New to Mardis Gras

Carolina Girl Holly's Avatar
Throw me something Mister Mardis Gras says a shirt today that I bought - I'm so new to the area and don't really know much about Mardis Gras and I thought I was going to give it to my son until someone explained it to me....its now my shirt lol
Everyone should go to NOLA for Fat Tuesday at least once in life.
You are in for wild ride. (smile)
midnite312004's Avatar
I agree Alaine, being from NOLA it is experience to say the least every time I introduce an out of towner to it.
Up_N_Smoke's Avatar
Show your tits!!
Show your tits!!
Show your tits!!
Sorry , da gras is in a couple of weeks and I gotta get in my practice in now lmao!
Carolina Girl Holly's Avatar
Yeah, I get it now, see our showcases and enjoy UpNSmoke
ck1942's Avatar
NOLA is a whole lotta fun -- even when it's not Mardi Gras.