Strange things indeed

Muse's Avatar
  • Muse
  • 04-13-2011, 03:23 PM
Ok folks, here's one for ya. I'm mostly a Lurker here but I have to ask this one.

So it's a Sunday morning, dont ask what i'm doing awake on a Sunday morning, and I pull into a CVS pharm to get an ice cold Chocolate Milk. Mmm good. So I get to the register and an older guy, about in his mid 60's, is ahead of me. It's his turn and down he puts to two big jugs of foldgers coffee, the bigger jugs, and 20 boxs of rubbers and thats it. Sounds like an intro to a joke but nope it's not. Usually in a scenerio like this, I could come up with something witty to start a converstaion with a stranger but I've to tell you, i was speechless on this one.

So i've got to ask everyone, are these ingredients for a Hobbiest or a Provider?
JusticeMutt's Avatar
Sounds like a PIMP to me
Keyzer Soze's Avatar
Sounds like a PIMP to me Originally Posted by JusticeMutt
a reasonable cumclusion, sounds like a value oriented pimp,coffee must have been on sale.
Make for nice coffee mug liners.... don't they.
promdate's Avatar
either a pimp or if not, i'd follow him to his home to see what would necessitate a latex overload!LOL!
I find that a good cup of coffee helps my sexual performance.

Hmmmmm...a 60 plus year old pimp.....out early Sunday morning.....I don’t know. Maybe he has a sugar baby that moonlights? LOL.....She gets all weirded out when she has to buy (sic) condemns.

Wait I got it! He is doing the sugar baby, and she ain't moonlighting......but he never had his tubes he isn't shooting blanks. Smart old gent if you ask me.

Sonya Playmate's Avatar
Muse, Hola friend

Could there be a new slogan on the horizon...

The best part of wakin' up...
The best part of wakin' up ... is Folgers in your cup and a multi packs of of condoms.

- or -

Everyone has a vice; maybe coffee is hers
Muse's Avatar
  • Muse
  • 04-13-2011, 09:28 PM
All good ones! I'm kinda surprised I haven't seen a "hey that was me!" from one of you guys.

Hey there S. looking good as always!
nah--I don't drink coffee..........
They put drugs in the condoms, then put them in the jars of coffee. The scent throws the dogs off.

I used to get my medication across the border this way.
They put drugs in the condoms, then put them in the jars of coffee. The scent throws the dogs off. I used to get my medication across the border this way.
Wow...would never have thought of that! Guess LE knows all about this as well? (lol)

So, he bought 20 boxes at a CVS? Condoms are expensive there...I would have said maybe he was stocking up for a business that he has...a club or bar, but it would be cheaper to buy that at Costcos...or maybe he doesn't care.

I would have had the same types of questions seeing all those condoms. He could be an owner of an agency and shopping for surplies...or, hey...maybe he was shopping for Cristie CutiePie's surplies! (lol)
LOL Likinikki I was just thinking the same thing gotta get some of that pie

Hmm 20 boxes of condoms and coffee sounds like the old man is gonna have a long hard ass Sunday morning or a huge water balloon party!!! Either way he better stock up with viagra>>Hey if you have a CVS card you get a discount>>>
9pinBowler's Avatar
...or, hey...maybe he was shopping for Cristie CutiePie's surplies! (lol) Originally Posted by Likinikki
Now that there is some funny shit.
Chuck12's Avatar
or, hey...maybe he was shopping for Cristie CutiePie's surplies! (lol) Originally Posted by Likinikki
Now that made my day. Thanks Nikki!