
Naughty_Jezabelle's Avatar

I thought that this place would be different than the others.. but it is simply NOT!

The poker game is cancelled. I will not take my valuable time and set something up and be harrassed because of it. I tried to do something nice and enjoyable for the guys and something extremely profitable for the ladies who signed up. I apologize for all that showed interests, but I am sure with the many kind ladies here, someone else can do it for you.

I am leaving the boards. I am not retiring. But I will not participate in this anymore. The men who have seen me know what kind of person I am and the men who wanted to... well i Hope you saved the number.

I am so sick that it doesn't matter what kind of thread someone posts... SOMEONE EVERY TIME has to make into some damn fight. This is ridiculous. This is supposed to be fun.

Goodbye, I wish you all well. Good luck in all that you do.


spaceman181's Avatar
I noticed the same thing. Dont blame you one bit. Some people...ahh, nevermind, why go there?
Mature Companion's Avatar

I thought that this place would be different than the others.. but it is simply NOT!

The poker game is cancelled. I will not take my valuable time and set something up and be harrassed because of it. I tried to do something nice and enjoyable for the guys and something extremely profitable for the ladies who signed up. I apologize for all that showed interests, but I am sure with the many kind ladies here, someone else can do it for you.

I am leaving the boards. I am not retiring. But I will not participate in this anymore. The men who have seen me know what kind of person I am and the men who wanted to... well i Hope you saved the number.

I am so sick that it doesn't matter what kind of thread someone posts... SOMEONE EVERY TIME has to make into some damn fight. This is ridiculous. This is supposed to be fun.

Goodbye, I wish you all well. Good luck in all that you do.


Jezabelle Originally Posted by Naughty_Jezabelle

I realize your addressing this at me since I brought up the safety concerns that surround you. Of which I make no apologies for.
I don't care how disliked I am in this community.
When it concerns safety & folks in our community. I'm going to speak up. Regardless of childish exits from the board such as this. It's premature.
Walking away from the board doesn't address nor solve the safety issues.

No one harassed you nor was mean to you in that thread. Rather looking out for the safety & well being of others. All of which were respectful comments.
Had you never of openly posted the recent various alerts. (some of a very serious nature). Then the safety issues would have never of been addressed.

If you feel that's being mean to you. Then you have a rude awaking in this adult lifestyle. Because if it were concerning anyone else, in another city.
I'm sure someone at some point would have spoken up. It's what we do when we give a hoot about safety in the community.

Good luck to you in the hobby.

Hobby safely & wisely.
CrimsonValkyrie's Avatar
Damn that sucks. I am a newbie and I was hoping to hobby with you soon. Take care.
funnyboy's Avatar
Sorry to see you go. It is too bad someone who hates their own life so bad has to take it out on someone they do not know. Maybe that person will find someone who will fill their life and allow others to live theirs.

Best to you.
swwaustin's Avatar
Damn that sucks. I am a newbie and I was hoping to hobby with you soon. Take care. Originally Posted by CrimsonValkyrie
I am leaving the boards. I am not retiring. Originally Posted by Naughty_Jezabelle
Doesn't look like that should change your plans Crimson. However, you'll have to fight OneIbc for her time.

The poker game is cancelled. Originally Posted by Naughty_Jezabelle
Yeah, I also saw that the poker tournament thread was deleted. It's a shame, it was enlightening. Oh well, good luck to you, and have fun. See you in the Men's Lounge.
textodd11's Avatar
God! Same old shit, same person. Sorry Jezabelle.
oshins's Avatar
What can I say, its the internet. Its not just 'this type' of board, its any board.

Some people like to see if they can get a response. Its called trolling, and the perpetrators are called trolls. It sounds like WM enjoys being a troll. Based on this discussion and many others, she has a select few that like (or can stand) her, while a large number think she is a total bitch. I have no opinion of her other than I classified her as a troll and as such should be ignored. I suggest that if you are put off by her inflammatory comments that you do the same.

The anonymity afforded by a board makes some people think they can write whatever they want with impunity, and to a large extent... they can. The best way to deal with them is not to post in their threads... and ignore them if they post their BS in yours. Leave them to their miserable existence. Seriously, if it takes being mean/rude/obnoxious/... generally a tool to make you aren't worth my time. That's my advice anyway.

Dick Diamond's Avatar



The ignore feature=priceless

Goodbye Jezabelle
Take Care
Jez...wearing the provider badge has its many rewards...but, you have to take the good with the bad, hon. You can't wear your feelings on your sleeves, in this biz, and think you'll survive...unfortunately.

The hobby is giving're only allowing the few sour apples to spoil the whole basket!
Mature Companion's Avatar
What can I say, its the internet. Its not just 'this type' of board, its any board.

Some people like to see if they can get a response. Its called trolling, and the perpetrators are called trolls. It sounds like WM enjoys being a troll. Based on this discussion and many others, she has a select few that like (or can stand) her, while a large number think she is a total bitch. I have no opinion of her other than I classified her as a troll and as such should be ignored. I suggest that if you are put off by her inflammatory comments that you do the same.

The anonymity afforded by a board makes some people think they can write whatever they want with impunity, and to a large extent... they can. The best way to deal with them is not to post in their threads... and ignore them if they post their BS in yours. Leave them to their miserable existence. Seriously, if it takes being mean/rude/obnoxious/... generally a tool to make you aren't worth my time. That's my advice anyway.

peace Originally Posted by oshins

Excuse me? A troll?

I do not appreciate the uncalled accusations made in my direction.
You have ZERO clue as to the serious safety issues that surround said OP.
Those safety issues went hand in hand with the poker game.
Her leaving the board has nothing to with me. Rather her own safety issues & the hobbyist she's associated with. His comments toward the end of the poker thread were disturbing to some. His comments came at the very moment she choose to leave the board. (hmm)
Instead of her addressing the safety issues. They raised more.

However, instead you choose to stoop to a childish level as well and
attack me for something you know nothing about.
I don't care if you can't stand my strong opinions. But don't you dare call me a troll. It's out of line and unwarranted.
Naughty_Jezabelle's Avatar
First, thank you to the many, many of you that have asked me not to go. Both here and in private messages and phone calls. Your caring and concern means a lot to me.

Second, I NEVER mentioned any names as to whom I was referring. I am not leaving because of one board. I have had enough of this High school level of maturity. I respect that others have opinions that differ from everyone else. but that is simply not reason enough to be rude or get into arguments over a web board.

Third, "my safety issues":

To be quite blunt, we all have "safety issues". Its the nature of our job. We have "safety issues" when we leave some where at night. We could get robbed or raped or worse by someone who isn't in the hobby. There is no proof that the man that hurt me was a hobbyist. Some one that breaks into my home and hurts me could have happened to ANYONE. It could have happened to the 5th grade teacher above me. Does that mean that she should be shunned from the school? Or people coming to her house? I think NOT. I simply posted a PRIVATE alert to the ladies for a JUST IN CASE. I didn't post it in the open as wasn't seeking the attention nor did i need all the men to pat my head and go into "knight in shining armor" mode without all the facts like as happened in previous boards.

You speak of "many" alerts. I have had ONE OTHER about a man that paid me in a fake check for an outcall. So, how does that make me a security risk? In fact, don't answer that.. because it was a retorical question. In addition, since my home was invaded by a unknown intruder, I have changed incalls for the safety of myself and my clients. As I stated before, the several gentlemen that have made my acquaintence; know who I am.

I am going to take the advice of the SEVERAL men and women who have contacted me, and stay and ignore those who insist on being negative towards any post I make. Thank you again for all your kind words and expressing your desire for me to stay.
we need a group hug
we need a group hug Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought

Sorry, just trying to lighten up the mood.
handyGiraffe's Avatar
Hang in there...I'm independent...have not met either of you..I do know this....the older you get you'll find it gets increasingly harder to take your ball and leave the playground.....a bully simply needs someone to stand up to them...You didn't start this argument...someone wanted to start one....apparently because of jealousy...just laugh at them and move have my support.

We each have a personal responsibility to play safe.....and at this point you are past the need for a dorm mom to tell you what you can and can't arrange.....and I'm still in if you do it.....