Beware...It's Not Just *Elle* That's Watching...

Sonya Playmate's Avatar
This is truly scary!! Originally Posted by Likinikki
ouch YIKES!
Naughty_Jezabelle's Avatar
I actually saw that last night! That is crazy... Guys be careful!
spaceman181's Avatar
Defrag your drive regularly. That will eliminate the ability to recover a lot of the stuff you have deleted, but isn't really "gone" from the drive.
KlassyKelliAnn's Avatar
The media is a sad bunch of rejects with nothing better to do and no "real" news to report. They need to get a "real" job! Maybe they should all become providers and hobbyists and only then may their lives become worthy and interesting!

Just my sarcastic .02.

Kelli Ann
lol, real news from a local station. Pretty neat about the stings they set up. As far as them coming into your home? That is pretty far out there. Dude makes it seem like he is a super spy. Everyone should know nothing is completely gone from the HD till the HD itself is removed and destroyed.
XXXRooster's Avatar
The dude come in my house, will eat a 230gr. hollow point .45 bullet.
Just sayin!
forgive my ignorance, who/what is "elle" or "ellie"
KlassyKelliAnn's Avatar
Ok so besides the "ellie" and this group or organization the Velvet just mentioned I also have another one to add to the ever growing list of people creating havoc. Anybody ever heard of a group of mad citizens called CAP (citizens againtst Pro (well I think you get it). A friend of mine just told me about the group. These are people with nothing better to do in their miserable lives so they go on hobbyhunts. These people actually take your licence plate down. They then look up name and address of owner of car. Then they go as far as to send a letter in the mail detailing every detail of your dirty little secret. YES THEY SAY WHEN, WHERE, TIME OF DAY, HOW LONG YOU STAYED AND TAKE PICTURES OF YOU COMING AND GOING. Then they go on to say that if you are caught in "their neck of the woods" again they will forward all info to "ellie". So this person in question that received this wonderful piece of information by mail also said that they address it to your SO if you have one. SCARY. They cant actually prove anything its more of a scare tactic. They want you to stay out of their neighborhood......... I read somewhere on this site of an area of town where "ellie" may be watching my guess its because of these angry neighbors. STAY AWAY FROM 1604 PEOPLE. Originally Posted by seXXXy Brooke

These are people that are activists against this biz. They are just trouble makers with nothing better to do but for safety purposes always watch your back because they can and will compromise that safety and discretion if they can. When going to an outcall, I always drive around and scope out the area for about 15 minutes prior to going in. I watch for anything "not normal." This is good advice for anyone going to and leaving any location they prefer to meet at.

Take care out there and play safe and quietly!

Kelli Ann
bigmarv's Avatar
Just another good reason not to be visiting providers if you have a SO. Life is good being an older guy and not in a committed relationship.
SofaKingFun's Avatar
I think that some of you are placing the blame on the wrong people.

This isn't the media's fault. All they did was give us a heads-up about the service. I appreciate that because it serves as another reminder to cover your tracks.

It isn't the Investigator's fault. These guys are professional investigators hired by a suspecting significant other. Same thing that Joey Greco does on the TV show, "Cheaters". The only reason these cats come into the picture is because you screwed-up and set off the SO's radar....and I'd even go so far as to say that you'd have to really be screwing up in order to warrant your SO calling these guys anyway.

I'm not married but I do know what it's like to fall under someone's suspicion. If you're married, your tells are a whole lot easier to read by someone you've lived with - for however long- than someone you've only been dating. They pick-up on even the most subtle of changes. Even more so when their suspicions are raised.

My take on the deal is simply this. If you're going to fool around on your spouse/significant other, you run the risk of getting caught. If you accept that risk then you damned well better be prepared to accept and deal with the fallout which follows if and when you do get caught.

If there's any blame to be had, I'm afraid it lies firmly on the one doing the fooling around.

I've seen some clips on the interweb about the CAP organization that Brooke mentioned. The clips I saw were basically a concerned citizen or two, armed with a cell-phone and camcorder, targeting SW's in their infested neighborhoods. They'd video the pick-up and then follow the 'date' to where they park, filming them engaging, etc...just flat-out busting their asses. I don't know anything about them targeting incall/outcall providers though. That would be far more difficult for them to do.

Bottom line: Watch your ass and don't ever think that you're too slick or too smart to get busted.

Sensei's Avatar
Just go to and download the software. It will clean your tracks very well and its free.

As for me, I use a laptop and have Knoppix running from a CD so NOTHING is written to my hard drive so there is nothing to find. I am used to covering my tracks. Here is a link for more info: ([ame=""][/ame]
SofaKingFun's Avatar
Oh really? The clips that I saw were from Oklahoma or far North Texas, I think. That's just crazy from the way you've described things. Wow!

The hiring an investigator? Ehh, I can understand if a SO want to find out if there's something going on between her partner and someone else so I wouldn't consider it all that crazy. They've been doing that sort of thing for years. Now they're cracking computers as well.
Sensei...thank you for the information, but how fast does Knoppix run off the cd?