Da Facts...

Sharing is caring! Know who you might be corresponding with and giving your private information to. Ladies, LC has given her handler AY full control of her online accounts such as Eccie and P411. The pimp/ho duo were questioned by authorities in KC then they left town.

Play safe!


Lariyah_Cash's Avatar
Gemma, I'm glad to see that you are able to follow my every move and bring up this situation once again in attempts to try and smear my name. I just want to say i'm not mad at you for this and I don't hold any ill will towards you at all. I know KVD has put you up to this, but whatever your problem is with me that's something you have to get through because I won't feed into it and I have never done anything to you. You are receiving your information from KVD, the provider who has been stalking me for well over two years now. The provider who is behind all these postings and rumors about me.

Mods have the power and technology to see who logs in to these accounts, if anyone else other than me logged into my account I would not still be here. I have never been questioned by anyone affiliated with LE whatsoever regarding anything.

No one has any information that anyone has given me but me. No one has full control over my accounts but me. Like I have stated before plenty of times on this board, if anyone who has ever been screened by me or given me any kind of information please come forward and submit proof if you have ever been black mailed by me with information that you shared with me. Please come forward if anyone that says they know me has contacted you, PLEASE! If anyone can come forward and present actual facts of this I would greatly appreciate it.

I could easily post lies and rumors about you Gemma and KVD but discretion and privacy is something I respect to the upmost so that's something I would never do. If you have been keeping up with this drama that has started in Kansas City almost a year ago, you will notice the only person who is giving up private information is KVD.

If I was supposedly questioned by anyone why would I continue to make visits to KC since I've moved? If you wanted to know the reason why I moved from KC this is one of the reasons. The drama that is associated with a few of the people there that can't seem to leave me alone, mainly KVD. Gemma, you are merely a pawn that she is using to manipulate so i'm not upset at you. I know you are reading this post KVD from your back up handle (Miss Texas or something like that. Mods should check into that handle if you have not already). So I want to make one thing clear to you KVD. I DO NOT WANT YOUR "MAN" OR YOUR "CLIENTS". Every time someone who has written a review on me that has also seen KVD she texts my phone about it threatening me not to ever see them again or else! KVD, you can continue to stalk me, you can continue posting vicious things about me, you can continue to call my phone and text me EVERYDAY and NIGHT like you have been doing for the past two years. You can go make several more fake social media pages of me with my pictures like you did two months ago (I only have ONE social media page and it's on Twitter @LariyahCash). You can make up all the lies you want in attempts to drive gentleman away from seeing me. You can also find out where I live this time and you are welcome to bust my windows out of my car and slash my tires like you did a few weeks ago (I also want to thank the mutual client that we both had in Kansas City who gave KVD my address and the description of my things. I'm sure she didn't tell you that she planned to do those things). None of that will stop me from being the person that I am. I will wake up every day with a smile on my face and a peace of mind because I will not allow you and your stalking of me to control my life anymore. I have been quiet on this issue for the entire two years but I do not live in Kansas City anymore so I will not keep quiet about this any longer. I have the messages and if anyone wants to see the messages please email me directly and I will forward them to you.

KVD you can post whatever you want about me and you can get as many people like Gemma on your side all you want, but once they find out the kind of person you truly are and they see the way you are using them then they will believe me. One thing I will never do is threaten you, stalk you or spread the vicious lies about you that you have done to me. I choose to be happy with my life! I'm sorry that this person can't seem to let go of this and it has spilled over to your boards. I dislike drama and I'm not the kind of person who feeds into it.

Lastly, I want to thank the wonderful guys who notified me of this post and I also want to thank you for your support on this matter. You guys know who I am and you really know my true character and intentions so I would like to thank you guys and I appreciate you!
Miss Texas's Avatar
My email is katvondee15@gmail.com if anyone has any questions or concerns in regards to this situation. Quit believing the lies
You put your every move on Eccie?? Then I guess I'm guilty of reading the public board and seeing your every move.