Nibbles_n_Licksx's Avatar
I am posting a role call lets see how many Austin people we do have and get this board moving. So lets start posting and having some fun.
~Kisses Jen
gman44's Avatar
I'm here baby
GenesisNicole's Avatar
Floating on my comfy cloud and always listening to some great jams!!!

........(singing)....."Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies....." ---Fleetwood Mac

I'm here Baby!

~Blowing Kisses~
atxbrad's Avatar
Yep, wuz looking for a additional home and found ECCIE. I kinda like it here so far, not that Im moving from aspd, but just gonna maintain two homes for now.
Hottassamelia's Avatar
Well,well,well...look whose finally decided to step out of there comfort zones and join us at Eccie.....nice to see ya'll here..(kissing cheeks)
Elephant's Avatar
Elephant is Here!!....

I escaped from my habitat at the "Zoo".... Gonna roam the open range for awhile....

I kinda like it here so far, not that Im moving from aspd, but just gonna maintain two homes for now. Originally Posted by atxbrad

I like aspd... but ECCIE's updated software & reliability is a nice change>>
beep beep richie!

Abby's on board!
Reincarnated's Avatar
I made from another place in Cyberspace we all know...

Java is in the house!
gman44's Avatar
Oh Good Angelina Jolie is here

we have a party now

squiretuck's Avatar
squiretuck is here.
Snowgoddess's Avatar
I'm here as well. Glad to see so many familiar faces!!!!
I don't live in Austin, I have been known to sleep around in Austin! Does that count?