To the trolls that are confused about my providing career....yes you know who you are!!! Seriously shut the FLUCK up it’s just annoying... I am a beautiful woman a far cry from looking like a tortilla lady .... seriously everyone thinks your just foolish and stupid ... I have no problem having a man pay 200+ over and over for over 15 years....but hey keep on trolling eventually your privileges will be taken away...lol

By the way I told Ck1942 and all the amazing gentlemen at the social last week how you been trolling on me....stop cockblocking dude. They were all talking about how gorgeous I am a far cry from looking like a tortilla lady whatever that even means....it just Gives me more business...lol

[Staff edit. M]

I have been providing on and off for over 15 years I have had 3 sugar daddy’s and yes a millionaire that I met through here (thank you LikiNikki) that good man completely adores me & my whole family & yes knows all about what I do....You can say I am one lucky woman!! I raised 4 amazing children with no child support....Thank you God my children never went hungry ....My beauty is my hustle always has been I really don’t think if I deceived anyone with my looks or service why they would keep cumming back...lol

And now I have a hot Lil mamacita Bunny Joy!! My plan is to completely retire soon and pass down my clients to Bunny Joy. I am launching my detox business so I will have no time to provide any longer.

Throughout the years I launched a lot of providers careers. One of my biggest accomplishments was Ezra. I plan to do the same with Bunny Joy. I just pray that these trolls don’t get a hold of her & turn her off to this community... I have seen so many great providers stop providers just because they were outed for no reason...the insults the talking about us behind our back causes no one to book with us therefore we stop providing it’s just not cool & it really sucks there’s no one really on the providers side on this site..,..

Anywho take care my people and don’t pay no mind to the trolls in here eventually they will hang themself...LMFBO Attachment 825456
I meant Ez5417 here’s a big spoon of GO F YOURSELF YOU PATHETIC FOOL....LMFBO. https://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=2452817

Spoogebob Cumpants's Avatar
So do you look like a lady that sells tortillas?
Or look like a lady who eats tortillas?
Always gotta wonder when providers don’t bother to put up showcases.
tpepsi's Avatar
My plan is to completely retire soon and pass down my clients to Bunny Joy. Originally Posted by LATINA MILF
Not counting but it seems like you've 'retired' about 4 times already. How many 'retirements' are left in your plan?
HedonisticFool's Avatar
So do you look like a lady that sells tortillas?
Or look like a lady who eats tortillas?
Always gotta wonder when providers don’t bother to put up showcases. Originally Posted by Spoogebob Cumpants
I"ve seen Latina Milf and it was an awesome experience and she's sexy and cool and as far as looks go, I have no idea what tortilla lady even means!
I"ve seen Latina Milf and it was an awesome experience and she's sexy and cool and as far as looks go, I have no idea what tortilla lady even means! Originally Posted by BigChachi
To be honest, I had a good time with her. She had a curvy body, just what you would expect from a MILF.
I don't know what's going on, or if someone had a really bad time with her. At least, in my case, I enjoyed our encouter.
To be honest, I had a good time with her. She had a curvy body, just what you would expect from a MILF.
I don't know what's going on, or if someone had a really bad time with her. At least, in my case, I enjoyed our encouter.
I don’t put up shit and I’m definitely a far cry from lookin like I eat tortillas. ....and yup I sure do eat em! Tortillas tacos. Hotdogs!! Errrr thing. ����

I don’t put up shit and I’m definitely a far cry from lookin like I eat tortillas. ....and yup I sure do eat em! Tortillas tacos. Hotdogs!! Errrr thing. ���� Originally Posted by Ez5417
ck1942's Avatar

Obviously doesn't take much to bring out some haters, imo.

WALDT rulez.

And Lady Karma watches intently.

= = = =

That said, Tina looked darn good, and her new "side kick" will definitely make some lucky gentlemen purr.

Happy Hobbying!
To be honest, I had a good time with her. She had a curvy body, just what you would expect from a MILF.
I don't know what's going on, or if someone had a really bad time with her. At least, in my case, I enjoyed our encouter. Originally Posted by osomaloso
Thanks guys & Ck1942 I always said you are the Hugh Hefner of all this naughty community!!!Osomaloso as did I baby!!! Yeah well this is just a foolish mofo I was nice enough to cum into my bed for 5 seconds with his little blue balls cheap ass had $100 bucks he must be mad cause I didn’t do but $100 worth of my time....it’s beyond ridiculous dude let it go. I cant be everyone’s cup of tea I get that... but gee wtf go troll on some ho that scams you guys leave me the fluck alone....I offered you another session.... what more can I do for you to stop trolling on all my reviews & posts???? I have thick skin but gee imagine all the good providers you trolls make go away because there insulted & apart from this it makes new clients that read this shit not want to book. This business is all about trust.... anywho I love you all except the trolls you guys can go enjoy your blue balls cause the more you do this the less any provider will want to see you!!! Plus it’s against the rules to harass & be rude... I can’t wait for you to be banned....LMFBO

THIS IS FOR BOTH LADIES (starting out) AND GENTS hoping this may help ..yes it’s long, have I ever not been long winded ? Nope. Lmao
Yes folks I can 100% say I owe my entire buildup and rep to this ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL woman. And nope, unfortunately for the ladies’ side I do not put my name on the line for ladies that are unappealing, unhygienic, falsely bait and switch, or show only an 8th of themselves because the rest of them is a hot 4, thus misleading all of you. However I will always praise a lady on here where it has been earned and clearly shows. Latina Milf since day one I have always thought my god, she has such a gorgeous face with natural beauty...yup! Doesn’t even wear a shit load of makeup because she has such youthful skin. I on the other hand am not as lucky as her! Lol.

Her body is yes a curvy ivory skinned long legged big booty-d figure. It’s no mystery she is one of our TOP DOG, OG LADIES, and is not some 19 year old. Clearly this woman has never made an enemy out of time and age itself. I mean talk about prime years man.

Anyway, babe I’m sorry if you’re getting shtick from someone but I can clearly state w pride and certainty, that you dear are a gorgeous force to be reckoned with. Vast majority here ALREADY KNOW IT, therefore have a pretty good idea of what you look like and what you have to offer exactly to a T.

As for the TROLL drama, I would be happy to give some advice to your baby girl on how to not be chewed up and spat out. I too have been around for nearly 15 years again, starting and learning from the queen B, but to this day I have never felt the unbecoming feelings of being burnt out, taken advantage of, used, misused, mistreated, bullied, or worst, felt that I couldn’t come back from it all due to these said trolls. Why??.... because I have rules. I have boundaries. I have a keen set of skills that help me weed out the bad and read folks via email, profiles, comments, references etc. .... learning all of this ...ok some of this from none other than the QUEEN herself. Now yes, again I’m gonna remain real, when I felt ready to go out on my own and spread my wings, legs whatever you wanna call it lol, she was not very thrilled. But she got over it, supported me in the end and remained fair and professional through it all. She is still a valued friend to me. How many of these ladies can honestly say that about ladies they’ve mentored or learned from over the years and in the past 15 of those remain friendly and loyal and honest etc??... not a lot. I’m rambling... moving on. A few things that helped:

For example any bad reviews I am told about?... I don’t even bother reading them. Just don’t. Sorry not sorry.

Any trolls picking a fight?... well I never turn down a good argument as long as it’s someone whom you can see is ALSO intelligent, keeping shit entertaining. Never take it personally. If they are down right mean and have a malicious motive then once again, I say my side, speak my peace (if I have any) then I press that awesome ignore button then move on to bigger and greater...mmm...men. Lol. After a few years of thickening the skin sharpening the skills and gathering some amazing experiences and material under my belt... I have been able to teach myself how to simply not give a fu&$. Bad attention is still attention ladies. It still puts your name out there, and yes there are still plenty of men that think for themselves on here. They will gladly see that shit then tell themselves I HAVE TO SEE FOR MYSELF. BAM! business all because of that cockblocking troll. Lmao 😂

But yes, just wanted to say for the record, I owe my lovely trade and hobby to this wonderful lady, and I am not shocked at the very least to see her still reeling in the success and fun of it all!

She IS very beautiful, NOPE, wouldn’t say it if it wasn’t true... I don’t care that much about anyone to lie for them, and YUP I HAVE SEEN EVERY INCH OF HER BODY. she has plenty of professionally taken nude shots of us together. The only reason why they are NOT UP HERE is because I don’t give her permission. Not because she is hiding anything. But she does have my permission to show some gents that have already been screened these shots via email only. No problem w that. Hahah. I digress... if anyone actually takes this asshat’s word for it ... whatever he might be saying and doesn’t take the chance to meet her... then MY GOD you are missing out.

We had plenty of double fun... cmon guys, you honestly think I would be down to do a collaborative date w an ugly lady?? Nuh uh. No freakin way.


And Latina milf like I said, I would love to let your baby girl know all about what you did for me and help w how I stayed right here and only moved to the very top.

So allow me to finish off by saying THANK YOU MOMMA for the gift of fucking making dreams come true and being very good at it. Most importantly, THANK YOU for teaching me how to do this safely and accurately, while being able to allow myself such fascinating times and meeting such extraordinary gents without ever being hurt, misled, robbed, abused, or bullied by the bad seeds. In all this time, I can actually say that. And I stand by it.

Quick shameless PLUG; any ladies that are just starting out, learning this special art form, or confused about any of it, LATINA MILF is your go to lady that can definitely help point you in the right direction to some serious pleasure and success!!

Ok I’m done. You can breathe out now. 😂😂😂😘😘😘
Who cares if she retires 25 more times? I mean, what does that have to do w getting your rocks off?? Lmao.

When has the word retire actually mean it’s very definition from real world in this one? I’d say about 7 times out of ten .... what do we always say guys... “they’ll be back”. Both genders.

In all honesty, who here actually has a hard time with or gets constipated over a good “I’m back” story??

Just more reading material in between some of the boring posts.