Progressive Democrats

Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
So here's the question:

If a claimed progressive democrat gets nothing done, should they lose the misnomer of progressive?

Let's define gets nothing done:
Sponsor a bill/resolution? Counts
Co-Sponsor a bill/resolution? Nope, it was someone else idea. Besides everyone co-sponsors a gravy train bill.
Propose amendments to bills/resolutions? Nope. Again, originally someone else idea.
So we're left with directly Sponsoring a bill/resolution.

Ok, what do we all think of a congressperson that introduces 21 bills/resolutions in two years? Looks good.
But not a single one got past the introduction level, with none being assigned to committee.
Oh my. What's wrong here? And, it happened in that individuals party controlled House of Reps.

Should this so-called progressive be tossed? Lose the progressive label? Learn to kiss up to party management instead of behaving like a big mouthed brat?

Tossed? Well that's an election thing voted upon by folks who like 15 second news/ad vids

Lose the progressive label? Well the newsies also like making the short vid clips, especially if they have side jobs advising in political races.

Kiss up to to party management? Well that might lose the progressive label (OMG). But the pay, the pension, the health insurance are best in the world.

Yes, applies to several Dims. But I'm thinking of one of the four horsefaces. Specifically the one from NYC.
  • oeb11
  • 07-19-2020, 08:03 AM
She is just a Marxist terrorist infiltrating our representative democracy - as the rest of teh suquad, bernie, and the rst of the radical leftists.

Civil War is coming.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
It's amusing that other Dims see that and are putting all her proposals in the trash can.
LexusLover's Avatar

She may give good head, but she's not got a good head.

She'd not have survived this long had the wimpy Dims stood up to her.

Her "sister" who married her brother to sneak into the country is a friggin joke.

Another one the wimpy Dims are scared to bash.

These LOONS who emerged from shit holes to drive this country into a shit hole!
rexdutchman's Avatar
Okay lets see ,Virtually every inner city of size in US NYNY, Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore, Newark, Atlanta , on and on is 100 % controlled by progressive Democrats for 50 to 100 years Sooooooo,
More status quo FAILURES
Ripmany's Avatar
Thank God that happened some what to bill Clinton just don't live untill oboma.
Grace Preston's Avatar
It's amusing that other Dims see that and are putting all her proposals in the trash can. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter

So.. you've actually noticed. Yet-- in the right wing media, it reads as though every Democrat is a Socialist Marxist because of the most loud nutters on the left. Much like the spin that every Republican is a KKK loving redneck racist-- even though most of the party denounces that faction of the party.

I'm waiting for people to realize that the far factions on both sides have EVERYTHING to gain if they can get the moderates to fight with each other.
  • oeb11
  • 07-20-2020, 08:03 AM
When the LibDems stand up to and refute the platforms of the radicals - then You may have a point - grace.

At this poinit - the marxist radicals -AOC, Bernie, Tlaib - inicluding the anti-Semitic and OBLM Racists - are running the party.

Look on the west Coast and NYC how the dem-led cities embrace violence, Defund the police, embrace marxism and oppose the rule of law and Equality for all in favor of Destroying the Cities.

See - Portland, and on and on.

Go vote for Biden - it is a vote for whoever his radical VP will be - He is senile and incompetent.
Grace Preston's Avatar
I'm not voting for Biden for that very reason. I don't believe the "he's senile" rhetoric. But I do feel that if he wins, he won't be serving a full term.

I'm going to undervote. I can't support Trump.. and the Libertarian candidate is more left on some issues than the worst of the LibDems.
LexusLover's Avatar
Bitten will be lucky to make it 30 days after inauguration ... 25th Amendment!
  • oeb11
  • 07-20-2020, 08:14 AM
i forgot - add in all the radical Libdem platform - open borders. free college, citizenship on demand for any immigrant. welfare and free medicare for all to all, and the list of "give-aways' to buy votes is staggering.

When the American people look at the national Treasury as their own pocketbook - our country is fnished, and will devolve into an Autocracy - likely marxist given the penetrance of socialism/marxiwm in the educational systems.

last year I vote libertarian - it fit my views - but was a wasted vote. I could not bring myself tovote for H... or T..... While I am not fond of trump and his persona - overall - he has acted as POTUS in ways generally consonant with my views.

I think he is exhausted by the continuing virulent hatred of the Libdems, LSM, and propaganda - and is not behaving as a POTUS who really wants to be re-elected.

jan 2021 may mark the end of our representative democracy - and will if the LibDems gain the Senate adn POTUS. They will pack the SC and enforce One party rule - Marxist - as their "Change the country plan".
Grace Preston's Avatar
Bitten will be lucky to make it 30 days after inauguration ... 25th Amendment! Originally Posted by LexusLover

I'm inclined to agree with you. As I said.. I don't think he's senile.. but I do think he's in very poor health. He doesn't have the spark he used to have.

Having said that, I'm not 100% confident that Trump has another full 4 years in him, either. He's not exactly a vestige of health.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I'm going to undervote. I can't support Trump.. and the Libertarian candidate is more left on some issues than the worst of the LibDems. Originally Posted by Grace Preston

under vote? interesting choice of words.

isn't that the same as down voting?

you might be thinking of alternate voting as the better word to use.
LexusLover's Avatar
Having said that, I'm not 100% confident that Trump has another full 4 years in him, either. He's not exactly a vestige of health. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
Pence is good backup. Bottom line: If Bitten makes the cut, Congress will be sufficiently Democratic to pull off a 25th Amendment move and Bitten will play along like the puppet he is. He doesn't have the balls to resist, which is where he's at today.
Trump is going to be the lamest duck president since James Buchanan. If by some miracle he happens to win this fall then he will be the lamest duck for more than 4 years.

Pence is a piece of shit backup. "Yes Donnie, whatever you say" He reminds me of the longtime congressman from northwest Iowa Steve King. Who was finally defeated in the Republican primary this spring. Thank be to God.

They are both racist, totally ineffective and incredibly stupid. King's primary defeat was the first step in the "Make America Smart Again" 2020 tour.

Got any intelligent comments to that JoeB or Pinto Driver?

I thought as much.