I need to move

Really not liking being back in the south. I guess the work i do and the money I make is not the same because i'm not white. The whole no AA shit has just ticked me off tonight.
Sorry to hear about that, dude. It sucks that some still have a white sheet stuck up there asses, but I know many providers have that policy because of the way they have been treated in the past. It just sucks you have to be a victim of that. There are still some awesome providers that will entertain a gentlemen of any stripe.
Tootallnubian's Avatar
I'm also a AA and run across the same thing. Chark it up to the game and just move forward. I personally understand the providers position. Too much drama on the average with money issues and possible being proportion for some sort of protection (pimpin). Although we are not like that, the provider is trying to play it safe. There is a lot of fish in the sea. Don't let this discourage you. Enjoy and have fun!
I have always taken pride to treat each and every provider that i have seen like exactly what she is, a lady. It normally does not get to me,hell im old enough to know by now you would think, but sometimes it's just like damn really just because i am a black male you will not see me. I get that some black males treat women like chit and maybe a lady has had an awful experiance with a black guy but I am not that black guy. Am i giving up all redheads because the last one i dated stabbed me, true story, hell no. I just will not go around a redhead i am dating smelling like sex again!!! That one bad experience has not made me give up on my redhead queens. I am just frustrated is all. Never had this problem when i lived north of the mason/dixon line for some reason
oh that guy's Avatar
Wow. I was sitting here thinking I was all alone. My pay combined with cost of living keeps me in Louisiana.
Imagine being a complete newb with no refs on top of the "No AA" thing.
I understand the flipside of the situation. I personally known a few AA that I wouldn't send to provider (for various reasons).
However, in my case, I am professional, well spoken and extrordinarily normal. I have a good situation at home, just willing to spend for some uncomplicated fun (seriously, who wants the hassle of a side chick).
Factor in the LE pressure in Shreveport with the lack of available action in Monroe, an AA,newb is doomed.
I do feel for you guys. It sucks to understand something and still be on the wrong side of what you understand ... especially when it is no fault of your own.

Monroegent ... Those redheads are temperamental and can blow up at anything. I am married to a sexy hot one!! I share your fetish for redheads!!

Good luck gentlemen!!
I hear you, gent....I had to ask what the hell no AA meant when I first started playing here. I kid you not, I thought it meant alcoholics anonymous. I'm home right now and I rarely see that tag in ads here. I wish it were the same in LA, cuz you really ARE a gent, and an adorable one
Lol ... For the longest time when I first joined, I thought the same thing when reading a Providers ad.

I thought ... HELL, there sure are a lot of drunks in the hobby!! I was also curious as to how they would determine if you were actually in alcoholics anonymous?

During a recovery period and good conversation, I provider filled me in. Boy did I feel stupid!!
I hear you, gent....I had to ask what the hell no AA meant when I first started playing here. I kid you not, I thought it meant alcoholics anonymous. I'm home right now and I rarely see that tag in ads here. I wish it were the same in LA, cuz you really ARE a gent, and an adorable one
Majic Originally Posted by MsMajicMouth
Thank you dear
44formore's Avatar
It could also mean: No Ancient Aliens :-)
Most of the brothas on here are always asking
'where the white women at?

I have an NBA policy in place.
I don't see black men who worship

I don't have a second in my day
to play the skin color game w/yall
or listen to your pity stories
when the white women wont see you.
I don't discriminate. Period. Either you're a gentleman or you're not :-)
Most of the brothas on here are always asking
'where the white women at?

I have an NBA policy in place.
I don't see black men who worship

I don't have a second in my day
to play the skin color game w/yall
or listen to your pity stories
when the white women wont see you. Originally Posted by Seeking ~P
I did not intend for it to sound like a pity party at all. If a provider chooses to not see me because of my skin color, that is her choice. It still suxs if you see someone that you think is attractive and you would like to see just to keep scrolling and find out that race is an issue. I have never 'worshiped' any color of women, i love you all equally. I have seen your NBA policy and just said to myself, well, one more provider that i will never have the chance to meet. It just suxs to have race play a factor in my fantasy world also.
A Gentleman
tok07's Avatar
  • tok07
  • 10-02-2016, 09:08 PM
I was under the impression that 'No AA' meant ....No alcohol Allowed' when I first came on board....I actually had to ask a provider what it meant....LOL...BUT I get it too MG...I've seen it from both white and black providers....I JUST LUV HOT FINE ASS ladies .....PERIOD....!!!!
sketchpad's Avatar
Most of the brothas on here are always asking
'where the white women at?

I have an NBA policy in place.
I don't see black men who worship

I don't have a second in my day
to play the skin color game w/yall
or listen to your pity stories
when the white women wont see you. Originally Posted by Seeking ~P
We all have our own special proclivities.

However, in Monroegent's defense I have noticed the same thing he has in several ads, mostly on another site. Now I'm Caucasian so it doesn't effect me. I do however find it interesting and I'm left wondering why.

One of the more interesting things that I've noticed across all the ads on all the sites I've looked at is that this isn't merely white providers saying "No AA." About half of the AA providers are saying "No AA."

Again, why?

A few of them are also including an age limit, "No AA under 35," or something along those lines. There doesn't seem to be any explanation for this.

I can definitely see why MG would be frustrated.

Now personally, I ultimately see this as a good thing. There are certain arguments against this hobby that deal with differences between consent and compliance or compulsion. The essence of the argument is that by using money to gain compliance we are taking actual consent out of the equation and therefor we (the clients) are committing an act of rape regardless of whether are not the providers give consent. The argument is that it is impossible to give consent if you're being paid.

It was a Thai provider who blew this argument up for me. I was on vacation in Pattaya visiting one of the Soapies (worth every penny, that). While this Thai bird was filling the tub we were chitchatting (and honestly she was doing most of the talking) and somewhere in the middle out of the blue she said to me that she liked Americans, she liked Africans and Chinese men are okay but she wont go with Indians. She hated Indian men and she always said no to them. She went on for a bit about how a lot of Indian men try to chose her but she always says no to them and ignores them.

Moment she said this all I was thinking was that she has a choice. Doesn't really matter if a guy picks her out of a line up. She has a right to decide who she goes with and who she doesn't and she freely exercises that right. And if she can do that then the whole "forced compliance" argument is essentially bullshit.

Now, as I said none of this helps Monroegent in any way. But maybe we can put it in perspective a little. If a provider says no AA, that is her choice and she is well within her rights to make that choice. If she said no fat, bald, white dudes... well, I wouldn't like it but again that is her choice. It would be a little easier for me because two clicks away there are whole pages of providers who don't care if you're fat, white and bald.

I don't really think there is an answer for this. All I have is the feeble suggestion that maybe you guys can start a list of providers whom you know are AA friendly. I think you've already got a couple of them right here.