Sharing ROS info with Providers!!

Guys, I'm just curious about benefits of doing this?

Are you trying to "help her out"?

Are you trying to get cheaper sessions? Is it $.10 off per session, or an extra 15 minutes of time?

Do you do this so the "loose cannons" go off?

I'm curious?

No reason to put anything in "Private" either, since they will be shown that too!!
KaylaRyder's Avatar
I'm not sure who you are talking about but I personally have never received ros info from any gentleman here.. and in actuality it's easier for us lady's to make our own account then to have to go though a guy and end up "owing" him bc he did us a favor.. I'm not saying that I have or any other ladies here have a second account im just giving my perspective on the topic..
I appreciate your timely response to this.
Your honest response....well you know!
I'll have to ask Paulie about recipes for enjoying points.
The only RoS I've ever showed a provider was my own, because she wanted to read the review I wrote and I obliged the request (as she was hesitant to be reviewed on here to begin with). Other than that, I can't see in what world it would benefit you to go about blabbing another guy's review to the provider... Then again if anyone's doing 50% off for loud mouths lol
bigdickdaddydom's Avatar
It happened to me in erie. I blocked her when she sent crazy texts. I was honest.
Guest072118's Avatar
Many guys show a lady what they wrote, has nothing to do with Eccie so to speak its common courtesy to show what was written... it is about her posted on a public website, yes?

Only other ROS info Ive received is a 'danger warning' as the guy sounds abusive or like that Tay crap and the issue she had, that guy was self destructive and in my area... someone I dont need to see. I was banned for 90 days for that! LOL

Some guys just give a crap and warn a lady. No discount, nada, call it a pay it forward.

Outside their own review or a warning I dont know why... cant fault a guy for showing the lady what you posted or warning of a dangerous guy. Just like you have the alert section to warn other fellas of dangerous/crap gals...

I could give a crap about ROS for anything else outside a warning/mine.
Tiger's Avatar
  • Tiger
  • 12-03-2016, 03:39 PM
#20 - The men and women of our board each have their respective private areas in which secure content is posted and a greater freedom of expression allowed. Each member is responsible for keeping the information in any of the private secure areas (Men's Lounge, Provider Powder Room, The Rest of the Story, posts which have been tagged as private) 100% restricted to the members who are intended to have access to that material. Revealing ANY content which was posted in one of the men's or women's private sections of the board will result in penalty, up to and including loss of your access to these areas. Full cooperation may result in a less severe penalty, and each violation will be handled on a case-by-case basis. Repeated infractions will impact the severity of punishment.

After it has been posted, the information is not supposed to be shared.

If, for example, I wanted a lady I've seen to know what I wrote in the ROS - I would have to share it with her in an email before I posted the review here or be subjected to penalty.
One of the reasons I haven't reviewed many on this site.... when I first joined I used to see some women going off on the people that reviewed them. Or making excuses about it. No matter what you post most will see it by either someone white knighting and showing them or the women having her own regular account and just looking at them herself.
I have no problem with the providers being able to read the ROS as it keeps both parties more honest.

I was more active on another board when I hobbied in NYC more frequently and not only could providers read the reviews, they could comment as well. You can learn a lot based on how a provider responds to a negative review. To me, this board is truly the most bizarrely run of any escort review site I have ever been on.

The main purpose of a review is:
1) is she legit (accurate description/pic) or LE/junkie
2) services provided and cost
3) attitude
4) everything else is jack off material for the lurkers and wannabe hobbiests.
I'm not sure who you are talking about but I personally have never received ros info from any gentleman here.. and in actuality it's easier for us lady's to make our own account then to have to go though a guy and end up "owing" him bc he did us a favor.. I'm not saying that I have or any other ladies here have a second account im just giving my perspective on the topic.. Originally Posted by KaylaRyder
If I've said it once.... I've said it a million times...
Hobby Shandle and mandle
Hobby Shandle and mandle
Hobby Shandle and mandle
Hobby Shandle and mandle

I appreciate your timely response to this.
Your honest response....well you know!
I'll have to ask Paulie about recipes for enjoying points. Originally Posted by Notuagain
Depends on who gives ya the points... GP's were always sour, so they needed a dollop of Pistol Pete's cotton candy points... Fuckin Pistolero... I wish he dropped in here every once in a while!!
More recipes are available in Chapter 71:

Interestingly, there is another site in Upset where the girls are allowed (gasp) access to read the reviews of themselves and other providers. And... double gasp... the girls are allowed to post in those reviews as well!!! fuckin shocking... not sure how something radical like THAT is going to work out... whew...
KaylaRyder's Avatar
That other site seems to be working out great!! : )
It seems more and more lately here that one must tread lightly for fear of being pointed/banned by mods who wanna flex their muscles bc their but hurt for one reason or another!! I think it's great that other sites allow a provider to read the review, it's only fair and it does help to keep everyone more honest with what is written when both parties have access to it..
(I hope I don't get pointed for that now) lol

Edit/add- Also I'm thinking the rules here should be clearer and the point/punishment system should be more uniform, it's bs that the number of points can be given at whim based on how well u get along with a mod!!
(I hope I don't get pointed for that now) lol Originally Posted by KaylaRyder
I wouldn't point you... but I might spanck you... and you don't even have to do anything wrong....
jokacz's Avatar
Ya know, if we put a wig on Paulie or OSD they would fit right in with the whales on this board. We could get them verified with a showcase and the whole nine yards. Then we could all read the powder room, not that we can't already.
KaylaRyder's Avatar
I wouldn't point you... but I might spanck you... and you don't even have to do anything wrong.... Originally Posted by Paulwantsya
Mmmmm..... sounds hot!!! I have been a bad girl lately!!
elghund's Avatar
That other site seems to be working out great!! : ) Originally Posted by KaylaRyder
The "other site" works so well becaus tthe people there want a more friendly and open format, and they are willing to collectively make it work.

They also want what this and other sites can't or won't provide.......

Ya know, if we put a wig on Paulie or OSD ....... Originally Posted by jokacz
Damn,'s gonna take a LONG time to get THAT image out of my mind!


PS...... fuckin Paulie ........ just felt like sayin' that......