Today a pro-Castro Commie IS, your president


50 Years Ago a pro-Castro Commie Murdered Our President. Today a pro-Castro Commie IS, your president.
Racial unrest in Ferguson and New York a Communist Revolution

By Judi McLeod December 28, 2014 | Comments| Print friendly |

The last words of Eric Garner: “I can’t breathe” were taken directly from his lips, plagiarized and put into use by the Revolutionary Communist Party USA.

The overnight outbreak of violence in Ferguson and New York, including looting and burning in Ferguson, is not a spontaneous grassroots community response to the Grand Jury decisions not to indict Michael Brown and Eric Garner. It is being fully scripted and orchestrated by the Revolutionary Communist Party USA as a beefed-up “orientation for making revolution in the imperialist countries such as the U.S.”

It was not the mainstream media who tore the mask off the Communist Party USA intentions for open revolution on the streets of America, but blogger Andrew Benjamin:

“If you were watching the news broadcasts about the protests in New York City, you undoubtedly saw many people carrying signs reflecting their beliefs. But wait. The people holding those signs don’t look even barely capable of having printed the signs themselves, so you might wonder who the sponsor of the rally could be. Who furnished the signs?

“Well, on the bottom of the signs is the name of the sponsor: “So, if you’re at all curious, just click right here on and see who provided those spiffy signs those idiots are holding up. It’ll only take a second.”

Benjamin has proven something no one else has to date: protesters in Ferguson and New York are not grassroots orientated but agitated and aggravated into action by—the US home-grown communists.
That makes Al Sharpton the Commie’s loudest and biggest useful idiot in America.

Sharpton and activists out on the streets in Ferguson, New York and elsewhere are goose-stepping to the playbook of radical Bob Avakian, Chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party USA, not marching for justice for Brown and Garner.

Read for yourself on how Avakian “has developed a theoretical framework for the new stage of communist revolutions, a new synthesis. This new synthesis is not a pasting-together of the “best of the previous experience” and the criticisms of these experiences. Rather, as Communism: The Beginning of a New Stage, A Manifesto from the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA, puts it, the new synthesis “builds on all that has gone before, theoretically and practically, drawing the positive and negative lessons from this, and raising this to a new, higher level of synthesis.”

“In terms of philosophy and method, the new synthesis establishes communism even more fully and firmly on a scientific foundation. It deepens understanding of the material basis for internationalism and why, in an ultimate and overall sense, the world arena is most decisive, even in terms of revolution in a particular country. On the character of the dictatorship of the proletariat, Avakian has brought forward a model of socialism as a vibrant and dynamic society – characterized by great ferment, dissent, experimentation, and initiative – that is also a revolutionary transition to communism. “The new synthesis also comprehends a breakthrough in the strategic approach to revolution in today’s world, in particular an orientation for making revolution in the imperialist countries such as the U.S.”

History proves that in times of upheaval, Communism always moves in to fill the vacuum. The Communists moved in on Hungary in 1949, they rolled their tanks into Czechoslovakia in 1968, invaded Afghanistan in 1979, moved in on the Ukraine in 2014, and now look to balkanizing America.

Communists prey on the young and the poor to fill their ranks with ‘useful idiots’; feed the resentment of malcontents with propaganda and lies that send them raging out to the streets, to loot and set small business and private property ablaze.

Protesters no longer know or even care about what is true when even their pastors are out on the streets where signs stamped hoisted.

Their role model stars of the sports world wear ‘I Can’t Breathe’ T-shirts in televised games; their pastors condone violence by their presence at protests.

“Several Chicago churches led protests after their Sunday services following the recent controversial grand jury decisions in New York and Ferguson. (NBC Chicago, Dec. 7, 2014)

“Fr. Pfleger of St. Sabina Church said about 100 churches across the city planned to participate in the protests throughout the day.

“The young people have raised the consciousness and put a focus on the problems of America,” Pfleger said.

“Around 11 a.m., Pfleger and more than 100 members of his congregation assembled outside of St. Sabina and blocked traffic in both directions for about 30 minutes in an attempt to spread the message that the justice system in the U.S. is flawed.”

This is how a pastor described 19-year-old Joshua Williams of St. Louis, one of the most frequently quoted and photographed Ferguson protesters who was charged Saturday with setting fire to a Berkeley convenience store last week:

“Josh is one of the young activists, and all of us have taken close to him. We got to know his heart, and he got to know ours,” said Bishop Derrick Robinson, of Kingdom Destiny Fellowship International. “He’s a great kid, an educated kid, a child who knows what he wants and is very active in the community.” (St. Louis Post Dispatch, Dec. 28, 2014)

Williams, who “advocates peace”, confessed to setting fires at the store in a videotaped interview, according to court documents.

“Police say Williams used lighter fluid to set fires inside and outside the QuikTrip early Wednesday. He was charged with arson in the first degree, a felony. He is also charged with felony burglary and misdemeanor stealing for allegedly taking a lighter, gum and money from the store.”

On Dec. 20, the sanctioned protests led to the “execution-style” deaths of NYPD officers Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu, shot point blank by cop hater Ismaaiyl Brinsley as they sat in their parked patrol car on a Brooklyn Street.

Protesters are being aided and abetted not just by pastors and sports figures but by politicians, who continue to fan the flames of racial discord even as it puts the lives of police officers at risk.

Meanwhile, blogger Benjamin hit the nail on the head when he posted these words on 50 Years Ago a pro-Castro Commie Murdered Our President.

Today a pro-Castro Commie IS, your president.”
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  • WTF
  • 12-31-2014, 08:53 AM
Today a pro-Castro Commie IS, your president.” Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
That Commie bastard has the rich getting richer. You do not even understand how nonsensical you cut and paste sounds when confronted with reality...

Stock Market Hits New Record Highs on Christmas Eve

Posted By: John BurkePosted date: December 24, 2014In: Executive Suite: John Nyaradi, Investment Articles, MW2, U.S. Markets DeskNo Comments
During Wednesday’s abbreviated Christmas Eve session, the stock market hit new record highs, as initial unemployment claims declined.

Wednesday’s Christmas Eve stock market trading session ended at 1:00 EST. Both the Dow and the S&P 500 hit new record highs after the Department of Labor reported that initial unemployment claims declined by 9,000 to 280,000 during the week ending on December 20. The four-week moving average of new jobless claims dropped from 298,750 to 290,250.
The Dow Jones Industrial Average (NYSEARCAIA) picked up 6 points on Wednesday, to a new, record-high close at 18,030.21, for a 0.03 percent advance. The Dow also reached a new, record intraday high of 18,086.24. The S&P 500 (NYSEARCA:SPY) 500 dipped 0.01 percent to close at 2,081, after hitting a new, record intraday high of 2,087.56.
Today a pro-Castro Commie IS, your president.”
Didn't you previously say he was a Muslim President?

I suppose it depends upon which way the wind blows!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Canada Free Press and SLOBBRIN!

The shortest distance between fact and feces!

You forgot Muslim Kenyan.

That Commie bastard has the rich getting richer. You do not even understand how nonsensical you cut and paste sounds when confronted with reality...

Stock Market Hits New Record Highs on Christmas Eve

Posted By: John BurkePosted date: December 24, 2014In: Executive Suite: John Nyaradi, Investment Articles, MW2, U.S. Markets DeskNo Comments
During Wednesday’s abbreviated Christmas Eve session, the stock market hit new record highs, as initial unemployment claims declined.

Wednesday’s Christmas Eve stock market trading session ended at 1:00 EST. Both the Dow and the S&P 500 hit new record highs after the Department of Labor reported that initial unemployment claims declined by 9,000 to 280,000 during the week ending on December 20. The four-week moving average of new jobless claims dropped from 298,750 to 290,250.
The Dow Jones Industrial Average (NYSEARCAIA) picked up 6 points on Wednesday, to a new, record-high close at 18,030.21, for a 0.03 percent advance. The Dow also reached a new, record intraday high of 18,086.24. The S&P 500 (NYSEARCA:SPY) 500 dipped 0.01 percent to close at 2,081, after hitting a new, record intraday high of 2,087.56. Originally Posted by WTF

Useful idiot
Term invented in Soviet Russia to describe people who blindly supported the likes of Lenin and Stalin while they committed atrocity after atrocity.

Today, it refers to brainwashed liberals and leftists the world over (usually college students that aren't necessarily idiots, but just misinformed, naive, and ignorant of facts due to being indoctrinated with liberal/socialist propaganda through their public education) who believe that George W. Bush has committed more crimes against humanity than leftist darlings like Saddam Hussain, Yasser Arafat, and Osama Bin Laden, and still defend Communism, the cause of over 100 million deaths to this day.

See also, idiotarian
Hundreds of useful idiots gathered at their college campus to burn American flags, pass out Communist pamphlets that apologize for Stalin and Mao, and to pledge support to their hero, Saddam Hussain.

Useful idiots need to be shown the facts, mainly that the United States and Israel are the greatest defenders of freedom and justice in the world. Until then, rational people can have fun laughing at their ignorance.
Yee Haw... I got a whole herd of em!
Yee Haw... I got a whole herd of em! Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Yep, facts be damned!

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Yeah, SLOBBRIN, but you neither believe nor understand the relationship between what you post and how you defend it.

More laughable is your inability to recognize the flow of any conversation in which you engage.

If it's an act, then you sure picked the wrong character. But I suspect it's not an act. you are as ignorant and stupid as your posts indicate.

But by all means, keep blasting them Ozombies! You're living proof that shit floats.
Yep, facts be damned!

Idiot! Originally Posted by bigtex


A contraction of the phrase "monkey see, monkey do."

A muckadoo is often known by other names such as a liberal, a leftist, or a @#$% idiot. It is a creature that uses odd and illogical behaviors and speech patterns that it copied (sometimes with small variances) from another creature - usually another muckadoo.

They are located throughout the fifty states, though are rarer in some areas while extremely common in others. They tend to infest college campuses and often can be found online at such sites as Democratic Underground and commenting at Daily Kos.

Q. Can muckadoos be dangerous?

A. Easily startled, a muckadoo is rarely of any danger. Because of the shrill sounds they make and their pungent odors, they are classified simply as a nuisance.

Q. These muckadoos are all saying the same things. Are they really different muckadoos, or one posting under multiple names?

A. They are different muckadoos. What you have encountered is the mimicking behavior essential to a muckadoo. When a muckadoo sees something another muckadoo does or says, that appears "clever" or entertaining to the muckadoo, it will repeat said behavior now thinking itself to be "clever" (though the repeated behavior often has no real meaning when analyzed). This mimicry of muckadoos makes it hard to distinguish them from each other, but being so involved with muckadoos as to need to be able to tell them apart is discouraged.

Q. I see a large gathering of muckadoos yelling and waving signs. What is this?

A. Sometimes an alpha muckadoo will organize other muckadoos into a pack that meets at a specific place. Then when this pack of muckadoos encounters certain stimuli (usually T.V. cameras), they will begin to make noise and display their colorful signs. This phenomenon is called a "protest."

Q. What are they protesting?

A. Nothing. The name "protest" is a bit misleading as these muckadoo gatherings have nothing to do with protesting anything specific. Apparently, muckadoos gain great pleasure from making noise and waving signs, especially if given attention.

Q. I noticed the muckadoo has a strong, foul smell. Is this usual?

A. Yes. It's their main natural defense. If it becomes too much of a problem, try spraying the muckadoo with a hose.

Q. I sprayed the muckadoo with a hose, and he called me a "fascist." What does that mean?

A. Like many of the muckadoos utterances, it was something that once had a meaning, but such meaning is now lost. "Fascist" is simply a meaningless epithet used by a muckadoo to show displeasure with a person.

Q. Should we ever be concerned with the actions of muckadoos?

A. Though shrill and often seen on T.V., they are considered revolting by most Americans and have little effect on the country at large. Instead, they are a constant but harmless nuisance. To keep them from bothering your household, simply put out an American flag. Its bright colors tend to scare away muckadoos (though don't question their patriotism).
The medical profession refers to IIFFYIdiot's condition as a Multiple Personality Disorder.

I am inclined to disagree with the diagnosis. I believe he is just another Idiot!
Why is there a comma in the title of this thread, hillbilly?
Why is there a comma in the title of this thread, hillbilly? Originally Posted by ExNYer

Because I copied it from the last sentence of the article, NyRINOer...
Yssup Rider's Avatar
it made sense to you?

How might you have corrected the erroneous writing, SLOBBRIN?

first step might have been to read the freaking story.
It will take more than a executive order by a naive and rather foolish President to make Tiger Fidel change his stripes, or Leopard Raul to change his spots.
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Or poopshorts JackIdiot change his Depends.