Allowing everyone a fresh start?

Whispers's Avatar
I heard somewhere that there was a policy in place here on Eccie that everyone is being allowed to come aboard and have a fresh start and that we are not allowed to comment on their past?

ALTHOUGH I understand and can support the concept of "amnesty" for individuals banned from other boards and allowing them to have a voice here......

I can't say I could agree that should negative information be KNOWN regarding a specific provider and their BCD habits that we should not be allowed to bring it up and therefore warn other Hobbyists...

and of course vice versa for the ladies.

Can we get some clarification on this please?

I would hate to see someone lose money due to information that was available from reliable sources not being allowed to be discussed.

If I missed a prior conversation on this topic or simply could not find it please don't bash this newbie....

I'm kind of sensative lately!
gfejunkie's Avatar
Anyone with first hand information of such is free to post it in the Alerts forum.

True we hold to a policy of giving members a fresh start, that does not mean anyone with first hand information is censored in any fashion.

We expect all members to respect each other regardless of differing opinions, we will not tolerate rude and disrespectful behavior toward members or staff.
I heard somewhere that there was a policy in place here on Eccie that everyone is being allowed to come aboard and have a fresh start and that we are not allowed to comment on their past? Originally Posted by Whispers
I've never heard or read that from any of the staff least the last part. ECCIE has given most people a second chance to act right and be part of the community.

Like gfejunkie stated, anyone with first hand information can and should post about it in the proper forums. We just don't want a bunch of "I heard or I read or I seem to remember seeing".

Guest062010's Avatar
I'd like to know specifically if those who were banned on our old board will be allowed here with a new handle and a new start? Screening is already a disaster on a good day with aspd gone, and it won't be better or safer if those bad apples are allowed total amnesty here.
Karma I understand your concern and I think total amnesty is exaggeration. Your security is your responsibility and the bad apples have probably registered with a new handle, we have no way of knowing. So you'll have to tighten your security until we can build a database like the one that was over there.

Some people that were banned on other sites have registered on ECCIE using the handle they were banned under and are doing a great job of contributing to the community.

The philosophy of ECCIE is to allow everyone a chance to become part of this community.

The jerks will show themselves soon enough, they can't help's in their nature.

Guest062010's Avatar
Thank you sir! And you're absolutely right, they'll show themselves. As for security, it's as tight (haha, pun intended) as it can get! I think it will help that we have pretty much the same mods, so it should be easier to rid ourselves of the vermin that make this UNfun. Namaste~K
I dont want a fresh start I want to continue to be the smart ass I have always been!!! and somewhat of an asshole know it all too,