Do You Remember?

eglrdr's Avatar
Was reading the references thread in National, came across this quote by Naomi4u,

"I remember every. single. guy. Maybe it's because I'm not seeing 10 guys a day. Dunno but yeah.. it's possible."

Have always been curious about this, is this the exception or for the most part the norm? Can you really remember everyone you've seen?
Hmmm, I think that just depends on how good ones memory is and how long one has been providing. I do not see 10 a day either or week for that matter. Being honest I doubt I would remember someone I may have seen a year ago if it was just once. Now I am sure my memory could be jogged and then I would and of course once seeing them yes. I do not forget faces.
ezman's Avatar
  • ezman
  • 01-31-2011, 01:02 PM
I saw a lady at a social in late 2001, then booked with her a couple of weeks later. Fast forward 8+ years, she shows up at another social, and remembered me, my name, and the place we first met each other.

It does happen. I'm not so good at names, but I do remember most faces.
Same here names not always, faces yes.
I just had a guy contact me who saw me like 4 years ago when I was with Mint... I only saw him once but remembered him immediately.
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
Every single person no way...Between PTA,playing classroom mom,school and full time mommy some days I am lucky if I remember my own name so I'm sure I would forget one or two.On the flip side it only takes one or two questions and I can recall 'em...and besides I thought I was getting paid to leave and forget..
I can't remember what I done yesterday let alone 8yrs down the line. Brain dead me
Dagny D.E.W.'s Avatar
Every single person no way...

...and besides I thought I was getting paid to leave and forget.. Originally Posted by VictoriaLyn
No, you can't remember every one BUT just today, got an email from Joe Blow from ___STATE and I knew immediately who it was. Coming to Austin am I still around? "Yes, let's set it up" (been about 7 years)

I have always asked 1st and last name and ya know it helps the memory better than John "ANGUS" the guy who raises angus cattle.

As for being paid to leave (and say nothing) boy, did Charlie Sheen realize the bonus of paying up-front this week........ once the ambulance left with him, they were willing to go home and say nothing LOL
Hottassamelia's Avatar
I will ALWAYS remember a face.

I am NO GOOD with names.
For some reason,Im better with handles,
but if we've exchanged pleasantries standing outside
of a Starbucks 4 years ago,I WILL remember you.
I will remember you,
what you were wearing,
what we talked about...
But thats normal for me,I remember almost everything.

So,yes..I might not know you by name,but the moment I saw you I would
know who you were and intimate details of our encounter.

..theres also those men who helped make our time so memorable
that there is just no way I could ever forget about them....
I remember most everyone, but I'm very low volume. I do not remember just a handle or name. I would more than likely remember handle and name together. I never forget a face or someone that was rude. If we don't remember its probably, because you were a gentleman lol!
xxnubyxx's Avatar
I remember every girl I've been with... you ladies should have the same respect
knotty man's Avatar
i usually cant remember every woman till im standing up looking down at the top of her head or sitting down looking at the back of her neck. then it all cums flooding back
Guest102312's Avatar
You know what is funny is that when I was Chloe Lynn and then came back as Maci Lynn.....I remember majority of the guys. Not all but I definetly dont forget faces.
I can't remember what I done yesterday let alone 8yrs down the line. Brain dead me Originally Posted by Escortbunny69
Don't worry it's not's scientific fact. That's what they say. "Our brains forget information at a rate of 1 bit per second per neuron." "This extraordinarily high deletion rate came as a huge surprise to us." article
harkontume's Avatar
faces, body,smells,feelings.. yes
names.. why? they are all fake anyway