Sex and Video Tape.....

Crash Davis's Avatar
Was thinking the other day that you all might have better ideas to keep your private pictures and tape, well private. Throughout my years some with a real GF's other with a provider (all were aware, else it's not fun) some pictures/videos has been made along the way. If an accident were to happen, I hope I'm not looking from afar seeing everyone looking & watching them at the reading of my Will lol. Best way for safe keeping?
pyramider's Avatar
Thumbdrive in a safe deposit box.
Cpalmson's Avatar
Don't make the video or take the pics. I've been tempted to make a sex video, but then big head comes screaming back saying-- "It will end up on the internet." Don't want that.
the good book says...what you do in the dark will come to light. how long is the key? best thing is to get secure media like thumb drives (not the $10) ones but the that costs a bit more. Same for usb drives....this will make it pretty close to hard to crack and release.

Encrypt everything....
Download encryption software and keep all your photos and videos in encrypted, password-protected 'vaults.'
pyramider's Avatar
Bumping a 22 month old thread?
ICU 812's Avatar
Yeah . . .when you have doubts about if something is secure or not . . .it is usually not.
FoulRon's Avatar
Your best friend in not the guy who stood next to you at your wedding, or bailed you out of jail. It's the guy who has a key to your home who's job it is to clean out your porn collection the moment he hears of your passing.