Health Reform Benefits spelled out..

These are all good things and I am delighted that the SC upheld the Health Care reform bill.

Lets millions of young adults stay on parents insurance until age 26

Ends insurance company power to cap the amount of care a person can receive in their lifetime

Stops insurance companies from canceling coverage when someone gets sick

Lowers the cost of care for those on medicare and helps seniors save money on their medication

Requires Insurance companies to cover preventive services like mammograms free of charge.

Strengthens and protects medicare by increasing penalties for fraud

Stops insurance companies from denying coverage to children with pre-existing conditions

Ends insurance company power to jack up rates without justification

Provides Americans with rebates from insurers who spend too much on CEO bonuses or ads

Gives tax credits to small business owners so they can afford to offer quality health care for employees

Builds and improves hundreds of community health centers

Gives hard-working Americans tax credits so they can afford insurance beginning 2014

Ends discrimination against adults with pre-existing conditions beginning in 2014

Prevents insurance companies from charging women more than men and overcharging those who need care the most beginning 2014

Prevents insurance companies from charging women more than men and overcharging those who need care the most beginning in 2014

Creates state based marketplaces where people can easily compare and shop for insurance beginning in 2014

This article demonstrates that small business sees advantages in health care ruling:

Now the medicaid expansion was a good thing, but with a drawback that it says states can choose to participate in it. For those states who do it will mean that those who are currently on medicare or disability etc, could actually qualify now for medicaid. They adjusted the income to 15,000. whereas before I think it was something like 14000.. or something lower which caused many people on disability and or SS not able to qualify for it because the government benefits they received put them over the income limit to qualify. It was a way for the Obama administration to adjust for the changing times and inflation etc.

There are more doctors who will take medicaid over medicare. Those extra costs that are not covered by medicare can be covered with medicaid.

By the way the CBO says that the health care law will actually save the government money and helping with the rising costs of medical care.
  • Laz
  • 06-28-2012, 06:45 PM
These are all good things and I am delighted that the SC upheld the Health Care reform bill.

Lets millions of young adults stay on parents insurance until age 26 Will increase premiums

Ends insurance company power to cap the amount of care a person can receive in their lifetime Will increase premiums

Stops insurance companies from canceling coverage when someone gets sick A good thing but I suspect this was more of an exception than the rule even before this.

Lowers the cost of care for those on medicare and helps seniors save money on their medication Dream on

Requires Insurance companies to cover preventive services like mammograms free of charge. Pay the insurance premium or pay the doctor. Either way you pay. It is NOT free.

Strengthens and protects medicare by increasing penalties for fraud A good thing but I do not trust the government to do this well

Stops insurance companies from denying coverage to children with pre-existing conditions Premium costs will increase for all.

Ends insurance company power to jack up rates without justification When claims are greater than premiums recieved justification is obvious.

Provides Americans with rebates from insurers who spend too much on CEO bonuses or ads Not the governments business but allowing sales across state lines would have been more effective

Gives tax credits to small business owners so they can afford to offer quality health care for employees They will still have an increased cost of labor which will impact jobs. Additionally tying insurance to your employment is part of the problem. Policies tied to your employer are not portable.

Builds and improves hundreds of community health centers Why is this a federal issue. Local governments should address this need

Gives hard-working Americans tax credits so they can afford insurance beginning 2014 Might help some but will still be unaffordable for a lot of people

Ends discrimination against adults with pre-existing conditions beginning in 2014 Will cause premiums to increase a lot as well as encourage people to wait until they need it to buy.

Prevents insurance companies from charging women more than men and overcharging those who need care the most beginning 2014 Silly argument. Premiums are based on claims rates which is why women usually pay less for auto and life insurance. The true impact of this is negligible other than transferring some of the cost to men

Prevents insurance companies from charging women more than men and overcharging those who need care the most beginning in 2014

Creates state based marketplaces where people can easily compare and shop for insurance beginning in 2014 Does not allow you to purchase policies across state lines which would have been a big advantage

This article demonstrates that small business sees advantages in health care ruling:

Now the medicaid expansion was a good thing, but with a drawback that it says states can choose to participate in it. For those states who do it will mean that those who are currently on medicare or disability etc, could actually qualify now for medicaid. They adjusted the income to 15,000. whereas before I think it was something like 14000.. or something lower which caused many people on disability and or SS not able to qualify for it because the government benefits they received put them over the income limit to qualify. It was a way for the Obama administration to adjust for the changing times and inflation etc.

There are more doctors who will take medicaid over medicare. Those extra costs that are not covered by medicare can be covered with medicaid.

By the way the CBO says that the health care law will actually save the government money and helping with the rising costs of medical care. The CBO has such a great record for making accurate predictions. Garbage in garbage out. Originally Posted by Sexyeccentric1
My comments in red
dupe, if your kids aignt out the house by 18 you failed them and their doomed for life to be slugs and broke

This article demonstrates that small business sees advantages in health care ruling: Originally Posted by Sexyeccentric1
Every young man under 25 needs to click this link. Now not only are you unemployed or underemployed but now you HAVE to purchase health insurance. If you are lucky enough to be employed in that age group, you know that over 7 percent of your paycheck is going to grandma and granddad and you'll NEVER see the benefit of it.

There are more doctors who will take medicaid over medicare. Those extra costs that are not covered by medicare can be covered with medicaid.

By the way the CBO says that the health care law will actually save the government money and helping with the rising costs of medical care. Originally Posted by Sexyeccentric1
Doctors are just going to stop taking medicare and medicaid. The hospitals will be clogged. Seriously go talk to some doctors that are in "private" practice.

I also believe either the current head or former head of the CBO said that they HAD to make that statement given the variables they were directed to work with but that he did not have faith in the veracity of those variables and that in his opinion, the projected cost was much higher.

A question for you SexyE, who's going to pay for these tax credits and what's going to happen when those 25 yo studmuffins don't have a job or can't afford health insurance?
dupe, if your kids aignt out the house by 18 you failed them and their doomed for life to be slugs and broke Originally Posted by JONBALLS
I would definitely say if they aren't out of the house by 26 you have failed them but the unemployment rate for men 18-25 is around 15 percent.

The reality today is some 22 yo guy making $15an hour is doing pretty good. After taxes and a $200 a month insurance premium, there isn't going to be much left after rent.
$15an hour is doing pretty good. After taxes and a $200 a month insurance premium, there isn't going to be much left after rent. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Perhaps someday you will finally grow up to be a fully mature Turdfly (possible but not probable). If so, you might be able to make $16 an hour and have a little more left over after rent! Perhaps you will even be able to afford extra toilet paper!

Next problem!!!!!
Perhaps someday you will finally grow up to be a fully mature Turdfly (possible but not probable). If so, you might be able to make $16 an hour and have a little more left over after rent! Perhaps you will even be able to afford extra toilet paper!

Next problem!!!!! Originally Posted by bigtex
bagsux, pay you 20 to cut my grass...
bagsux, pay you 20 to cut my grass... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Typical Far Right Wing-Nut! Always wanting sumpin fer nuttin!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
He was going to give you $20 BigTurd. I thought that was generous, considered your limited mental ability.
He was going to give you $20 BigTurd. I thought that was generous, considered your limited mental ability. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I heard a few moments ago there was a StupidOldFart wandering around with his finger stuck up his ass. I hired the SOF to cut Iiffy's grass for $5 and I am going to pocket the remaining $15.

Just call me a Liberal-Socialist-Capitalist!
joe bloe's Avatar
Interesting new avatar. It suits you.
Interesting new avatar. It suits you. Originally Posted by joe bloe
Yes it's my ass, and you can kiss it!
cowboy8055's Avatar
Some parts of the bill are ok like capping or cancelling coverage. Other things not so good like covering dependents until age 26. That's excessive. Regardless this is over reach by government. And this business about healthcare being a fundamental right is nonsense. Healthcare is a service, not a right.

The big question is how will this get funded. Where are the tax $ going to come from.

I don't know if our wonderful politicians realize this but the demands on social security, medicare and medicaid are going to start going through the roof. In the next several years the baby boom generation will start retiring. And there's a lot of them. Following the baby boom generation there has been a decline in birthrates. This means more people relying on government services with not so many people paying into those services. Now you add on Obama care to this and the tax burden is insane. I don't care what dems and reps say about cost projections. They are always wrong. The one thing you can count on is that government run healthcare will cost far more than projected. Government programs always do. The next decade should be quite interesting.
cowboy8055's Avatar
Hey sexy, if that's really your ass I'll kiss it any day LOL
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Now that this has been determined to be a tax, it will be funded by new, across the board tax increases.

Also, it seems that the administration has assigned the right to receive taxes to the insurance companies. If you buy insurance, you avoid the tax, so effectively, many will be paying their taxes to the insurance company.

And congress hasn't worried about how to fund a program for over 50 years. We'll print the money we need, or borrow it from China. What could possibly go wrong?