Blurry pics should be a thing of the past

chris_n_ms's Avatar
I see some of you are using the same cameras that were used to take pictures of the lockness monster and bigfoot. Whoah are they blurry. Y'all are too pretty to be hiding behind those blurry pics. Even the cheapest cellphone these days takes badass pics. Have a good weekend everybody.
We do it for a reason LOL
JustaGuyinMS's Avatar
And it's a good reason!

Brer Rabbit's Avatar
Blurred face = good
Blurred body = not good
Fake pix = very bad

We guys are sooooo visual, aren't we? Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. My eyes need to behold, lol.
wildcat4fun's Avatar
Hell after a few drinks everything is a blurr.