In DESPERATE need of a Criminal Defense Attorney - Please Just Read

I am on a desperate spree to find an Attorney that will represent me in San Patricio County (near Corpus) for a Class B misdemeanor - violation of probation.
It's a case that I have been extremely unjustly charged with I believe...
I'm BEGGING anyone for a referral or advice or a trade or even an estimate/consultation for that matter.

Staff Edit: Personal information removed per OP request

It's taken a lot of my life from me and the thought of me not being able to present my case the right way rings me to tears. My court date is **** *** and I'm having a horrific time finding a criminal attorney to even respond to my inquiries. I can do trades or even pay up front.ANYTHING HELPS.

ShysterJon's Avatar
I PM-ed you with two good attorney referrals in Corpus.

You wrote in your post that you're willing to trade services with an attorney. I think that's a TERRIBLE idea! There are asshole "attorneys" on this board who will contact you, fuck you, then fuck you again by not doing any work or, worse, hurt you by not showing up for court. Some of the assholes aren't even attorneys, or they've been disbarred and can no longer practice law. PAY your lawyer, like anyone else.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Not only that, I have grave doubt about the quality of representation you would get from a lawyer who would take sexual favors from a client in exchange for representing you in a criminal case. You have serious problems in your case, and need a good lawyer. (And once you hire a lawyer, I would strongly recommend that you delete this post.) But you don't want a cut rate hack who is so hard up for business that he'll trade pussy for work. No high quality lawyer would do that.

There are no Board Certified Criminal lawyers in San Patricio who do criminal defense work. I'd go to Corpus. If you don't have any luck with the names Shyster Jon gives you, let me know and I'll dig around for you. You need to be prepared to pay a significant cash fee.
chicagoboy's Avatar
... beased on my history of unfortunate choices... Originally Posted by Raquel XOXO

Choose better.
and one more young life is ruined over this bull shit racist law our racist Great Grand Parents made! Time to legalize it!!
ShysterJon's Avatar
and one more young life is ruined over this bull shit racist law our racist Great Grand Parents made! Time to legalize it!! Originally Posted by RALPHEY BOY
The OP is 19 years old. I don't think her life is ruined from this one misdemeanor beef. Taken on its face, her recitation of the facts shows she got a really raw deal, in my view. I hope she hires a good lawyer to repair the damage.
The OP is 19 years old. I don't think her life is ruined from this one misdemeanor beef. Taken on its face, her recitation of the facts shows she got a really raw deal, in my view. I hope she hires a good lawyer to repair the damage. Originally Posted by ShysterJon

I guess it depends on our definition of ruined. For one, she now has to explain to HR when she does get older and applies for a RW Job why she was arrested. Two, she probably can never get a job in the Financial World or any other sensitive data type job. My company will not even hire you if you have been arrested on drug charges, let alone even arrested on a Felony charge ( regardless of the alleged charge even if you were NOT convicted)

Now you are probably right on if she cleans this up and does not get arrested ever again her life should go smooth.

The point I am making she now has a Record that never goes to me that is a life ruined over a bull shit racist law...
If you don't have the funds to pay for a lawyer then the system allow court appointed lawyers. There work load is tremendous, but one will take you case so your not alone when dealing with the court system. I would get all my records from the hospital and make copies and let those explain why you didn't make your court date. If this is your first offense then probation is all you should get unless in Texas that amount is intent to distribute. I would also enroll in and addiction class just to look good on my record before going to court. I would pull this ad also quickly.

Good Luck
Thanks for all the feedback. I've got it settled and am confident this will be over soon.
Nothing ruins your life... Everything has a result and the goal is to find the blessing in it always.
Now.... How do I delete this thread?

ShysterJon's Avatar
Now.... How do I delete this thread? Originally Posted by Raquel XOXO
Press the "Report to Moderator" button by your first post. It's the button of a triangle with an exclamation point in it. When the window pops up, explain why you want the post deleted.

btw, RALPHEY BOY: You make some factual assumptions that aren't in the OP's fact pattern, and your post makes misstatements about the law. For example, it's against federal law for an employer to ask a prospective employee whether they've ever been arrested. I'd advise you to not speculate about facts here and not opine on the law unless you're more informed.
I know plenty of lawyers here in Corpus Christi. Which city in San Pat County did you get in trouble in? Portland, Sinton, Taft? In Portland the cops there are dicks. Sinton, they are all corrupt and same thing in Taft.
Press the "Report to Moderator" button by your first post. It's the button of a triangle with an exclamation point in it. When the window pops up, explain why you want the post deleted.

btw, RALPHEY BOY: You make some factual assumptions that aren't in the OP's fact pattern, and your post makes misstatements about the law. For example, it's against federal law for an employer to ask a prospective employee whether they've ever been arrested. I'd advise you to not speculate about facts here and not opine on the law unless you're more informed. Originally Posted by ShysterJon

Please read this link from the Feds.. You sure as hell can ask!! I would advise you to read up before you attempt to correct me and not opine here on the law unless you are more informed. You Lawyers crack me up, yall think you know it all....Obviously you do not.

Federal law does not prohibit employers from asking about your criminal history. But, federal EEO laws do prohibit employers from discriminating when they use criminal history information. Using criminal history information to make employment decisions may violate Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended (Title VII).