There is one VERY good reason to want a desensitizer-- to prevent pre-mature ejaculation. I've had this problem my entire life and I'm in my 40s. I thought as I aged it would go away. It hasn't. I look at a hot chick and I cum
The ONLY time I've ever had normal sex (i.e. without cumming in the first 10 seconds of touching a female) was when I was actually trying to get my SO pregnant. Go figure
There are many products out there. Mad Delay is one of the more well known. It is essentially Oral-Gel for your dick. Basically numbs it up. Not good for BJs. Now, I did come across a product called Promescent. It is essentially the same as Man Delay but in a spray on. The company claims that you can spray this on 5 to 10 minutes prior to sex and rub it into your cock. The numbing agents penetrate the skin and the residual spray can be wiped off or maybe even evaporate. The theory being this. The dick is numbed but the product is gone. Therefore, the lady won't suffer the unintended consequences of any product residual. I've tried both. Man Delay really did nothing. The Promescent maybe gained me a little extra time but not much. Certainly not enough to justify the $20 for 3 or 4 applications. I've learned that it is best to just get that first one out of the way and then relax as the subsequent pops are pretty much normal.