Any legit pharmacies/doctors online for testosterone?

If anyone can help me out with info on getting testosterone cream online from a legit pharmacy/doctor/clinic I would really appreciate it. PM if me if you prefer.

You aren't going to get it from a "legit" source without a prescription. Find one of the many doctors or clinics that specialize in this. There are many doctors that advertise hormone replacement, anti-aging regimens, low-T therapy or whatever for men. Pick up one of the free local fitness magazines for your area, ex. Austin Fit is distributed around town for free. All of those doctors advertise in it. Pick one, they'll want to do some blood work, but testosterone replacement is their business, unless your T level is already high, that is what they'll prescribe.
GAMarky Mark's Avatar
Have you tried going across the border to see if it is available at the Mexican pharmacies?
pyramider's Avatar
My boss said his rub on T smelled. I do not know if the cream smelled. Or if his body chemistry mixed with the T smelled.

If you are going to self medicate with testosterone you will need to get your psa and hemoglobin levels checked frequently. Testosterone can thicken the blood in some to the point of having to get a pint removed weekly, and that is under a doctor's supervision.
Go to your dr and have your testosterone levels tested. If they are low they will definitely prescribe it to you. Best way is to inject testosterone.
Without insurance the product is very expensive. Even with insurance it is still around $100 for a 6 month prescription. Use it wisely as this medication can affect your other organs.