New to Studio but not the Hobby

I reached out to a studio per email and they asked for my ID with date written next to it.

there is absolutely no way in hell i would send my ID, that sounds very incriminating and dangerous.

Is there other ways around this or other studios that do not require ID.
I would like to think im verifiable through my 60+ reviews

did yall really send a copy of your ID???
I sent my ID to one Kstudio back in 2017 (sucked but never negatively impacted me) and ever since I’ve been able to get into studios by using references from the other studios. You could also probably use references from other mongers if you know any that can vouch for you. Maybe you could even use past providers as a reference if you’re lucky. it’s pretty hard to get into your first Kstudio without references or ID. But once you are in with one of them, you are in with all of them.

For Bstudios they didn’t ask for ID but wanted me to see the mid girls first before jumping up to the top shelf girls. I like this method but for some reason Bstudios are all in encounter reports instead of the studio forum.

Cstudios don’t ask for ID but also aren’t really worth going to.
No K studio will approve you today without the ID. One too many got busted earlier this year.
You're gonna have to give them something to prove you are trustworthy, that's just the reality.

The truth is that a lot of what these guys do is facilitate what might be construed as organized criminal behavior. They have a lot to lose if the wrong DA or police officer got their mind set to ruining their lives.

I've shown some ID to a few people who have been well reviewed and nothing bad has happened. Yes that included a Studio. The truth is, the people who don't screen like this, at least in my city, are not providing as reliable and as high quality of a service, for the same fucking fee.

If i want a full GFE experience, the only place I'll ever go is a studio. For less intimate options there are a lot of people who can help. Most cities in Texas it seems are awash with AMPs where you can get a good massage and a L1 for cheap. Plenty of girls will do a BNG for well under the price of 1hr with a studio girl. But yeah, if you want the full monty, just find a well reviewed, well established, studio and see if you can pass their screening.
Helicool's Avatar
Bstudios Originally Posted by buttermilkoperator
I get K and C Studios, What's a B Studio?
Brazillian. I’m not sure why they aren’t included in this forum as they operate the same as Cstudios
TexomaCowboy's Avatar
I reached out to a studio per email and they asked for my ID with date written next to it.

there is absolutely no way in hell i would send my ID, that sounds very incriminating and dangerous.

Is there other ways around this or other studios that do not require ID.
I would like to think im verifiable through my 60+ reviews

did yall really send a copy of your ID??? Originally Posted by jettiso
When a Studio asked me for DL, I explained my hesitancy to do that. They told me what I could black out, which I did, sent it & was approved. Ask the Booker what info they want, and that you will black out the rest. If that makes you feel more comfortable, go for it.

I actually feel safer going to a K-Studio that has that requirement. If DL submittal helps decrease the risk of me and/or the Studio being busted, then I do feel safer.

Also, keep in mind, these Studios have blocked some A-Holes, who simply used a different phone number, name, & email to get approved again. Seeing the photo helps to prevent the A-Holes from being fraudulently re-approved.
BigBamboo's Avatar
It’s easy to get a fake ID and use that instead. They won’t know the difference.

And no I’m not using private tags for this. Studio owners are already here, as is LE, reading all ROS so no need to hide it.
aJohnDough's Avatar
IDs don’t protect the K-Studios. All it takes is a Karen or a noisy neighbor who notices the amount of foot traffic. Not even that, could even be a client

Don’t send ID OP