Browser hijack ads

What’s with these browser hijack ad’s popping up “ you have a Trojan from visiting an adult site etc..

I’m used to the one but this is new and so only view on a phone so it having a virus is likely not the option.
It has been new for the past few years before the last wipe. Install an adblocker. Ublock Origin is a good one. You can also use a DNS server that has adblock built in. A lot of VPNs have it as well with their DNS servers.
ntxguy's Avatar
This one is different. I’m only getting a new banner ad in the middle of the forums now but this morning I was getting the spyware warning and it blocked eccie from opening Another member I know is getting spyware pop up’s with warnings constantly this afternoon.
It has been new for the past few years before the last wipe. Install an adblocker. Ublock Origin is a good one. You can also use a DNS server that has adblock built in. A lot of VPNs have it as well with their DNS servers. Originally Posted by blueeyeswide
No not that… that cheap porn site you have too many files infected on your computer type shit.
CantBuyMeLove's Avatar
Same issue here. Seems Eccie is under attack.
Do browser hijack adds get hijacking infractions tho
Bumping this because it is really getting annoying.

What is the site admin doing about this? Is it your policy to allow pop up ads that try to infect your subscribers with Malware?
TinMan's Avatar
It’s actually worse. Now virtually every time I click a link I get a pop up that asks me to enable pop-ups. I can’t continue until I hit “ok” (but my browser still blocks the pop-up).
ntxguy's Avatar
It’s actually worse. Now virtually every time I click a link I get a pop up that asks me to enable pop-ups. I can’t continue until I hit “ok” (but my browser still blocks the pop-up). Originally Posted by TinMan
This is out of hand. This makes eccie worse than the drama on oh2.
TinMan's Avatar
I had posted a similar complaint in the national tech forum. An admin posted a response overnight asking users to check this morning, and so far I’ve not had any issues. The Hot ad still pops up in a separate browser issue when I log on, but that is normal for me and not nearly as intrusive as the pop up that wouldn’t allow me to continue until I hit “ok”.
CaptainZman's Avatar
It’s still doing it this morning to me. How long has this been going on?
TinMan's Avatar
The pop ups that require you to hit “ok” before proceeding just started a day or two ago. Other problems have been reported going back several weeks, mostly by folks using the mobile version of the website.

I had not had any problems (other than the infrequent Hot ad opening another window in my browser) prior to a few days ago. I use the desktop version of eccie.