How about a page for reviews of cruel CLIENTS and an ROS ???

Infoshare is a good theory but there are too many edits... things we can't say.... info we are not allowed to share... etc. Safety is essential... but frankly... the infoshare room is overly patrolled and heavily censored.

I have decided that an off site page is going to grace the internet very soon... tentatively titled "Dirty Secrets." It will not be restricted nor censored nor POLITE. We as providers are picked apart.... talked about negatively and subjected to ridicule... such bs.

My apologies to the hobby members who are NOT assholes who hide behind an electronic device tapping out passive aggressive or downright mean and hateful commentary. Most of you have been super awesome. I know I'm not perfect in any way... myy flaws overwhelm me sometimes... but... flaws are in everyone. If you're looking for perfection you should start in your own reflection.
Still Looking's Avatar
Good luck with your new project! Let me know if there is a feature on me!
AngeLisa's Avatar
That will defeat the puprose no??
Make a yahoo group and say whatever the hell you want !

Truthfully the whole point of a review is to critique you as a provider . While I agree it's in poor taste to be cruel doing so . But that's the profession you are in , and you probably shouldn't read them if your skin isn't thick enough to handle it .

Also maybe ProviderBuzz would be better if info share edits you.
Precious_b's Avatar
I got to hear first hand recently how a *client* can treat a Provider.

Do what you have to do.
AngeLisa's Avatar
I just use my twitter.... No names just venting
I really don't understand where you are coming from. The locker room is the same way. It is censored and it is policed. I have not seen your name come up in a negative light or anyone else's really. If it does, that person usually gets smaked down quickly by us or the mods. Childish capricious behavior is not really tolerated.

I know this, because I've been awarded warnings when my foot makes its way to my mouth, and my stuff has also been edited.

So... I hope that this helps you realize that you are not being singled out. We all get infractions once in a while.

Is there a particular incident that you are describing?
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 01-25-2013, 08:38 PM
There are certain things that are just not allowed here no matter the forum. That is what is policed in the private forums. You can look through the Forum Guidelines and such things are clearly explained. Those guidelines come straight from the owners of this site and the Staff members here are obligated to enforce them.

As to starting your own uncensored place on the Internet, you are free to do what you wish. You idea is not a unique one. Others have already done what you are proposing.

Unfortunately there will always be those here who lack maturity and respect. We try as hard as we can to minimize their effectiveness here but it is not easy.

One thing that should be a requirement for being here is a thick skin.
CharlieKelly's Avatar
It's a free country, all I can say is: if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.
I prefer the quote: " don't go around fire unless you wish to be burned.

I am more than thick skinned enough to handle critique that is factually based. I am also unafraid of a NO on a review or of some lackluster backlash from the regulars whom inhabit this little hideaway . My problem with the review in question is that it was pleasant on the surface but full of mean commentary that was not explained in the proper light. I have seen girls react to reviews in posts so I am acting on assumption that I may do so as well. So this is my ONE POST telling my version of the most horrific sesh I have yet to encounter...

For anyone who now has me depicted as a bubba toothed dick biting amatuer with no lube... lol... here are the actual facts behind my last review and the conditions which caused a less than stellar afternoon appointment. Let me first say I am not a doctor nor am I clairvoyant... if there are issues with the plumbing they should be communicated rater than tap danced around out of pride and inability to talk about it. If I don't know in advance how can I gake steps to ensure I am fully prepared?

I saw this client less than a week after I moved. I did realize at about 115 mins before the session time I was down to only one cover. I texted him and told him about the situation and requested he stop and pick up a couple if he would require more. AT THAT POINT HE SHOULD HAVE DISCLOSED his. Intentions of a non fs session. Instead of honesty or any communication he agreed and showd up with a large box of condoms... which I thanked him for several times and attempted to pay for. Hew said he wanted to be remembered as a nice guy... I see now it was really more of a stunt to add color to the review he wrote...something to discuss that didn't center around the TRUE issue of the day.... his impotence. I don't mind having to work.... nor do I fault a man of his age and obeseity for being unable to perform... what makes me really mad is that he had so many opportunities to be open with me about certain things so I could be more prepared. Instead.... he shows up with a box of covers he didn't plan on even using... yet didn't think to ensure there would be lube available for use with his undisclosed performance issues.

It became apparrent there were some technical difficulties with his pipes he proceeded to give me what was probably the worst daty I have ever endured. I wanted him away from that. As soon as I felt stubble mashing into my tender areas and admit I had to bust out the fake moaning so he wouldn't know how I really felt about his godawful oral skills. After I deduced he was not getting hard doing that either... I decided I would make him feel like a stu_d by having a big ol " 0 " I guess my acting skills aren't ALL bad... and thank the good shepard... I got his face away from my tender stinging kitty. We then tried sombbbj with me laying down and him standing over me. Because he was flacid... his thrusting was uncontrollable and I had nothing to hold on to while he banged away at my face... so if teeth becamean issue... he could have said something rather than continue beating my face with the sleepy member that was waking up somewhere over the rainbow... there was also some rather uncomfortable role play that frankly grossed me out but I played it up since finally a lil bit of hardness was peeking out. He was frustrated and demanded some lubee so I explained I would need to look a few places for it. He said NO. I said I have olive oil.... he said no. I was so beyond ready for him to leave but I allowed him an extra 15 mins or so to try and make some magic happen with his junk. Nope. Finally.... as I allowed him to watch me pee... he started to get hard. I almost kept going just to try and give him the release he needed... but I wisely decided I was already overtime with him and frankly I was pissed about his reluctance to communicate his needs to me so I could have made sure there was lube for him to use.... instead of a big box of covers we didn't need.

I would NEVER disclose this kind of detail about a client but frankly... this guy needs to learn that communication is KEY... rather than hiding important details behind a box of condoms. The session went awry because of his reluctance to discuss his OWN issues with his OWN equipment.

That is the last time I will stand uup and defend myself about a review. Nor will I respond to certain comments above... its hot. I'm in the kitchen. I guess ill get used to the heat. Lol. Mokoa... close this thread now please. I have stated my case... I have nothing left to say here.
Chuck12's Avatar
I read the review, he seemed to point out that the issues were due to him and basically said it was not your fault. Perhaps whoever passed on the private information added a bit of his own detail to make himself look more like the white knight he was trying to be. I honestly do not see the negativity you saw or were told was in the review you mention. The guy made sure to mention it was his issue.
Chuck12's Avatar
My problem with the review in question is that it was pleasant on the surface but full of mean commentary that was not explained in the proper light. Originally Posted by Ginger Lovelace
Although after looking at your post again this seems to indicate you read it, which providers are not supposed to be able to do, but everyone knows one way or another providers get access to the ROS or men's lounge.
The review was a good review: well writen, conveyed a detail sense of how the session went AND was a complement to the provider. If THAT review offended the provider, then she needs to move on. I don't think she read it Chuck or if she did, it must have been her first and she is overreacting to the candidness, as I didn't see any negativity.
Mossman's Avatar
We must have read different reviews. I missed the mean and hateful part. If somebody told you this, he misled you. I can't believe anything in the review would offend you. You're too cool for that. He admits his "faults", being old, fat and in need of the blue pill. Unfortunately, age and health issues visit us all sooner or later and most men don't like to talk about erection issues. Just as I'm sure there are issues the ladies prefer not to discuss. Rest assured the review was positive. Be cool and don't sweat the small stuff. Party on!
Klittylicker's Avatar
If all bubba toothed are curvy and smooth lookin as you.... where do I sign up ... lols : )