Ten Huge Issues Being Ignored in the Presidential Campaign

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Well, the headline says ten, but the article only discusses eight. But they are interesting. Give it a quick read, and post what you think.

Guest123018-4's Avatar
I scanned it.
Not really hot topics.
No glitz or glamour.

The absolute worst thing that Reagan did was appoint a drug czar and start the war on drugs.
This one thing has resulted in almost as much infringement on the individual rights and freedoms of the people as the war on terror. Not only in the amount of incarceration of people but in being able to invade your financial privacy. STOP THE WAR. This has cost the people billions and billions of dollars and created more organized crime than prohibition. Probably more deadly than prohibition ever was. The problem is that too many people make too much money from the war, on both sides. The victims are the taxpayers and they have been duped into believing it is a good thing.

Over fishing is an issue because the National fisheries is controlled by the commercial fishermn virtually killing recreational fishing for many types of fish like snapper.

Once again, these are not hot button items and not nearly as "serious" as the made up war on women.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
The absolute worst thing that Reagan did was appoint a drug czar and start the war on drugs. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Reagan didn't start the war on drugs, Nixon did that. Reagan just ramped it up.
Do the idiot politicians realize that removing supply from the market only drives the prices up, hence giving the drug lords more incentive to keep moving drugs and to become more ruthless? That's what happens when you have lawyers running the show. Common sense is lacking.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Regardless of who started it, and you can go back to the begining of the times when it was made a political issue rather than a social isse to find the roots of the propagana that created the most unwinable war ever.
Clamping down on one just led to the rise of the use of another and crack became the scourge of the youth. Cause and effect is often not studied or is forgotten.
Nuke the crackheads!!!