What happened to the rising cost of gasoline?

I stopped and filled up with gasoline this morning and paid $3.18 a gallon. Yesterday the same service station was selling for $3.23 a gallon. I could not help but reflect upon the fact that a couple of months ago, the Far Right, Tea-Sipping, Wing-Nuts were complaining every day about the rising cost of gasoline and most were blaming it on Obama. Some even boldly predicted it would be up to $5 a gallon very soon, as if they were hoping that would soon be the case.

I am curious, since Obama was solely responsible (in your eyes) for the rising cost of gasoline a few months ago, are the Wing-Nuts planning to give the Prez a high-five for lowering the costs?

As for me, I am not naive enough to believe that he has much control either way. But you guys love to criticize Obama, thus I decided I would give you an opportunity to give the Prez a job well done for lowering the cost of gasoline!

No thanks are necessary, just a simple job well done to the Prez will suffice!
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Simple....because of the poor economy the demand went down and the supply went up.

So...when the demand goes back up...and the supply is low.... ( i hope dumfuck is listening because it gets kind of complicated here)...the price will go back up.

The more supply..the lower the cost.

Drill baby drill!
TheDaliLama's Avatar
I wonder how much a gallon of gas costs in Saudi?
I wonder how much a gallon of gas costs in Saudi? Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Ask GW, he and Poppy George are good friends with the Saudi's!
joe bloe's Avatar
Simple....because of the poor economy the demand went down and the supply went up.

So...when the demand goes back up...and the supply is low.... ( i hope dumfuck is listening because it gets kind of complicated here)...the price will go back up.

The more supply..the lower the cost.

Drill baby drill! Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
But Obama said increasing the supply of oil has nothing to do with the cost of gas. Besides, according to Obama, all we need to do is tune up our cars and put more air in the tires. All this talk of drilling for more oil is moot. Within two years, we'll all be running our cars on unicorn tears and Pixie dust. We just need to trust Obama; he knows what's best for us.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 06-24-2012, 11:10 AM
Simple....because of the poor economy the demand went down and the supply went up. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
So what you're saying is, high gas prices mean, in reality, a good economy.

Funny, that's not what i was hearing at the time as the reason.
So what you're saying is, high gas prices mean, in reality, a good economy.

Funny, that's not what i was hearing at the time as the reason. Originally Posted by Doove
What do you expect from the Lama? He is incapable of thinking for himself!

He prefers to let Rush and/or Hannity do his thinking for him!
You know gas prices could go down to 2 bucks a gallon, and job unemployment could be as low as a national average of 5% and you will still hear the hard right winger nut jobs claiming the sky is still falling and how this current prez is killing our country.

Let's face it Bigtex and Doove the guys on this board (right wing nuts) and those like them in this country live in an alternate reality.

It almost doesn't seem worth the effort anymore putting out facts because they blatantly discount facts in their face. Again living in some alternate reality or made up fantasy spoon fed to them by the "alarmist" right wing nut case media.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
The price of gasoline is a funny thing that nobody really seems to understand, but when it keeps rising the President invariably gets the blame.

However, when the price of gasoline starts to drop people will usually not give him credit
equal to the previous blame. Or any credit, for that matter.

In Saudi Arabia, the price of gasoline is given in Riyals per liter, but if you do the math, the comes out to about $0.32 per gallon.

In England, the price of petrol (as they like to call it) is calculated in pounds per liter and it works out to about $8.00 per gallon.

It is the same commodity, but there are many variables that figure into the price. Besides regional supply, taxes and transport, oil company greed is a key component that determines the final price, but of course that is kept hidden and never admitted.

The price of gas will always suddenly spike on even a hint of danger to supply lines, but it is always very slow to trickle down again when the danger passes.

Guess who's pocket the excess goes into?

. . . The President of The United States actually has very little control over the price of gasoline, but people being people just like to bitch.

TheDaliLama's Avatar
So what you're saying is, high gas prices mean, in reality, a good economy.
Originally Posted by Doove

No..I'm not saying that at all. I'm saying it's simple supply and demand. The economy whether it is good or bad determines the demand...how the supply matches up to that demand determines the price.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-24-2012, 01:02 PM
what happened to the price of gas?

Obie lowered it all by himself ... he gets full credit

exactly like the morons think he raised it all by himself and gave him full credit .
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Actually, I think FastGoon has it right on this one.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-24-2012, 01:13 PM
Actually, I think FastGoon has it right on this one. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

I think you missed my sarcastic swagger.

BUT .....

remember when I told you the price of gas would drop after Memorial Day, then again in late fall?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Did I disagree? But that would indicate that the President has influence over prices. Which he may, as I think of it. He's an oil company puppet.

That's not exclusive to Obama. Many presidents have been oil company puppets, and if Romney is elected, he will be, too.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-24-2012, 01:41 PM
Did I disagree? But that would indicate that the President has influence over prices. Which he may, as I think of it. He's an oil company puppet.

That's not exclusive to Obama. Many presidents have been oil company puppets, and if Romney is elected, he will be, too. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

yes you did and in a round about way, youre still disagreeing .. presidents cant control the prices of gas, if they could Reagan would have used the magic gas wand