Good-bye 2009!

I ought not forget the Aughts very soon. The last decade was called The Decade from Hell by Time magazine. I myself had a lot of ups and downs in the past 10 years - more downs than ups. So, I am looking forward to the Teens. But, to say good-bye to 2009; I offer this:
lol that was a funny one.
Happy Diver's Avatar
Hilarious! Here's one for the past 50 years...We didn't start the fire Takes awhile to load.
That was GREAT! Jib Jab used that song for 2007's year in review.
MMD's Avatar
  • MMD
  • 01-06-2010, 12:48 PM
Kevin Pollak (@kevinpollak) tweeted this on New Years Eve and I busted a gut because it so applied to my 2009 (and this thread):

Hey, 2009, kiss my ass, seriously, and don't let the door hit you in yours. Asshole.