
Bob McV's Avatar
WOW! my 1000th post!

I came across the community in a bit of a strange way; a few know my story most should really care less. I lurked for a couple months looking for a few facts, and then in March I became an active poster here and I jumped in looking for a few life experiences that I doubt I would encounter otherwise. I have attempted to be a positive member of this community, trying to give a bit more than I take. I have to admit I find some of what goes on here juvenile and petty, but I also find the vast majority of the information, stories, and advice given to be fascinating, even if not useful to me personally.

There are a few people I have encountered here that have earned my respect and loyalty. I want to take a few moments to thank them. In no real order

Toyz: you took me under your wing treated me with respect and gave me solid advice, when I was so new I didn’t even know the right questions to ask. Thank you for that, I know we joke and rib each other from time to time, and we disagree on some pretty basic things around here, but know that I hold nothing but respect for you and your experiences.

Candi Staxx: You were my first, that’s pretty special to me. You also set the bar pretty high not only in how you interact with clients, before during and after. But in how you treat people in general, you so effortlessly find the silver lining to any cloud; a lesson I am still trying to master.

Still Looking: you are brash bold, honest, and forthright. To say anything positive about you sounds like I am sucking up to the old guard, to say anything negative is to fear encoring the wrath of the graduates of the SL training program that said you have done kindness that only a few will ever know of and that is amazing. True generosity seeks no validation. It is a common thread we share, even though our coffers are of considerably different sizes.

Nikki White: my goodness! What can I say I have never met anyone like you, (and I hope I never do again, my poor brain couldn’t handle it) You have an ability to let people relax and have things feel so effortless. You remind me of what it is like to be unique, something that years of being a corporate wage slave has beat out of me. May you never find a fruit roll up in your grilled cheese again!

Miss Valentina: you set yourself apart in so many ways; I am not sure what I can say here that would mean much to anyone reading this besides the two of us. Thank you for never pulling a punch, always speaking your mind, and offering life advice I would have to pay far more for, and probably not heed anyway.

CD3: Thank the stars I don’t live in Dallas I would be broke and dead by now!

There are so many other people I have interacted with here that have left an impact on me; I hope to be around for 10,000 more posts.

So in closing, anyone wanna fuck?
Oafer's Avatar
  • Oafer
  • 08-25-2014, 12:40 PM
trying not to drop my tears in my latte . . . I'm so hurt not to be included in your "short list." Am I not the only other Minister of the Church of Bob on here? Whooooops . . . one of me tears just splashed in. Well done Bob . . . who cares about the human carnage left in your wake . . . sadly and pitifully . . . unacknowledged! Here's to the next 1K.

fun2come's Avatar
Yeah, answer your damn PMs ....

Other than that: Congrats

I think I also did something stupid for my 1000s.... 2000s .... 3000s .... and so on.

Just messing with ya ...
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 08-25-2014, 12:54 PM
Thanks Bob! You are without doubt one of my favorite posters. I totally enjoy our back and forth communicaes both publicly and privately. I too respect your opinion and value your friendship.

You bring a LOT to these forums.

And fuck F2C and his tiny cawk...(just messing with you F2C).

Here's yo many thousand more posts!
pyramider's Avatar
Fucking newbies ....
Oafer's Avatar
  • Oafer
  • 08-25-2014, 01:03 PM
There are so many other people I have interacted with here that have left an impact on me Originally Posted by Bob McV
Maybe this meant me . . . hopefully it did . . . wanna stop cryin' now

fun2come's Avatar

And fuck F2C and his tiny cawk...(just messing with you F2C).
! Originally Posted by Toyz
Still can't get over the ATF Cawk, BIG Cawk???

But this is Bob "I chose to not answer F2C's PMs just like EFN" McV's show ...

Fuck with him ! (He is asking for it)
Bob McV's Avatar
F2C: as soon as I know anything you'll know! but so far nothing I have said of done has gotten a response.
fun2come's Avatar
F2C: as soon as I know anything you'll know! but so far nothing I have said of done has gotten a response. Originally Posted by Bob McV
LOL, same here ... I tried again today ....

Now enjoy being fucked with !!!
Bob McV's Avatar
Maybe this meant me . . . hopefully it did . . . wanna stop cryin' now
Originally Posted by Oafer
Indeed! now dry your tears, and go get laid!
Bob McV's Avatar
LOL, same here ... I tried again today ....

Now enjoy being fucked with !!! Originally Posted by fun2come
why? are you offering a review special? doubles with TS:SL ?
Bob McV's Avatar
Fucking newbies .... Originally Posted by pyramider
As my ATF said "it's quality not quantity" (she also said it was a good size) I am sure in 5 years I too could rack up 25K of "show me the taint" posts ... but alas you have that market cornered.
fun2come's Avatar
why? are you offering a review special? doubles with TS:SL ? Originally Posted by Bob McV
I am on a fucking break .... that last BBHJ did me in for a while

... but my "stand-in" Toyz and TS:SL will do you good.
Centaur's Avatar
So in closing, anyone wanna fuck? Originally Posted by Bob McV
Definitely...oh wait, you mean with you. Sorry, Bob, you're not my type. Always like reading your comments though. Your substance-to-dross ratio nears unity!
Victoria Columbari's Avatar
Bob we have never met but wanted to say congrats. I'm very happy that you have had such great mentoring. Here's to reading a 1,000 more from you. Get laid already. LOL.