I post these ads, and I never hear anything back, so I wanted to know if anyone really reads them. so heres the deal. If you read this thread. respond to say hi.. comment on my photos.. anything just reply, and I will enter you in a drawing for a FREE one hour photoshoot.
And to make it even MORE fun, the guys can play too. I am giving away TWO shoots.. one for the ladies who reply, and one for the guys to give to their favorite lady. And all you have to do is reply to this thread!! Simple as that.
So let's see who reads these ads. There has never been a better time to update your showcase. For those of you who don't know me, I am a full time professional photographer, my work has appeared in major men's magazines and I have been shooting the ladies of the hobby for almost 6 years. Below are some samples of my most recent work with providers. Some of them you may know. All of them can tell you that I am respectful and completely professional during shoots. And more important, I am in the hobby, so I know what the guys want to see, and what will take your showcase to the next level.
So take the time to say hello. comment on my photos, or just tell me you want new photos. The drawing will take place on Oct 31st, so get your replies in. I look forward to hearing from you.
Below are some samples of my most recent work.. ALL shots are used with permission.