Pelosi endorses Omar!!!!

bambino's Avatar
The most powerful Democrat in DC is now supporting the biggest Anti-Semite in DC!!!!!! I wonder if the Jewish community is keeping tabs on this? Omar’s opponent has raised a lot more money. Maybe the Jews are on to the Marxist Democrats who want to destroy the Jewish community.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
omar is in trouble. she has baggage people didn't knew about.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Just more boros resistance
Grace Preston's Avatar
Once Omar secured the primary-- most Democrats are in a position to have to support her, or risk losing the House. Its much like people who are not fond of Trump who begin stumping for him... because its that or let the other side have an advantage.

We've become a country that wants to vote party line rather than ask ourselves "What is this person about". Almost every political ad I've seen this cycle doesn't mention anything about the candidate posting the ad-- it only mentions "the other guy".