Vets heading to Ukraine

HDGristle's Avatar

Good luck and God bless. 10 is a start. Hope more good people take a stand, stand in solidarity with Ukraine and do more to help push back against this unacceptable, ruthless aggression from Putin.

This is a legitimate fight for freedom and protecting a people and a way of life.
HDGristle's Avatar
Latvia and Canada approve of their citizens joining Ukraine's International Legion
berryberry's Avatar
Last I checked, Alexander Vindman has yet to take up arms to defend his home country in their time of need.

Book tours about his treason, tweeting and MSNBC hits must be more pressing.
HDGristle's Avatar
If you're charging him rent for the 3 bedroom flat in your head he's residing in, please donate it to support Ukraine relief
bambino's Avatar
Send in DF!!!!!!!!
Send in DF!!!!!!!! Originally Posted by bambino
I have a better idea, why don't you and your bonehead treasonus buddies go!
I am now an old man now, if I was 20 years younger I would certainly consider going depending on my commitments! !
I had enough discomfort from those 11 years to last me the rest of my life!
But make no mistake, bring the fight here and we'll rock pussies!
From what I can tell by your treasonous behavior here that none of you have done anything to support or advance the cause of freedom!
Except for the quartermaster general, and just like the oath weepers, he seems to have forgotten that oath too or never understood that he gave his word when he gave it or even if he gave it at all!
Take a good look at Ukraine, do you think that you could live like that?
Because all of you morons think that it would be cute to do that to this country because of you intolerance not only to you fellow man, your intolerance to your fellow Americans and your intolerance to American liberalisim!
And apparently your intolerance to freedom in general!
Your a bunch of pasty white cowards that are quite willing to let others do the fighting for you, while you take advantage of a system of government that you had nothing to do with either creating or protecting!
And since at your age you ha e gotten all you can from that system your going to hamstring future generations by creating an olygarcial system that only benifits you and yours and your fellow travelers!
Your afraid of history (CRT) because a bunch of other pasty white motherfuckers did to thier fellow man because of they're color, what Russia is trying to do to the Ukraine and it makes you uncomfortable to talk about it!
Too fucking bad!
Be uncomfortable!

I looked across the Czech border, I saw the enemy of this country and the enemy of its form of government looking back at me.
I was there to take any attack along with the rest of my brothers in arms
What the fuck have you done?
Yeah, I thought as much!
You and private bonespurs!
Once again, What in it for them?
Fucking cowards!
And if you Do decided that your going to go and sleep in the snow and mud while you get shot at.
Then by all means take the quartermaster general, private barker and a few of the others on here, with you with you!
Fucking bunch of pussies!
eyecu2's Avatar
Damn Dog.... Didn't even leave a little bit of meat on that bone did you? Yeah lots of American tough guys sitting behind keyboards, with no tolerance for anybody but their rep-tard friends. Bigly sad. What is surprising to me is how any of these guys here support Putin's attempt to take over another country, while applauding Donald Trump's comments about the douchebag Putin. I guess autocrats and dictators have strong minions that follow behind them. Emotionally bankrupt but strong in opinion at least.
berryberry's Avatar
Damn Dog.... Didn't even leave a little bit of meat on that bone did you? Yeah lots of American tough guys sitting behind keyboards, with no tolerance for anybody but their rep-tard friends. Bigly sad. What is surprising to me is how any of these guys here support Putin's attempt to take over another country, while applauding Donald Trump's comments about the douchebag Putin. I guess autocrats and dictators have strong minions that follow behind them. Emotionally bankrupt but strong and opinion at least. Originally Posted by eyecu2
And yet here you and your buddies on this thread sit behind your keyboards, just like Vindman, all talk and no action. Tell me when you guys have booked your flight to Ukraine. Maybe we will have a send off party and give you some oranges to take with you

And who on this thread supported Putin's attempt to attack Ukraine? Libtards crack me up - someone makes truthful comments about Trump being the ONLY President out of the last 4 that Putin was scared to attack other people (Georgia, Crimea, Ukraine) and you jump to asinine conclusions that means they support Putin. NO - they just are stating reality which is obviously something libtards lack
lustylad's Avatar
What is surprising to me is how any of these guys here support Putin's attempt to take over another country... Originally Posted by eyecu2
Let's have a show of hands... anyone here supporting Putin? Eye, why don't you set up a poll so everyone can vote anonymously? Otherwise I call bullshit!

Here is Zelensky receiving a standing ovation from the EU Parliament today:
Vindman served this country honorably, what have you done Joe!
That man wipes more courage off his asshole when he shits than you ever knew or had!
Fucking tratior, questioning a combat wounded vets courage and commitment!
Once again, fucking tratior! ��
And as to the rest of that garbage you spout!

And yet here you and your buddies on this thread sit behind your keyboards, just like Vindman, all talk and no action. Tell me when you guys have booked your flight to Ukraine. Maybe we will have a send off party and give you some oranges to take with you

And who on this thread supported Putin's attempt to attack Ukraine? Libtards crack me up - someone makes truthful comments about Trump being the ONLY President out of the last 4 that Putin was scared to attack other people (Georgia, Crimea, Ukraine) and you jump to asinine conclusions that means they support Putin. NO - they just are stating reality which is obviously something libtards lack Originally Posted by berryberry
lustylad's Avatar
Your (sic) afraid of history (CRT) because a bunch of other pasty white motherfuckers did to thier (sic) fellow man because of they're (sic) color... and it makes you uncomfortable to talk about it!
Too fucking bad!
Be uncomfortable! Originally Posted by Dogface78
Hey dawg - speaking of feeling uncomfortable, does it make YOU uncomfortable to talk about the SORDID RACIST HISTORY OF THE DIM-RETARD PARTY?

Or will you plead ignorance because the far-left woke ideologues who want to spoon-feed their distorted CRT version of history to our kids are trying to expunge all those dim-retard sins from our collective memories?

Here ya go, dawg.... be sure to watch the whole thing! If it makes you feel uncomfortable, too fucking bad!
Not at all lusty, because anybody that has any brains
konws there was a shift in the parties, the dems are now the Republicans and visa versa!
Don't give me any of that disinformation!

Hey dawg - speaking of feeling uncomfortable, does it make YOU uncomfortable to talk about the SORDID RACIST HISTORY OF THE DIM-RETARD PARTY?

Or will you plead ignorance because the far-left woke ideologues who want to spoon-feed their distorted CRT version of history to our kids are trying to expunge all those dim-retard sins from our collective memories?

Here ya go, dawg.... be sure to watch the whole thing! If it makes you feel uncomfortable, too fucking bad! Originally Posted by lustylad
lustylad's Avatar
Last I checked, Alexander Vindman has yet to take up arms to defend his home country in their time of need. Originally Posted by berryberry
Now would be a good time for Vindman to accept that Ukraine Defense Minister offer:
lustylad's Avatar
Not at all lusty, because anybody that has any brains
konws there was a shift in the parties, the dems are now the Republicans and visa versa!
Don't give me any of that disinformation! Originally Posted by Dogface78
No dawg, YOU are the victim of disinformation. Did you even watch the video I posted for your edification? You need to watch the whole thing - and learn!

The dim-retards are the party of slavery, lynching, the KKK, Jim Crow, segregation and discrimination. They were so tightly interwoven with the KKK that the 1924 dim-retard national convention was called the "Klanbake"! Our 28th President Woodrow Wilson, a dim-retard, was a huge Klan supporter. WV Senator Robert Byrd was an Exalted Cyclops in the KKK. I could go on and on. The point is the dim-retards own a deep and despicable, centuries-long and thoroughly incriminating history of support for white supremacy and racial oppression!

The Republicans are the party of Abe Lincoln - the party that freed the slaves, amended the Constitution twice (14th and 15th Amendments) and furnished the critical votes needed to pass the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Since its founding, the GOP has worked to protect minorities and all Americans against the outrageous predations of racist dim-retards!

For you to shrug off two centuries of racist dim-retard history with the flippant comment “the dems are now the Republicans and vice versa” is as sad as it is ignorant!

Be a man and OWN your party’s history! Don’t white-wash it. Don’t try to project your guilt onto the party that freed the slaves. Don’t overcompensate for your own guilty conscience by pushing CRT bullshit on everyone else.
Newsflash to white liberals: not all republicans are white. Common misconception.