Close call?

OK, so I agreed to meet a certain provider who advertises here at an hotel for conversation and coffee. Granted, it was late at night, past 1 AM. I try to park only to find out there are 2 people watching me from a vehicle. One person gets out of the vehicle and asks me what I'm doing there. Turns out this guy is wearing a uniform, and if it wasn't pd that security agency sure has some very realistic uniform.
I left without seeing anybody after all. And although the person I was planning to drink coffee with seems to post often, it left me wondering if this was / is a setup or if maybe there were too many coffee drinkers outside that evening and the hotel people thought it was too fishy.

Just saying.
Some hotels have strict visiting hours or policies..did u attempt her after that?
I'm sorry that happened to you. Hopefully, the provider was unaware of what was going on.

Honestly, you should contact her about this because if security or the hotel is that suspicious then she needs to change venues to begin with...Assuming everything is on the up and up.

Also make sure you clear out your are about to get flooded.
Not an Alert. No names, no locations, just a scenario. Moved to COED.
Little Miss Cuntcakes's Avatar
OK, so I agreed to meet a certain provider who advertises here at an hotel for conversation and coffee. Granted, it was late at night, past 1 AM. I try to park only to find out there are 2 people watching me from a vehicle. One person gets out of the vehicle and asks me what I'm doing there. Turns out this guy is wearing a uniform, and if it wasn't pd that security agency sure has some very realistic uniform.
I left without seeing anybody after all. And although the person I was planning to drink coffee with seems to post often, it left me wondering if this was / is a setup or if maybe there were too many coffee drinkers outside that evening and the hotel people thought it was too fishy.

Just saying. Originally Posted by Dave734
Is it the same situation we spoke about last time with that one chick?
Yep, the same.