The best athletic event NOT found at the Olympics

In honor of the Olympics kicking off today, I would like to take this opportunity to renew my campaign to have Pole Dancing declared an Olympic event. I mean, those rhythmic gymnasts are great, but pfft, can they do what they do while holding themselves 15 feet in the air?? AND in stilettos??? I think not!

Some examples of truly Olympic worthy performances: (and drool worthy too)

If ballroom dancing can be an Olympic event, these truly stunning athletes should be there too! Who's with me? Charlie Sheen is right about this at least.
I prefer to create my own. Like the sit-and-spin pole dance or tongue-lashing at 15 paces.
If you can give me a tongue lashing from 15 paces, I'll marry you!!! Or at least, marry your tongue
Zurb's Avatar
  • Zurb
  • 07-27-2012, 09:00 PM
Nice indeed!
ss4699's Avatar
So when do I get the invite for doggie SOF? Rowing would be good! STROKE, STROKE as the cockswain calls it out or is that Coxswain! THose English folk always misspell stuff.

This one is not in there either!
love2fishfork's Avatar
Anything with you is an Olympic event worthy of a gold medal!