Big Media Exposed

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
No wonder we don't know much about what's going on. The major media are all owned and controlled by the same people. If you rely on the alphabet networks, FOX, CNN or their progeny for the news, without checking things out for yourself while you can, you will be seriously misinformed. When they get control of the internet, which they likely will, it will be even more difficult to be informed.

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Since this is coming up in other threads, here is why there is nothing good on TV. Your mind is being numbed to reality by the constant assault on your senses and morals by the broadcast media. That article should open some eyes.
waverunner234's Avatar
I "watch" TV, but I actually use TV as a "living" wall paper with volume at zero.

So I don't know about anything that happens.

I remember from another threat COG that you claimed you never watched TV so how come you are suddenly involved with it?

Did you buy a nice 60 inch TV?
Whenever you turned on the news, especially the local news, during the 80s and 90s they always have ridiculous medical stories like "a study published in the NEJoM says people who stood on their heads for AT LEAST ten minutes a day were 5 times less likely to have head cancer." And that story would be on several different stations newscasts for that day. I always wondered what news feed those TV producers were using that said "run with this."
waverunner234's Avatar
Hope is not only a bad supper, it is also a bad breakfast
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
this is a result of failing to enforce anti-trust laws. 6 of these mega corps need to be broken up. its not only them, banks too.