Kanye West for President

What do you think about Kanye West running for President?
  • oeb11
  • 07-19-2020, 06:28 PM
How would OBLM split their Racist, marxist, Homophilic Vote???
Poor little darlins' - they would have 'splody Heads'!
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Anybody who would vote for Kanye West for president should not be allowed to vote. Then again, he is about as unqualified as Trump is for the position so why not?. Why not keep an open mind and keep this shit show going and have Kanye as the ringmaster?
^^^^And bitten is qualified....do tell
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Biden is not qualified. But neither is Kanye or Trump. They all suck. None of those clowns should ever be POTUS IMO. Kanye is a joke anyway, so nobody takes that seriously.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
hes on the ballot in oklahoma
Lucas McCain's Avatar
I hope Kanye enjoys his 10 votes there. Actually, he is married to a Trashdashian so he will probably get many more votes so I'll up that to 200 who vote for his stupid ass.
bambino's Avatar
Biden is not qualified. But neither is Kanye or Trump. They all suck. None of those clowns should ever be POTUS IMO. Kanye is a joke anyway, so nobody takes that seriously. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Since you’re a proclaimed high finance guy and erstwhile accountant, why is Trump unqualified? His tax cuts are great for all types of businesses, the stock markets have hit record highs, and unemployment has hit record lows before Covid. He’s negotiated favorable trade deals for the US. So how the fuck is he unqualified? My guess is you’re not qualified to run a lemonade stand.
Ripmany's Avatar
He drop out, he not going to get one percent but, the loser blaim him steal 20% of there demcrocrat republican untitled voted
HedonistForever's Avatar
Since you’re a proclaimed high finance guy and erstwhile accountant, why is Trump unqualified? His tax cuts are great for all types of businesses, the stock markets have hit record highs, and unemployment has hit record lows before Covid. He’s negotiated favorable trade deals for the US. So how the fuck is he unqualified? My guess is you’re not qualified to run a lemonade stand. Originally Posted by bambino

Just more Trump hatred on display with no real thought behind his comment. Even under the banner of Trump was just continuing the "success" Obama put in place which of course is complete bullshit, he kept it going with record increases in every category imaginable and didn't wreck it as the idiot Krugman and his cronies predicted he would do. How was that prediction for a Nobel prize winner in economics? Maybe the worst prediction ever made in economics.

Trump was every bit and probably more so qualified that the Community organizer was.

The qualification to be President is to tell us what you intend to do, try to do, all things considered and then keep your word in trying to do what you said and Trump did that based on his pre-COVID performance.
Tucker had a segment on Kanye tonight.

CNN and MSNBC are trashing him.

He must have hit a nerve.
  • oeb11
  • 07-20-2020, 07:04 PM
I would expect the LSM to go after Kanye - he is off the DPST Plantation - and they don't take that defection lightly.

He best prepare for a Trump-like assault on him, his wife, the kids, and everything about his life.