New hobby

tatianaaa's Avatar
Hey all! I just moved out to AZ and I’m desperately seeking a new hobby or something… what are fun things to do out here? Where do people go to hang out and keep cool at the same time? Thanks in advance

skidude's Avatar
Hiking is big out here, not in the heat though. Me personally I go to an indoor shooting range with a buddy to hang out in the AC.
tatianaaa's Avatar
I never thought of the indoor shooting range, that sounds fun.

Are there any ones you’d prefer over the other ? TIA
skidude's Avatar
Scottsdale Gun Club and C2 are both nice. Now that it’s cooled off a buddy and I are going to hit Ben Avery, which is outdoors up by Lake Pleasant.
tatianaaa's Avatar
Thank you! Maybe we’ll run into each other there one day ��