Eat the Man's Pizza, for Pete's Sake

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
So President Obama visits this pizza shop, and the owner bear hugs him. Now people are boycotting the shop.

Read the article and see the good this guy has done for his community. It's ridiculous to boycott this shop.

Besides, if it's good pizza, eat it. I would never place politics before pizza.

Unless, of course, he didn't make it himself.

Actually, I'm kind of surprised the Secret Service didn't wrestle this guy to the ground. What happened to treating the POTUS with some respect? Even if I met the President, I would shake his hand and call him Mr. President.
You just know that was pre-arranged and staged. And the SS are smart enough to stay out of a good photo-op.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
That is my take, this was prearranged or the SS is betting against Barry.
His new SS handle is pizza bear....