An Open Letter to 'The Donald' from Adolf Hitler - Return Address, Dante's Inferno

Solemate62's Avatar
Hey, Don, I am down here with my buddies, Benito Mussolini and Joseph Stalin and we occupy a very special niche in Hell reserved for for the most hated and evil of despots in the past 100 years or so and we really think you are on the fast track to join us someday soon!Before i forget I must thank you for greatly increasing the sales of my autobiography, 'Mein Kampf', ever since you were sworn in and that speech at Charlottesville three years back was the driving force behind an upsurge in membership of the American Nazi Party!You are a magnet for drawing in the hate mongers in America, so keep it up!

Now, I see that so far you have only killed 35,000 Americans over your lack of leadership, with respect to this Virus issue but I have faith that before you are kicked out of office, you just may match the number of Americans killed in battle back in WW 2, that body count being around 420,000. However, by rushing the opening of your Country by May 1, I have no doubt that the death rate will dramatically increase! Really clever also how you find scapegoats all the time to deflect from your ineptitude and lack of taking responsibility. I did the same thing in 1939 by drawing a big bullseye around the Jewish population in Europe!It is surely the sign of a true coward and dubious character to deflect blame and dude, you could teach a course in Deflection and Cowardice, no doubt!

Love it too how you marketed those red MAGA hats to the gullible whites in America! My thing was selling Brown Shirts and armbands with the Swastika emblazoned on it! Man, guys like me and you know how to market and profit from the culture of hate and ignorance!

In closing, keep working hard on that Corona Virus death count and I am sure that a total of 100,000 plus dead Americans will all but lock you into a future spot in our little corner of Hell and Donald, when you journey to down here, you can leave your tanning bed up there: We have more than enough heat and fire to maintain that scarlet red visage that you are proud of!

See you pretty soon, Donald and I close by saying 'Sig Heils'

Your Idol,

  • oeb11
  • 04-17-2020, 10:20 AM
When the Fascist DPST's resort to "Hitler" - they are reaching the bottom of the barrel of their propaganda tricks -- Been taking lessons from Goebbels - valued poster????
LOL - desperation in the DPST ranks - and pathetically humorous in its' presentation.

The RTM button is your Friend!
When the Fascist DPST's resort to "Hitler" - they are reaching the bottom of the barrel of their propaganda tricks -- Been taking lessons from Goebbels - valued poster????
LOL - desperation in the DPST ranks - and pathetically humorous in its' presentation.

The RTM button is your Friend! Originally Posted by oeb11
It's actually funny.

Goodwin's law.

there is a tradition in many newsgroups and other Internet discussion forums that, when a Hitler comparison is made, the thread is finished and whoever made the comparison loses whatever debate is in progress.
This didn't even make it past the OP, who already lost the debate in progress.
  • oeb11
  • 04-17-2020, 10:33 AM
EL - thanks - i did not know that law.

Unfortunately - the Fascist DPST's are forever unable to comprehend their losses.
HedonistForever's Avatar
However, by rushing the opening of your Country by May 1, Originally Posted by Solemate62

I guess Adolf didn't get the message that Trump can not make that decision and that he will only provide guidance and the decision as to open what and when will be up to the Governors just like they wanted so any deaths in any state that opens to soon will be on the hands of the Governor but of course the media that you would absolutely love with Goebbels inspired propaganda, won't play it that way and will blame it all on Trump.

Say hello to Hitler when you join him Solemate.
  • oeb11
  • 04-17-2020, 01:39 PM
If One has ever seen the Adam Sandler movie "Little Nicky" - the "ending" with "Hitler" is entirely appropos for "The Monster"!
HoeHummer's Avatar
So if Trump can’t make these decisions, what was his three step plan all about?

More bluster?

Total authority?

He’d do best for the world by STFUs

Oh, and Hitler shoulda sent a Trump an invoice for the use of copyrighted fascist propaganda.
With all due respect, the entire premise of this thread is possibly the most asinine ever conceived.

I know that is a difficult achievement, considering some of the crap these characters come up with.

I do agree with the consensus that invoking Hitler or Nazi’s means you have lost the argument and are just going to the stupidest reflex action one can muster.
Shouldn't the blood be on
China's hands?

Aren't they the ones that should burn in hell for lying about the severity of the conditions over there and on top of that lying about when they discovered it.
Or I should say covering it up
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Here is a question for solemate, according to Dante what was Hitler's eternal punishment? Remember, it was written in the 14th century over 500 years before Hitler was born. Care to explain how you got to be so stupid.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
solemate's TDS-2016 is working overtime!!!!
Jacuzzme's Avatar
He gets a booster shot in November.
  • oeb11
  • 04-17-2020, 04:02 PM
The blood of thousands is directly in the CCP's responsibility for their blatant politcal mishandling of the outbreak in Wuhan.

Stop not the fascist DPST's from alleging- falsely - that Trump's military took the virus and planted it in wuhan. They - like Pelosi and others - are China apologist globalists - who put American citizen's interests far below that of illegal immigrants such as MS-13 gang bangers.

If they think they can use it to attack Trump - they do it - no matter the factual truth of the matter!
HoeHummer's Avatar
pleasurem's Avatar
TRUMP!!! Yes!!!