WMD's Fuck-up.

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-23-2012, 07:43 AM
Which Department head rolled over that fuck up? I mean innocent people were killed, who was to blame? Now before somebody chimes in with "That is not why we went to war...'' Anybody with half a brain knows the President would never have gotten approval without that lie. I am not saying Bush knew he was telling a lie...I am saying that it was a lie. Nobody was held responsible and certainly none of you were screaming for somebody to be held responsible.

Were you righties as concerned for our dead soldiers and innocent folks in Iraq killed over this lie?

That said I would like to get to the bottom of F&F and see some responsibility attached. That is why I think Obama is making a political mistake as of now...unless this is like the Birth Certificate and he is just playing more birthers for fools.

But come on my fellow righties...what is with all this fake outrage?

Oh wait, wrong room. I thought the title was WTF's a FP and I wanted to pile on
I have a suspicion that the WMD's were in Iraq, and were hustled accross the border into Syria. I also suspect that the Russians played a big roll in all of this.

Just speculation.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
An American died and WTF thinks its a joke???

Getting into the way back machine we see that Bush didn't lie, the intelligence people didn't lie (nor did every intelligence agency on the planet), but mistakes were made (maybe). You want to forget that some very senior Iraqi officers said that they shipped out their WMDs to Syria. Maybe that is why some presidents are reluctant to get involved and would like Assad to stay in power safeguarding the nonexistent WMDs. If the word got out that the WMDs actually existed then the democrats would look so foolish for 10 years of "lying" about them.
BigLouie's Avatar
Getting into the way back machine we see that Bush didn't lie, the intelligence people didn't lie (nor did every intelligence agency on the planet), but mistakes were made (maybe). . Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Yes Bush lied and he knew it was all a lie. When the husband of a CIA agent uncovered the truth Bush and Chaney exposed the agent and did a great deal of damage of agents we had in the field and with contacts of other countries we were working with. Go ask the CIA how they liked that little stunt.

There is no maybe about it.
[QUOTE=JD Barleycorn;2836163]An American died and WTF thinks its a joke???

Getting into the way back machine we see that Bush didn't lie, the intelligence people didn't lie (nor did every intelligence agency on the planet), but mistakes were made (maybe). You want to forget that some very senior Iraqi officers said that they shipped out their WMDs to Syria. Maybe that is why some presidents are reluctant to get involved and would like Assad to stay in power safeguarding the nonexistent WMDs. If the word got out that the WMDs actually existed then the democrats would look so foolish for 10 years of "lying" about them.[/QUOT

Karl Rove said in his book that it was his opinion if GWB had known the truth about the WMDS he would have not invaded Iraq.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
To answer Ekim; knowing that Saddam was lying maybe would have stopped the war but Saddam was already in noncompliance. Bush asked for the authority to take any and all action which was approved by the Congress. Once again, no one credible has shown any proof that Bush lied or the intelligence agencies lied. Surprising as hell, they got snookered. Still we can go back to where did the weapons go? The smart money says Syria and that may be the reason the White House and democratic party (Hillary) want to keep Assad in power if he can do it himself. So we will not help him, nor do we seem to want to oppose hiim.

Give it up hedge hog, Plame was not covert and her husband lied to Bush about the yellowcake in Niger. We covered this all last week. Weren't you paying attention? It would keep you from embarassing yourself if you kept up.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-23-2012, 12:12 PM
An American died and WTF thinks its a joke???

Getting into the way back machine we see that Bush didn't lie, the intelligence people didn't lie (nor did every intelligence agency on the planet), but mistakes were made (maybe). You want to forget that some very senior Iraqi officers said that they shipped out their WMDs to Syria. Maybe that is why some presidents are reluctant to get involved and would like Assad to stay in power safeguarding the nonexistent WMDs. If the word got out that the WMDs actually existed then the democrats would look so foolish for 10 years of "lying" about them. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
no I am joking about the fake outrage. The rest of what you wrote is just tea nut conspiracy caca.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-23-2012, 12:17 PM
I have a suspicion that the WMD's were in Iraq, and were hustled accross the border into Syria. I also suspect that the Russians played a big roll in all of this.

Just speculation. Originally Posted by Jackie S
wtf? Why have wmd's if you are not going to use them when invaded by a foreign power! You listen to JD and you will wind up in the nut house. Even Bush has admitted there were none.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Yes Bush lied and he knew it was all a lie. When the husband of a CIA agent uncovered the truth Bush and Chaney exposed the agent and did a great deal of damage of agents we had in the field and with contacts of other countries we were working with. Go ask the CIA how they liked that little stunt.

There is no maybe about it. Originally Posted by BigLouie
Either you are willfully lying, or you are completely ignorant of the truth. Plame outed herself on the DC party scene over cocktails. Her husband's claims have since been found to be false, and Hussein had everybody and everything he needed to reconstitute his WMD program.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 06-23-2012, 12:28 PM
wtf? Why have wmd's if you are not going to use them when invaded by a foreign power! You listen to JD and you will wind up in the nut house. Originally Posted by WTF
No kiddin'. Seems Saddam Hussein was more concerned with George Bush getting egg on his face than he was in saving his own hide.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Which Department head rolled over that fuck up? I mean innocent people were killed, who was to blame? Now before somebody chimes in with "That is not why we went to war...'' Anybody with half a brain knows the President would never have gotten approval without that lie. I am not saying Bush knew he was telling a lie...I am saying that it was a lie. Nobody was held responsible and certainly none of you were screaming for somebody to be held responsible.

Were you righties as concerned for our dead soldiers and innocent folks in Iraq killed over this lie?

That said I would like to get to the bottom of F&F and see some responsibility attached. That is why I think Obama is making a political mistake as of now...unless this is like the Birth Certificate and he is just playing more birthers for fools.

But come on my fellow righties...what is with all this fake outrage?

Originally Posted by WTF
First, it's not fake outrage. Many in America want to know if "Fast and Furious" was a bone headed fuck-up or if it was initiated for some ulterior reason. At present, that question remains unanswered. However, Holder committed perjury when he denied previous knowledge of "Fast and Furious" -- that is a crime. And now Odumbo has invoked Executive Privilege over documents purportedly not eligible for such protection; hence, giving rise to the question, "What did Odumbo know and when did he know it?"

BTW, check the 2008 election returns: dozens of Republican heads "rolled" that night, and Hussein was hanged -- he was the ultimate source of all of the lies about Iraq's possessing WMD.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-23-2012, 01:07 PM
well we sure cant ask Cheney can we?

sems like someone bypassed Congress and the legislative branch with some kind of special pass presidents use and totally protected him form being investigated

gee, imagine that
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
We ought to ask Cheney, and all the rest of them involved in that ridiculous exercise. The war was illegal, stupid, based on lies, and a complete waste of time, resources and lives. They should all be interrogated, from W, Cheney, Rummy on down.

That being said, what happened to the Iraq warmongers bears no relation to what should happen to Obama, Holder and others who dreamed up and poorly executed the outrageously stupid and criminal Fast and Furious plan.

We can't keep condoning lies, criminality and stupidity just because some (or many) former Presidents did similar things. We need to bring the hammer down now on that activity, starting with the most recent abuses, then go back and catch up with the others. That's the only way to prevent future abuses.
[QUOTE=JD Barleycorn;2836599]To answer Ekim; knowing that Saddam was lying maybe would have stopped the war but Saddam was already in noncompliance. Bush asked for the authority to take any and all action which was approved by the Congress. Once again, no one credible has shown any proof that Bush lied or the intelligence agencies lied. Surprising as hell, they got snookered. Still we can go back to where did the weapons go? The smart money says Syria and that may be the reason the White House and democratic party (Hillary) want to keep Assad in power if he can do it himself. So we will not help him, nor do we seem to want to oppose hiim.

Give it up hedge hog, Plame was not covert and her husband lied to Bush about the yellowcake in Niger. We covered this all last week. Weren't you paying attention? It would keep you from embarassing yourself if you kept up.[/QUOTE

don't think he meant Saddam the lies were coming from his Cabinet