Supreme Court Ruling

Fast Gunn's Avatar
The Supreme Court is scheduled to hand down a ruling on key policies that will help or hurt President Obama very soon now.

I am inclined to believe the court will issue mostly favorable rulings, but one never knows how these judges will rule.

How do you think the Supreme Court will rule?
Where is the "Hand Obama an Ass Kicking" option ?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I have already predicted that Obamacare will go down 6-3. Immigration case will go down 7-2.
  • Laz
  • 06-25-2012, 07:28 AM
Where is the in line with the constitution option. These are not for or against Obama in any sense other than he will probably disagree with them.
joe bloe's Avatar
Where is the in line with the constitution option. These are not for or against Obama in any sense other than he will probably disagree with them. Originally Posted by Laz
If SCOTUS ruled according to the Constitution, most of the federal government would have to be shut down. Obamacare isn't even close to being constitutional, neither is Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, The Department of Educuation, etc.

The commerce clause has been deliberately misinterpeted in order to allow the federal government to grow far beyond it's constitutional limitations. That's largely why America is bankrupt.

If our congressmen and senators would honor by their oaths of office, that require them to abide by the Constitution, we wouldn't have a massive unconstitutional federal government.

The president also takes an oath of office that requires him to abide by the Constitution. That means he can't sign an unconstitional law without violating his oath of office.

The Supreme Court is supposed to serve as a backup, just in case Congress happens to pass an unconstitutional law, and the president signs an unconstitutional law. The Supreme Court is supposed to be the final firewall to protect the Constitution. SCOTUS no longer provides a reliable protection of the Constitution.

The founders apparently believed that American politcians would never become so corrupt that three levels of safegaurds would be insufficient to protect the Constitution. They were wrong.
I have already predicted that Obamacare will go down 6-3. Immigration case will go down 7-2. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

I think the court is as polarized as the rest ,and will vote on party lines.
Well they are making us wait till Thursday.
  • Laz
  • 06-25-2012, 11:34 AM
If SCOTUS ruled according to the Constitution, most of the federal government would have to be shut down. Obamacare isn't even close to being constitutional, neither is Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, The Department of Educuation, etc.

The commerce clause has been deliberately misinterpeted in order to allow the federal government to grow far beyond it's constitutional limitations. That's largely why America is bankrupt.

If our congressmen and senators would honor by their oaths of office, that require them to abide by the Constitution, we wouldn't have a massive unconstitutional federal government.

The president also takes an oath of office that requires him to abide by the Constitution. That means he can't sign an unconstitional law without violating his oath of office.

The Supreme Court is supposed to serve as a backup, just in case Congress happens to pass an unconstitutional law, and the president signs an unconstitutional law. The Supreme Court is supposed to be the final firewall to protect the Constitution. SCOTUS no longer provides a reliable protection of the Constitution.

The founders apparently believed that American politcians would never become so corrupt that three levels of safegaurds would be insufficient to protect the Constitution. They were wrong. Originally Posted by joe bloe
Wish I could argue with you on this.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Nothing to argue with. Joe is absolutely correct.
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 06-25-2012, 11:59 AM
Wish I could argue with you on this. Originally Posted by Laz
Nothing to argue with. Joe is absolutely correct. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
And I'm in agreement with all the above...
Fast Gunn's Avatar
This is a very important decision for the country.

So why is the Supreme Court dithering around so long?

Well, you see, the court was really busy deciding if showing a naked butt on television in 2003 was constitutional before ruling on the Health Care law.

As Bill Mahr commented on his show, this court is obsessing about a 9 year old ass instead of focusing on this important decision.

. . . Are they acting like the Supreme Court of the land or more like Jerry Sandusky?

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Maybe Obamacare required more thought? More deliberation? You can't keep getting your news and opinions from Bill Maher. He's more of an Obamaton than you.
This is a very important decision for the country.

So why is the Supreme Court dithering around so long?

Well, you see, the court was really busy deciding if showing a naked butt on television in 2003 was constitutional before ruling on the Health Care law.

As Bill Mahr commented on his show, this court is obsessing about a 9 year old ass instead of focusing on this important decision.

. . . Are they acting like the Supreme Court of the land or more like Jerry Sandusky?

Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
Fuck you, FAST SANDY.
TexTushHog's Avatar
I have already predicted that Obamacare will go down 6-3. Immigration case will go down 7-2. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
What possible 6th vote do you see in the health care case? (And there are four separate issues in that case, but I presume you're talking about the mandate.). No matter what happens, that part of the opinion will be 5-4. Anti-Injunction Act challenge to ripeness will loose 7-2 or worse. Medicaid as coercive chhallenge will loose 8-1 or 7-2 or worse. Severability is where the real action will be. U think they duck tht issue and send it back to district Court.

BTW, the Court split the baby on the Aruzona immigration case today, but by and large, I thought that the administration did as well as could be hoped. The good guys also won 5-4 on mandatory life sentences for juvis violating the 8th Amendment, another good result, I thought, though technically a defeat for the administration.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Well, TTH, I thought the votes would be Roberts, Scalia, Alito, Thomas, Kennedy and Sotomayor to overturn the mandate, and I think since there is no provision for severance, the whole bill will go down.

But I blew the Immigration decision big time, so I'm not holding out any hope on my Obamacare prediction. The Court is much more statist than I thought. They may very well uphold that monstrosity.

If they uphold Obamacare, I do think that Alito, Scalia and Thomas will dissent. But right now, I'm just going to wait and see. I'm glad I didn't have any money on this.