time when the planes crashed into the Towers, the Pentagon, and of course, Pennsylvannia.